Kristina Gordon, DSW
Assistant Professor of Social Work
BSW Program Director
Office Phone: 951-552-8647
E-mail: kgordon@calbaptist.edu
Office Location: James Building 280
Office Hours: Link for Office Hours: https://calendly.com/kgordon-33/officehours
Degree | Major Emphasis | Institution | Year |
DSW | Doctor of Social Work | California Baptist University | 2022 |
Master's in Social Work | Specialization in Child Welfare | California State University, San Bernardino | 2012 |
Bachelor's of Art- Sociology | Concentration in Social Services and Community Outreach | California State University, San Bernardino | 2010 |
Wild Leaders, Whole Leader Development Program
July 2021
• Completed all modules of the Wild Leaders Toolkit in the following areas: calling and purpose, purposeful goals, leading under pressure, transformational experiences, skills and knowledge, motivational learning, people investment, and strategic networking.
SWK 405- Undergraduate Social Work Practice II
SWK 381- Intro to Child & Family Welfare
SWK 500- Social Work Practice I
SWK 505- Social Work Practice II
SWK 521, 541, 561, 581- Field Seminars
SWK 535- Case Management
SWK 335- Substance Use Disorder
SWK 505- Social Work Practice II
SWK 567- Advanced Generalist Practice II
TA SWK 568- Intimate Partner Violence
SWK 720- Program Development and Implementation
Child and Family Welfare
At-risk and historically marginalized populations including foster youth and families who have experienced child abuse and neglect
Effectiveness of home visiting programs in decreasing the occurrence of child abuse and neglect
Multigenerational Living
UMass Global University (2021- present)
SOWK 601- Family Violence
SOWK 512- Human Behavior in the Social Environment II
SOWK 693, 694, 695, 696- Field Seminars
Guest Lecturer, North Orange Continuing Education Community College District, Department of Continuing Tech Ed
• 6/18/2019- Child Abuse & Neglect Lecture
Early Childhood Education (ECE) 136- Family Community Relationships
Guest Lecturer, California State University, San Bernardino, School of Social Work
• 5/8/2019- Identifying Child Abuse & Neglect
Social Work 638- Professor Susan Culbertson
Guest Lecturer, North Orange Continuing Education Community College District, Department of Continuing Tech Ed
• 3/12/2019- Child Abuse & Neglect Lecture
Early Childhood Education (ECE) 136- Family Community Relationships
Guest Lecturer, Riverside University Health System Hospital
• 12/12/2017- Mandated Reporter Training for hospital social workers
Sisay, T. M. & Gordon, K. W. (2024). Understanding the Impact of Mental Illness on Parenting in Single-Mother Households. In A. Gamez (Ed.), Parental Influence on Educational Success and Wellbeing (pp. 356-377). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-1451-7.ch020
Gordon, K. (Co-presenter), Maddox, D. (Co-presenter)., DSW Fall Residency, "DSW Technology for Scholarship," Riverside, CA, December 6, 2023.
Gordon, K., (Presenter) Fall Field Instructor Training, "Debunking Learning Styles: Evidence-Based Approaches to Supervising Interns," Riverside, CA. September 15, 2023.
Hays, K., Arellano, L., Flores-Carter, K. M., Gordon, K., (Panel Discussion) 2023 Fall Faculty Workshop, "Becoming a Community- A Reflection on Educational Effectiveness," Riverside, CA. Workshop. August 7, 2023.
Gordon, K. (Presenter). Fall Field Instructor Training. California Baptist University, Riverside, CA. September 16, 2022. Workshop on Adult Learning for Social Work Field faculty.
Gordon, K. (Co-presenter), Nuccio, J. (Co-presenter), DL MSW Fall 2022 Residency, "DL MSW Skills Building Workshop- Reflection," Riverside, CA, United States.
Gordon, K. (Presenter), DSW Fall 2022 Residency, "Digital Systems for Managing Scholarly Work," Riverside, CA, United States.
Gordon, K. (2022) Preventative Programs for At-Risk Families of Child Maltreatment: Using Home Visiting and Intergenerational Relationships. California Baptist University. Doctoral Comprehensive Project. Dr. Antonio Mejico Jr., Faculty Advisor.
Arellano, L., Bermejo, R., Diaz, M. Gutierrez, H. & Gordon, K. "Careers in Child Welfare Panel." California Baptist University, Riverside, CA. April 8, 2022
DSW 2021 Fall Residency Poster Presentation, California Baptist University
12/8/2021- Preventative Programs for At-Risk Families of Child Maltreatment: Using Home Visiting and Intergenerational Relationships
DSW 2021 Summer Residency Qualifying Exam Presentation, California Baptist University
7/29/2021- Are Home Visiting Programs Effective in Preventing Child Maltreatment- A Systematic Review
Gordon, K. & Yang, L. (2012) Social Worker’s Perspectives of Factors Affecting Re-Entry Rates. California State University, San Bernardino. Graduate School Research Project. Carolyn McAllister, Committee Chair.
Verve Church- Riverside, CA.
HOPE Collaborative- Riverside County Child Abuse Council
Fair Housing Council of Riverside County
River Springs Magnolia School Site Council
Riverside Professional Women for Good
Guest Trainer, Arrowhead Regional Medical Center
• 7/25/2018- Mandated Reporter Training for hospital social workers
Guest Trainer, Center Against Sexual Assault
• 10/20/2015- Mandated Reporter Training
LA Lakers
Broadway musicals
"To love another person is to see the face of God"- Les Miserables
Inspire, encourage, and spark a love of Social Work as I consciously and carefully set a safe and inclusive stage for learning to occur.
Gallup Strengthfinders Top 5: Discipline, Analytical, Relator, Consistency, Harmony
Enneagram Scale: Type 1