Degree Major Emphasis Institution Year
Ed.D. Leadership for Educational Justice University of Redlands 2012
M.A. Education Counseling K-12 University of Redlands 2009
B.A. Sociology University of Redlands 2003

GST 060: Academic Success Seminar
PSY 120: Lifespan Development for Health Professionals
PSY 320: Lifespan Development
PSY 500: Diversity Issues in Counseling
SOC 335: Social Problems
SOC 345: Race and Ethnicity
SOC 355:  Social Stratification
SWK 515: Human Behavior in the Social Environment II
SWK 530: Marginalized Populations
SWK 535: Case Management
SWK 568: Intimate Partner Violence
SWK 576: Displaced Populations
SWK 701: Direct Practice with Cultural Humility
SWK 705: Community Engagement and Social Innovation
SWK 710: Historical and Contemporary Social Action
SWK 720: Project Development and Implementation
SWK 796: Comprehensive I
SWK 797: Comprehensive II

Biblical Justice
Diverse and inclusive teaching practices
Faith-integrated teaching practices within Christian Higher Education settings
Child Maltreatment best practices
Incarcerated Youth
Faith and Resiliency among aging Latinx populations

Mejico, Antonio. "The Heart of Social Work: 5 Lessons the Bible and Families Taught me". California Baptist University, Culture and Justice Lecture Series. Thursday, February 15, 2018. Riverside, CA.

Alexander, Roderick, Boughton, Matthew, Fitzsimmons, Tracy, Mejico, Antonio. "One Life at a Time. The Formula for Success: Passion, Teamwork, Persistence, Empathy". Children and Families in Crisis Conference. Unforgettables Foundation. April 18, 2018. Palm Desert, CA.

Mejico, Antonio. "California Department of Social Services Regional Residential Care Providers Forum: Integration of Continuum of Care Reform and Achieving Effective Organizational Culture". Social Services Agency, Thursday, August 20, 2018. Orange County. Santa Ana, CA.

Cooper, Addison, Mejico, Antonio. "Transitional Housing Plus Foster Care Overview of Services". Riverside County Department of Public Social Services, Child Protective Services Division. Wednesday, September 19th, 2018. Indio, CA.

Mejico, Antonio. "Cultural Humility: A Brief Introduction and Considerations for Best Practices when Serving Hispanic Populations. California Baptist University (In Collaboration with CBSS and the Legacy Project). Thursday, October 11, 2018. Riverside, CA.

Mejico, Antonio. "Overview of Legislative Shifts, County and State Needs Impacting Child Welfare". Leadership Riverside. December 7, 2018. Riverside, CA, Friday.

Mejico, Antonio. "Maximizing Class Time: Teach-in Lesson" (Presentation to MSW Faculty). California Baptist University, Riverside, CA, Thursday, February 14, 2019.

Mejico, Antonio. "Special Topics Presentation to CBU Anthropology 400 Students" (Emphasis on career options within the field of Social Work). California Baptist University, Riverside, CA, Thursday, February 14, 2019.

Mejico, Antonio. "Dating, Gender Identity and Human Sexuality." Presentation for Dr. Minton's Human Development course. California Baptist University, Riverside, CA, Monday, February 18, 2019.

Mejico, Antonio. "Administrator Hiring Perspectives: Macro Social Work Career Paths" Presented to Year 1 MSW students during the MSW Concentration Track Forum. California Baptist University, Riverside, CA, Friday, February 22, 2019.

Mejico, Antonio. "Behavioral Management Support: Improving Educational, Emotional and Behavioral Outcomes for Students". Badger Springs Middle School. Moreno Valley Unified School District. Tuesday, March 19, 2019. Moreno Valley, CA.

Mejico, Antonio. "Intimate Partner Violence: An Overview of IPV, Philosophies and Strategies for Support". Riverside Community Hospital, March 21, 2019. Riverside, CA, Thursday.

Costello, Jennifer, Gustafson, Jacqueline, Mejico, Antonio. "The Legacy Project: Highlights of Interviews Conducted, Film Showcase and Community Recognition" (Culture and Justice Lecture Series). California Baptist University. Riverside, CA, March 28, 2019.

Mejico, Antonio. "Death and Dying: Perspectives of a Social Worker". Presentation for Dr. Minton's Human Development Course. California Baptist University. Riverside, CA, April 12, 2019.

Costello, Jennifer, Gustafson, Jacqueline, Mejico, Antonio. "The Legacy Project: Highlights of Interviews Conducted, Film Showcase and Community Recognition". Ysmael Villegas Center, Casa Blanca, Riverside CA, April 17, 2019.

Mejico, Antonio. "Cultural Humility: A Brief Introduction and Considerations for Best Practices when Serving Hispanic Populations. California Baptist University. Tuesday, April 23, 2019. Riverside, CA.

Mejico, Antonio. "MSW Faculty Team Building Activity and New Program Logistics". California Baptist University. Online Professional Services Site. Riverside, CA, Wednesday, April 24, 2019.

Mejico, Antonio. "Medi-Cal Billing Documentation Standards and Best Practices". Mountain Counseling and Training Incorporated. Monday, May 6, 2019. Crestline, CA.

Mejico, Antonio. "Behavioral Management Support: Improving Educational, Emotional and Behavioral Outcomes for Students". Sunnymead Middle School. Moreno Valley Unified School District. Moreno Valley, CA, Monday, May 13, 2019.

Mejico, Antonio. "Continuum of Care Reform: An Overview and Policy Analysis with Biblical Lessons Applied when Creating Policy". July 24, 2019.

Costello, Jennifer, Gustafson, Jacqueline, Mejico, Antonio. "The Legacy Project: Research Overview and Considerations for Future Studies". CIC Conference. Washington D.C., July 30, 2019.

Mejico, Antonio. "Connecting Theory to Practice". MSW Student Orientation. California Baptist University, Riverside, CA, August 23-24, 2019.

Mejico, Antonio. "Mental Health Billing Best Practices, Strengths Identification, and Building Culture." Mountain Counseling and Training Incorporated. Crestline, CA, Friday, August 30, 2019.

Mejico, Antonio. "Behavioral Management Support: Improving Educational, Emotional and Behavioral Outcomes for African American Students". California Association of Black Student Educators Annual Conference. CABSE. San Diego, CA, Saturday, October 12, 2019.

Mejico, Antonio.  "Bloom Where you are Planted:  Teaching our Children Kindness, Connectedness and Empathy".  Moreno Valley Unified School District.  Badger Springs Middle School.  Moreno Valley, CA, Friday, November 22, 2019.

Mejico, Antonio.  "Expansive Considerations for Gender and Sexual Identity".  Saint Junipero Serra.  House of Spiritual Formation.  Archdiocese of San Bernardino.  Grand Terrace, CA, Monday, November 25, 2019.

Mejico, Antonio. "Cultural Humility with Biblical Lessons and Wisdom from Maya Angelou" (Presentation to MSW students in preparation for their trip to Ethiopia). California Baptist University, Riverside, CA, Thursday, February 27, 2020.

Mejico, Antonio. "Bloom Where you are Planted: Treating our Children with Kindness, Connectedness, and Empathy." Principals' topic meeting. Moreno Valley Unified School District. District offices. Moreno Valley, CA, Tuesday, February 11, 2020.

Breintenbucher, P., Brown, S., Mejico, A. Moment or a Movement: Advancing Diverse, Equitable, and Just Policy. Via Zoom. California Baptist University, Riverside, CA, Tuesday, June 9, 2020.

Mejico, A. MSW Field Intensive Training of Practicum Sites: Why you made carnal? Examining terminology applied to and with Latin American and Indigenous Populations. Via Zoom. California Baptist University, Riverside, CA, September 10, 2020.

Gaona, L., Mejico, A., MSW Field Intensive Workshop: Seeking "Justice for All": An Examination of Justice from Macro and Micro Perspectives. Via Zoom. California Baptist University, Riverside CA, October 16, 2020.

Mejico, A., Examining implicit bias with truth, grace, and servanthood. Olive Crest. Via Zoom. Orange County CA, November 10, 2020.

Mejico, A., O'Farrell D. Leadership Riverside: Equity vs. Equality: Considerations for our community. Leadership Riverside. Via Zoom. Riverside CA, December 4, 2020.

Brown, S., Mejico, A., California State University Long Beach, Department of Athletics Diversity Training. “There is only us”: a discussion on connectedness, community, and social inter-dependence. Via Zoom. December 16, 2020.

Jacqueline Gustafson, Costello, J., & Antonio Mejico. (2021). The Legacy Project: Students Serving Hispanic Older Adults. Social Work & Christianity, 48(1), 10-27.

Brown, Stephen, and Mejico, Antonio. "Hiding in plain sight: Examining implicit bias." (Presentation to California State University Long Beach Department of Athletics). Via zoom. February 10, 2021.

Brown, Stephen, and Mejico, Antonio. "There is only us: Trust vs mistrust." (Presentation to California State University Long Beach Department of Athletics). Via zoom. February 24, 2021.

Mejico, Antonio. "Mini Lesson 1: There is only us: Ventilating connectedness, empathy, and kindness." Los Angeles Pacific University. Spring Faculty Development Summit. Delivered via recorded lecture. March 20, 2021.

Mejico, Antonio. "Mini Lesson 2: Hiding in plain sight: Examining implicit bias." Los Angeles Pacific University. Spring Faculty Development Summit. Delivered via recorded lecture. March 20, 2021.

Mejico, Antonio. "Mini Lesson 3: Group Discussion: Strategies to implement inclusive practices in your courses." Los Angeles Pacific University. Spring Faculty Development Summit. Delivered via Zoom. March 20, 2021.

Brown, Stephen, and Mejico, Antonio. "There is only us: Examining and implementing cultural humility." (Presentation to California State University Long Beach Department of Athletics). Via zoom. March 24, 2021.

Mejico, Antonio. "I am because we are": Maintaining meaningful connections in a socially distanced society. Moreno Valley Unified School District. Mid-year Leadership Summit. Delivered via Zoom. April 19, 2021.

Brown, Stephen, and Mejico, Antonio. "From ally to accomplice: Being the change we want to see in the world." (Presentation to California State University Long Beach Department of Athletics). Via zoom. April 27, 2021.

Mejico, Antonio, "It's you I like: Managing imposter syndrome." (Presentation to Big Brothers Big Sisters Board. September 28, 2021.

Mejico, Antonio, "Overview of considerations for serving individuals without housing." (Prepared for Leadership Riverside, September 29, 2021).

Mejico, Antonio. "Supporting Christ-centered conversations on diversity and inclusion." (CBSS undergraduate faculty meeting. September 30, 2021).

Mejico, Antonio. "Equality vs equity: Considering the language of class and socioeconomic status." Leadership Riverside, December 3, 2021.

Mejico, Antonio. “Running to the margins: Christ-centered considerations for serving individuals without housing.” Remedy International Healthcare Missions Conference. California Baptist University. January, 27, 2022.

Mejico, Antonio. “It’s you I like. Identifying and managing imposter syndrome.” Octoclean. Riverside, Ca. January 29, 2022.

Mejico, Antonio. “Supervise like a boss: Utilizing coaching, managing, and discipline. Octoclean. Riverside, Ca. April, 2022.

Mejico, Antonio. “Walking with grief: Strategies to support parents and educators in managing grief.” Badger Springs Middle School. Moreno Valley, Ca. May 26, 2022.

Mejico, Antonio. Leading with influence: An overview of servant leadership. Octoclean. Riverside, Ca. May, 2022.

Mejico, Antonio. “Best practices for serving LGBTQ+ foster youth and their families and determinants for social and emotional well-being.” Olive Crest. Riverside, Ca. June 1, 2022.

Mejico, Antonio. “We are more than conquerors: Facilitating Christ-centered conversations on diversity, equity and inclusion.” Notre Dame High School. Riverside, Ca. August 3, 2022.

Mejico, Antonio. “Faith-integrated activities for promoting diversity.” California Baptist University. Riverside, Ca. September 27, 2022.

Mejico, Antonio. “MSW Program Context within the Inland Empire and Student Body Demographics.” California Baptist University. MSW Re-affirmation visit, Council on Social Work Education. Riverside, Ca. October 12, 2022.

Mejico, Antonio. “That they may all be one: An faith-integrated overview of cultural humility.” Aquinas High School, Faculty Development Training. San Bernardino, Ca. October 24, 2022.

Mejico, Antonio. “Promoting equity within our community. An overview of poverty and equity.” Leadership Riverside. Riverside, Ca. December, 2022.

Mejico, A., Badger Springs Middle School- All Faculty and Staff Meeting, "Creating a culture of accountability: establishing a positive school culture," (Workshop/Seminar). Moreno Valley Unified School District, Moreno Valley, Ca. March 15, 2023.

Mejico, A., California Baptist University, “And there he was, working at his wheel. Faith integrated lessons for making the transition from worker to leader.” Riverside, Ca. April 22, 2023.

Mejico, A, Cajon High School- Health and Human Services Pathways, "Educational Pathways Leading to Careers in the Helping Professions," (Workshop/Seminar). San Bernardino CIty Unified School District, San Bernardino, Ca. May 1, 2024.

Sandals Church

1.  I am blessed to serve as a religious volunteer with San Bernardino County Juvenile Probation, where I provide bible study to incarcerated youth, currently serving rehabilitative sentences.
2.  I also volunteer at several "pop up" homeless shelters in Redlands, during the winter months to provide supervision and meal distribution to homeless men during inclement weather.
3. I serve as a member of the Board of Directors for The Life Church in Riverside, CA.
4. I serve as a Board Member for Parkview Legacy Foundation
5. I serve as a Board Member for the SARB Taskforce with the Riverside Office of Education

A few of my favorite things:

1. Restoring/modifying classic cars.
2. Cooking and experimenting with new recipes.
3. Photography.
4. Watching scary movies.

Four quotes inspire me to live my life, teach and serve my community in a specific way:

1. Everyone holds value and is entitled to be treated with dignity. “Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s knowledge. Even all the hairs on your head have been counted. So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”  Matthew 10: 29-31

2. All life is "inter-related" and therefore, human relationships are central and essential to our existence. “From the time you were very little, you have had people who have smiled you into smiling, people who have talked you into talking, sung you into singing, loved you into loving.  So, on this extra special day, let’s take some time to think of those extra special people.  Some of them may be right here, some may be far away.  Some may even be in heaven.  No matter where they are, deep down you know they’ve always wanted what was best for you.  They’ve always cared about you beyond measure and have encouraged you to be true to the best within you.  Let’s just take a minute of silence to think about those people right now.” -Fred Rogers

3. Do all things with love and in service to all God's children. "Yes, if you want to say that I was a drum major, say that I was a drum major for justice.  Say that I was a drum major for peace.  I was a drum major for righteousness.  And all of the other shallow things will not matter." -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

4. Jesus role modeled a life of "running to the margins". He did not stand up for the poor; he was poor. Jesus did not stand up for immigrants; he was an immigrant. Jesus did not stand up for those in prison; he too was imprisoned. Life is not about taking a stand, rather, who we choose to stand with. “We locate ourselves with the poor and the powerless and the voiceless. At the edges, we join the easily despised and the readily left out. We stand with the demonized so that the demonizing will stop. We situate ourselves right next to the disposable so that the day will come when we stop throwing people away.” Fr. Greg Boyle

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