Lizbeth Gaona, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Social Work
Office Phone: 951-343-4440
E-mail: lgaona@calbaptist.edu
Office Location: James 286
Degree | Major Emphasis | Institution | Year |
Ph.D. | Social Work | University of Southern California | 2019 |
MSW | Mental Health | California State University, Los Angeles | 2008 |
B.A. | Psychology / Public Policy Minor | University California, Los Angeles | 2005 |
A.A. | Associate of Arts | Rio Hondo Community College | 2002 |
2015 Certified Cognitive Behavior Therapist via the Academy of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies
2013 Certified Prolonged Exposure Therapist via the University of Pennsylvania, Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety
2012 Licensed Clinical Social Worker, LCS28336
2012-2015 LPS Designated
2008 Certified Spanish Speaking Psychiatric Social Worker, Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health
2014 Dialectical Behavior Therapy+Prolonged Exposure (DBT+PE)
2011 Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Accepting the Challenges to Exiting the System
2010 Dialectical Behavior Therapy Intensive Training™, Behavioral Tech, A Linehan Institute Training Company
2009 Case Formulation of Cognitive Behavior Therapy
2008 Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
SOWK 797, Doctorate in Social Work Comprehensive Project
SOWK 796, Doctorate in Social Work Comprehensive Project
SOWK 565, Dialectical Behavior Therapy
SOWK 500 Social Work Practice I
SOWK 505 Social Work Practice II
SOWK 567, Advanced Social Work Practice
SOWK 521, 561 & 581 Field Practicum
SOWK 525 Social Research
SOWK 535 Case Management
SOWK 572 Mental Health and Psychopathology
PSY 510 Human Growth and Development
PSY 525 MFT Counseling Techniques
Evidenced Based Treatment Outcomes, Serious Mental Illness, Religion, Culturally Adapted Interventions, Trauma, & Latinx Mental Health
2018 Fall SOWK 612, Assessment and Diagnosis of Mental Disorders, USC Suzanne Dworak Peck School of Social Work Master’s in Social Work Program, Teaching assistant
2018 Summer SOWK 621, Social Work Practice with Adolescents, Young Adults and their Families, USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work, Master’s in Social Work Program, Teaching assistant
2018 Spring Social Work 635, Research and Evaluation and Policy for Social Work with Adults and Older Adults, USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work, Master’s in Social Work Program, Teaching assistant
2017 Fall Social Work 612, Assessment and Diagnosis of Mental Disorders, USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work Master’s in Social Work Program, Teaching assistant
2015 Spring SOCW 524, Practice II: Intervention and Evaluation, Azusa Pacific University, Master’s in Social Work Program, Guest lecturer
2013 Master’s in Social Work Program practice course, California State University Dominguez Hills. Cognitive behavior therapy with chronically and persistently mentally ill patients in community mental health. Guest lecturer
2011-2012 Cognitive Behavior Therapy Advances Course, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, Teaching assistant
Gaona, L. & Heredia-Miller, F. Racism in Field? Let’s Talk: A Case Study of a Field Education
Classroom Tool. (anticipated October 2023). To be presented a the Council of Social Work Education, Annual Planning Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
Gaona, L., Breitenbucher, P., Gustafson, J. & Browning, K. (anticipated October 2023). Harnessing
Technology for Social Good: Facilitators Towards the Adoption of Technology in Child Welfare. To be presented a the Council of Social Work Education, Annual Planning Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
Bojórquez, M. & Gaona, L. (anticipated October 2023). Bilingualism as a Social Work
Superpower: Equipping the Next Generation of Social Workers. Conference presentation to be presented at the National Association of Social Workers- California, Annual Conference, Glendale, CA
Gaona, L. & Bolden, L. (anticipated November 2023). An Exploration of Clinician Posture
Towards Targeting Suicide and Self Harm Pre and Post DBT Skills Training in a Community Mental Health Clinic. Poster to be presented at the International Society for the Improvement and Teaching of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA
Gaona, L. (2023, May) Se Habla Español: Bridging the Gap Towards Language Congruent
Care for Spanish Speaking Latinx in Community Mental Health Settings; American Society of Hispanic Psychiatry (San Francisco, CA)
*Glorioso, A. & Gaona, L. (2023, April). Systematic Literature Review of Unintended Mental
Health Consequences of Post-Gender-Affirming Surgery within the Transsexual Community: What We Know and Where to go from Here? Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Conference, Riverside, CA
Gaona, L. (2023, May). Se Habla Español: Bridging the Gap Towards Language Congruent Care
for Spanish Speaking Latinx in Community Mental Health Settings
Gaona, L. (2023, September). Literacy is Power. Center for the Study of Human Behavior.
Gaona, L. (2023, September) Student in the Environment as Person in the Environment: A
recommendation towards supporting student academic success. Center for the Study of Human Behavior. https://blogs.calbaptist.edu/cshb/
Diversity Action Committee (2023, February) Treating Race-Based Traumatic Stress Fact Sheet
Authored by: Diversity Action Committee (Diversity Action Committee Chair: Lizbeth Gaona)
Flores-Carter, K. & Gaona, L. (2022, November). Effectiveness of Paralleling Social Work Faculty
Research in the Social Work Research Course Curriculum. Research Presentation presented at the Council for Social Work Education Annual Conference, Anaheim, California
Gaona, L., Flores-Carter, K., Lindsey, V. & Dennis, A. (2022, November). Engendering Critical
Conversations in Field Seminar: Key strategies to improve student engagement. Clinical Workshop presented at the Council for Social Work Education Annual Conference, Anaheim, California
Gaona, L. & Bolden, L. (2022, November). Cultural Humility Matters: An exploration of the
relationship between self-reported cultural humility and micro-aggressions among community mental health dialectical behavior therapy providers. Poster presented at the International Society for the Improvement and Teaching of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Annual Conference, New York
Gaona, L. & Bolden, L. (2022, November). Culturally Adapted Cognitive Behavior Therapy: State
of the evidence and culturally responsive case conceptualization for culturally proficient practice. Poster Presented at the Association of Behavior and Cognitive Therapy Annual Conference, New York
Bahadur, M., Gaona, L., Bolden, L., Granato, H., Schumpf, J., Steele, J., & Tress, C. (2022,
November). Moving forward during the challenges of the Double Pandemic: What we learned transitioning in a time of crisis while managing our vicarious traumatization. Round table presentation presented at the Association of Behavior and Cognitive Therapy Annual Conference, New York
Gaona, L., Hernandez, M., Lim, C., Helu-Brown, P., Barrio, C. (2022, February). An
Exploratory Study of the Variations of Religious Coping Between Latinos Diagnosed with Schizophrenia and Family Caregivers. Poster presented at the Society for Cross-Cultural Research 2022 Annual Meeting, San Diego, California
Flores-Carter, K. & Gaona, L. (2022, November). Effectiveness of Paralleling Social Work Faculty
Research in the Social Work Research Course Curriculum. Research Presentation presented at the Council for Social Work Education Annual Conference, Anaheim, California
Gaona, L., Flores-Carter, K., Lindsey, V. & Dennis, A. (2022, November). Engendering Critical
Conversations in Field Seminar: Key strategies to improve student engagement. Clinical Workshop presented at the Council for Social Work Education Annual Conference, Anaheim, California
Gaona, L. & Bolden, L. (2022, November). Cultural Humility Matters: An exploration of the
relationship between self-reported cultural humility and micro-aggressions among community mental health dialectical behavior therapy providers. Poster presented at the International Society for the Improvement and Teaching of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Annual Conference, New York
Gaona, L. & Bolden, L. (2022, November). Culturally Adapted Cognitive Behavior Therapy: State
of the evidence and culturally responsive case conceptualization for culturally proficient practice. Poster Presented at the Association of Behavior and Cognitive Therapy Annual Conference, New York
Bahadur, M., Gaona, L., Bolden, L., Granato, H., Schumpf, J., Steele, J., & Tress, C. (2022,
November). Moving forward during the challenges of the Double Pandemic: What we learned transitioning in a time of crisis while managing our vicarious traumatization. Round table presentation presented at the Association of Behavior and Cognitive Therapy Annual Conference, New York
Gaona, L., Hernandez, M., Lim, C., Helu-Brown, P., Barrio, C. (2022, February). An
Exploratory Study of the Variations of Religious Coping Between Latinos Diagnosed with Schizophrenia and Family Caregivers. Poster presented at the Society for Cross-Cultural Research 2022 Annual Meeting, San Diego, California
Hernandez, M., Barrio, C., Helu-Brown, P., Lim, C., & Gaona, L. (2022). Substance use in relation
to mental illness: A study of Mexican-origin Latinos with schizophrenia and their family members. Health & Social Work, 47(3), 175–183. https://doi.org/10.1093/hsw/hlac014
Gaona, L. (2022, April). Is English your primary or secondary language? Assessing for
acculturation level may matter in mental health care. Center for the Study of Human Behavior. https://blogs.calbaptist.edu/cshb/
Gaona, L. (2022, April). I See You! Validation as a means towards social justice. Center for the
Study of Human Behavior. https://blogs.calbaptist.edu/cshb/
Gaona, L. (2022, April). Want to excel in life? Go to sleep. Center for the Study of Human
Behavior. https://blogs.calbaptist.edu/cshb/
Gaona, L., White, A., Bolden, L. (In Press). Dialectical Behavior Therapy Among Ethnoracial
Groups. In A. Lucas & E. Chang (Ed.), Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Ethnoracial Groups: Clinical Strategies and Techniques. Springer Nature Publications.
Bolden, L., & Gaona, L. (2021). Cultural Dialectics in Dialectical Behavior Therapy. DBT Bulletin,
Lim, C., Hernandez, M., Gaona, L., & Barrio, C. (2021). Recruitment of Asian Americans with
schizophrenia spectrum disorder for research participation: barriers, strategies, and outcomes. Community Mental Health Journal, 57(3), 490-501.
Sears, M., Lovato-Jackson, L., & Gaona, L., (2020). Suicide Prevention in Dialectical Behavior
Therapy (DBT): Integrating Firearm Lethal Means Safety Counseling into Practice. The
Behavior Therapist, 43(8)
Kelly, E. L., Davis, L., Holguin, M., Gaona, L., Pahwa, R., Lee, S., ... & Brekke, J. (2020). Practice-based research networks in stakeholder-driven social work research. Research on Social Work Practice, 1049731520942591.
Bolden, L., Gaona, L., Comtois, K., & McFarr, (2020). L. DBT–ACES in a multicultural community mental health setting: implications for clinical practice. In Bedics, J. (Ed.), The Handbook of Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Cambridge, MA: Elsevier
Gaona, L. & Flores-Carter, K., (2020) Integrated Models of Practice Addressing Patient Diversity and Mental Health within Systems of Care. In Fores-Carter, K. (Ed.), Medical Social Work, A Christian Perspective. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Publishing
Lim, C., Hernandez, M., Gaona, L., & Barrio, C. (2020). Recruitment of Asian Americans with schizophrenia spectrum disorder for research participation: Barriers, strategies, and outcome; Community Mental Health Journal.
Lim, C., Hernandez, M., Gaona, L., Helu-Brown, P., & Barrio, C. (2019). A Sociodemographic Profile of Asian Americans Served in Community Mental Health Centers for a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 46(4), 555-567.
Hernandez, M., Barrio, C., Gaona, L., Helu-Brown, P., Hai, A., & Lim, C. (2019). Hope and schizophrenia in the Latino family context. Community Mental Health Journal, 55(1), 42-50.
Barrio, C., Hernandez, M., & Gaona, L. (2016). The family caregiving context among adults with disabilities: A review of the research on developmental disabilities, serious mental
illness, and traumatic brain injury. Journal of Family Social Work, 19(4), 328-347.
McFarr, L., Gaona, L., Barr, N., Ramirez, U., Henriquez, S., Farias, A., & Flores, D. (2014). Cultural competency and Dialectical Behavior Therapy. In A. Masuda (Ed.), Cultural Issues in Acceptance- and Mindfulness-Based Approaches. New Harbinger
*Student mentee
Gaona, L. (2020, February). Does God love me? Cognitive Therapy Interventions for Negative Religious Coping, North American Association of Christians in Social Work, Riverside, California.
Jackson, L. & Gaona, L. (2019, November). Targeting Gun Access in DBT: Are We Doing Enough?” Talk Presented at the International Society for the Improvement and Teaching of Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Atlanta, Georgia
Gaona, L., Yamada, A.M., Lopez, C., Helu-Brown, P. (2018, January). Perspectives of support and recovery among Latino adults with schizophrenia: Acceptance of marginalization and inequities in daily life experiences. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Washington, District of Columbia.
Gaona, L., Amaro, H. (2017, November). Efficacy of dialectical behavior therapy for Latinos with borderline personality disorder: State of the evidence. Poster presented at the Association of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy Annual Conference, San Diego, California.
Lim, C.S.F., Hernandez, M., Gaona, L., Helu-Brown, P., Mendon, S. (2017, January). Recruitment of minorities with serious mental illness for community-engaged research: Barriers, strategies, and reward. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Gaona, L., Lim, C.S.F., Barrio, C., Helu-Brown, P., Gonzalez, I., Brekke, J. (2017, January). Leisure activities and sense of purpose as correlates of satisfaction with life among adults with schizophrenia. Poster presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Helu-Brown, P., Gaona, L., Lim, C.S.F., Barrio, C. (2017, January). Examining the intersections of culture, gender romantic and personal relationships and mental illness among Latinos with schizophrenia and their family caregivers. Poster presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Gonzalez*, I., Gaona, L., Ramirez, U. (2017, January). The cultural adaptation of dialectical behavior therapy: A case study from clinical practice. Poster presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Gaona, L., Albanez, J., Ramirez, U., Serrano, A., Farias, A., Nunez, M., Atkins, R., Perez, J. (2014, January). Community mental health services for Spanish-speaking Latino/a clients: Harbor- UCLA Adult Outpatient Program overview and recommendations for the continued development of Spanish-speaking services. Poster presented at the 20th Annual Latino Behavioral Health Institute Conference, Los Angeles, California.
Ramirez*, R., Gaona, L., Aguilar, V., Vega, C., Ramirez, U. (2014, September). Interdisciplinary treatment in Spanish DBT: A case study and practical culturally sensitive interventions from clinical practice. Poster presented at the 20th Annual Latino Behavioral Health Institute Conference, Los Angeles, California.
Gaona, L., Jackson, L., Counts, C., McFarr, L., (2014, June). Successful exposure treatment despite in session mishaps: Case studies and practical interventions from clinical practice. Poster presented at the International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
Argueta, N., Gaona, L., Ramirez, R., McFarr, L., (2014, June). ¡Loteria! An exploration of the use of cultural enhancements with adult patients in DBT Skills Group at Harbor-UCLA AOP. Poster presented at the International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
Fried, R., Gaona, L., Jones, E., Brown, L., Dalton, E., Thompson, S., Davies, C., McFarr, L., Jackson, L., Dexter, M., Forsyth, J., Morgan, W., Nehme, J. (2014, June). An in-depth look at telephone skills coaching and therapy interfering behaviors in dialectical behavior therapy: A case study from a community mental health clinic. Poster presented at the International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
Albanez, J., Gaona, L., Ramirez, U., Serrano, A. (2014, March). Acceptance and commitment therapy for chronic pain and implications for culturally congruent delivery of services: A case study. Poster presented at Scientific Sessions in Mental Health, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Annual Symposium, Torrance, California.
Ramirez, U., Gaona, L., Barr, N., Henriquez, S., Farias, A., McFarr, L. (2013, July). Dialectical behavior therapy followed by prolonged exposure in Spanish for the treatment of borderline personality disorder and post traumatic stress disorder: A case study. Poster presented at The World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Lima-Peru.
Dexter, M., Gaona, L., Brown, L., Forsyth, J., McFarr, L., Henriquez, S., Farias, A. (2013, July). Frequency of therapy interfering behaviors of client population at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. Poster presenented at The World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Lima-Peru.
Barr, N., Gaona, L., Ramirez, U., Henriquez, S., Farias, A., McFarr, L., Flores, D. (2013, July). Cultural competency in dialectical behavior therapy. Poster presented at The World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Lima-Peru.
Bonfil, A.D., McFarr, L., Raposa, E., Henriquez, S., Barr, N., Higier, R.G., Gaona, L., & Hamilton, H.K. (2012, November). Effectiveness of second-year standard DBT: Are there significant gains in treatment outcomes beyond the first year? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, Maryland.
Bonfil, A.D., McFarr, L., Raposa, E., Henriquez, S., Barr, N., Higier, R., Gaona, L., & Hamilton, H. K. (2012, November). Employment outcomes after DBT: Is DBT effective in getting people back to work? Poster presented at the International Society for the Improvement and Teaching of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Special Interest Group Symposium at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, Maryland.
Dicterow, W., Gaona, L., Sears, M., & McFarr, L. (2012, November). Identifying therapist therapy interfering behaviors not accounted for by the TIB-T: A needs assessment for Harbor-UCLA’s adult dialectical behavior therapy program. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, Maryland.
Benson, L., Gaona, L., Barr, N., Jackson, L., & McFarr, L. (2012, November). Self-injury as a predictor of therapy-interfering behavior in dialectical behavior therapy. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for the Improvement and Teaching of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Special Interest Group Symposium at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, Maryland.
Holler, R., Benson, L., Barr, N., Gaona, L., McFarr, L. (2010, November). Organizational and individual variables associated with transfer of CBT practices in a community mental
health setting: A follow-up. Poster presented at the Cognitive Therapy Special Interest Group, Annual Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Gaona, L., Jackson, L., Fried, R., McFarr, L., Graling, K., Dour, H., Brown, L., Holler, R., Nehme, J., Naman, K., Wickremasinghe, N. (2010, November). Clinicians’ self-perception of dialectical thinking: Pre and post DBT training at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. Poster presented at the Cognitive Therapy Special Interest Group, Annual Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Gaona, L. & Huyhn-Hohnbaum, A., (2008, May). Religiosity and self reported psychological well-being among elderly. Poster presented at California State University, Los Angeles Master’s in Social Work Thesis Presentations, Los Angeles, California.
Gaona L., Juvonen J., Nishina, A., Bellmore, A. (2005, April). Does ethnicity matter? Experiences of discrimination among different adolescent ethnic groups. Poster presented at the 85th annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Portland, Oregon.
Gaona, L. & Mejico, A. (2020, October). Seeking “Justice for All” An Examination of Justice from Macro and Micro Perspectives. CBU Department of Social Work Field Intensive, Invited speaker
Gaona, L. (2020, October). Mente Sana en Tiempos Difíciles. Mexican Consulate/Consulado General de México en Los Ángeles, Invited speaker
Gaona, L. (2020, June). Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Racism. Invited speaker, Hosted by Treatment Implementation Collaborative
Gaona, L. (2020, May). So you have a Master’s in Social Work, Now What? Invited speaker, Hosted by California Baptist University, Master’s in Social Work Alumni Network
Barrio, C. & Gaona, L. (2016, September). Salud mental en la comunidad Latina. Community presentation at the Fiesta Educativa Annual Conference, California State University, Los Angeles
Gaona, L. (2014, September). Key interventions of dialectical behavior therapy in community mental health for multidiagnostic clients. Clinical presentation at Homeless Health Care, Los Angeles, California
Gaona, L. & Gomez, L. (2014, May). ¡No estas solo! La salud mental y recursos para recibir ayuda. Community presentation at St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church, Lomita, California
2020 Friends Church
2019 Friends Church, Community Group Host
2015-2018 Christ Church of the Valley, God's Pantry Ministry
2011-2014 Reality Los Angeles, Hospitality Ministry Lead
2020-Present Chair, Diversity Action Committee, Academy of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies
2020-Present Consultant, Treatment Implementation and Care Collaborative: Race(ism) Work Group
2019-Present Board Member, Academy of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies
2017-2019 Student Ambassador, Association of Cognitive and Behavior Therapy
2016-2017 Co-Chair, Doctoral Student Association, USC Suzanne Dwork-Peck School of Social Work
2015-2019 Representative, Doctoral Student Association, USC Suzanne Dwork-Peck School of Social Work
2015-2019 Christ Church of the Valley, Feeding the Homeless Volunteer
2010-2015 Program Coordinator, Recovery International Incorporated, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Adult Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic Site
2011-2014 Reality Los Angeles, Hospitality Ministry Lead
2007-2008 Co-President Elect, Master’s in Social Work Student Organization
2005-2008 Bruins Reforming Incarceration Through Education, UCLA
2002-2003 Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
2001-2002 Associated Student Body President Elect, Rio Hondo Community College
1999-2002 Associated Student Body, Rio Hondo Community College
Photography, running, baking, proud mommy and army wife - Go Lakers, Go Rams!
Matthew 12:30-31 "...Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”
Being the first of virtually an entire ancestry to attend college and to pursue higher education has been an immense privilege. I inherited from my mother’s faith a spirit of resilience; a “si se puede” (it is possible) outlook on life. This said, my philosophy of higher education revolves around the notion that although pursuing higher education may seem impossible, everyone has the potential to pursue it. Further, my personal experiences growing up as bicultural woman of color, raised by a hard-working widow, has shaped me to greatly value higher education. I also desire to share this value with others. My hope is to encourage and edify others about their potential to pursue higher education regardless of how challenging the odds may be against them. ¡Si Se Puede!