Viola Lindsey, PhD
Professor of Social Work
Office Phone: 951-552-8958
E-mail: vlindsey@calbaptist.edu
Office Location: James , Room 274
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday 2::00pm -4:00pm; Thursday, 2:00-6:00p
Degree | Major Emphasis | Institution | Year |
PhD | Social Policy and Social Research; Child welfare Policies ; Law Enforcement; Interprofessional Collaboration | Loma Linda University | 2011 |
MSW | Social Work; Policy, Planning and Administration | Loma Linda University | 1998 |
BA | Sociology | Stillman College | 1996 |
Certificates, University of California, Riverside
Counseling Skills
Certificate, National Organization of Forensic Social Work (NOFSW)
Forensic Social Work
Marriage and Family
Program Planning and Evaluation
Human Growth and Development
Children in Trauma
Social Theory
Social Work Practice
Families in Transition
Social Policy II
Legal/Ethical Aspects in Health and Mental Health Practice
Foundation Year Field Practicum (A,B,C)
Advanced Field Practicum (A,B,C)
Global Practice II - Children and Families Policies and Services
Social Justice
Law Enforcement/Child Welfare Policy
Forensic Social Work
Interprofessional Collaboration
Loma Linda University
1. Briceno, R., Larrieu, A., Courtenay, C., Lindsey, V., Balderamos, D., & Flores-Carter, K. (2021. Janet Don’t Cry Foundation (Producer), October 16, 2021. Domestic Violence and Mental Well-Being: A Panel Discussion, Belize. [Webinar]
2. Lindsey, V. , Hoffman, L.., Trieu, A., Funches, T., & Flores-Carter K. (2021) ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA SORORITY, INC. ,OMEGA DELTA OMEGA CHAPTER (Producer), October 4, 2021. The More You Know Breast Cancer Awareness: A Panel Discussion. [Webinar] https://bit.ly/odobreastcancerawareness
3. Bermejo, R., Lindsey, V., Lee-Johnson, C., & Cochran, C. (2021). North American Association of Christians in Social Work - California Chapter (Producer), September 24,202. Combining Faith with Practice; Speaker Series, Session One: Starting with Our Why – A Purposeful Examination of Professional Ethics and Values of Spirituality and Faith. [Webinar]https://www.nacsw-california.com/event-details/starting-with-our-why-a-purposeful-examination-of-professional-ethics-and-values-of-spirituality-and-faith-2021-09-24-12
4. Lindsey, V. (2011 Dissertation). Child Abuse Investigations: How CPS and Law Enforcement Engage in Collaboration.
5. . Knudson-Martin, C., & Lindsey, V. (In Progress). Examining mandated relationships between child welfare practice and criminal justice: Paradoxical bedfellows.
6. . Lindsey, V. (2020). De-constructing/Constructing Working Alliance Between Police and Social Workers. Social Work Advocate Magazine.
7. Lindsey, V. (2021). Interpersonal Violence on College Campuses: Awareness as a Prevention. The Advocate : CBU Social Work Blog (pending).
8. Lindsey, V, (2021), COVID 19 and the Social Contract. The Advocate: CBU Social Work Blog.
9. Lindsey, V. (2020). Global Social Work: A journey of Observation, Discovery and Faith, Sri Lanka, India. California Baptist University (CBU). Doctor of Social Work student group, March 19, 2021.[Zoom]
10. Lindsey, V,]. (2020) Lindsey, V. (2021). Qualitative Research Methods. Presentation, California Baptist University, Riverside, California, DSW Research Class, March 2021). Webinar
11. . Lindsey, V. (2020). Rise Up for Good Trouble: Forces Behind the Indian Child Welfare Act ICWA).
California Baptist University(CBU). Love Thy Neighbor (LTN) student group, October 22, 2020[. Zoom]
12. . Dissertation committee member (EDD Candidate); (2018-2021) LaSierra University
13. Thesis committee member (MSW candidates (2), Loma Linda University, 2016 and 2017
Lindsey, V. (2020). Spirituality: Wholistically Embedded in Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual Engagement Strategies. National Association of Christian Social Workers (NACSW) annual conference, California Baptist University, Riverside, California.
Ellis, R., Flores-Carter, K., Hays, K., & Lindsey, V. (2019). What Were We Thinking? Lessons Learned from MSW Capstone Development. National Association of Christian Social Workers (NACSW) annual conference, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Lindsey, V. (2019). Beyond the Obvious: Unmasking Inequality, Diversity ,the Underserved:Harnessing New Approaches. Presented at the California Association of Black Schools Educators (CABSE) annual conference, San Diego, California.
Jackson, V. & Lindsey, V. (2014). Beyond Cultural Competency: Peeling Back the Layers. Presented at The National Organization of Forensic Social Work (NOFSW) annual conference, Fordham University, Ohio, July 24-26, 2014
Florez, C., Lindsey, V., Whittle, C., Armistead, M., Freitas, F., Dolores Siegel, D., Ho, H., Moore, L., Garcia, T., Donlon, R., Moore, S., Johnson, K., & Kupfer, G. (2014). Theoretical Framework for Leveraging Community Partnerships: From Evidence to Implementation. Presented at California Social Work Education (Cal-SWEC) Summer Institute II, Emeryville, California, June 19-20, 2014
Lindsey, V. (2007). Child Welfare Social Workers and Law Enforcement Working Across Boundaries: Barriers to Collaboration. Workshop presented at Annual Children’s Network Conference, Ontario, California, 2007).
Jackson, V. & Lindsey, V. (2006). Cultural Competencies Issues for Elementary and Middle School Clinicians. Workshop presented at Family Services Association of Western Riverside County 32nd annual children’s conference, California Baptist University, Riverside, California, April 2006.
Brown, S., & Lindsey, V. (2021). Professional Development: Guiding MSW Graduates Through The Process of Transitioning From Student Learner to Professional Work World Learner
Lindsey, V. (2020). COVID 19: Instructive in Collaboration: Lessons for Helping Professionals. California Baptist University, Riverside, California.June/Summer Policy Class [Webinar]
Lindsey, V. (2020). Rise Up for Good Trouble: Forces Behind the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA). Presentation, California Baptist University, Riverside, California, October 2020 Love Thy Neighbor (LTN) MSW group focusing on social justice. Webinar
Lindsey, V. (2021). Qualitative Research Methods. Presentation, California Baptist University, Riverside, California, DSW Research Class, March 2021). Webinar
Lindsey, V. (2021). Global Social Work : A Journey of Observation, Discovery, and Faith
SRI LANKA, Presentation, California Baptist University, Riverside, California (March 2021). Webinar
Florez-Carter, K., Lindsey, V. & et al (2020). Traumas Impacting Children's Well-Being. Belize, Children First and Last (CFAL) June 2020.{webinar].
Lindsey, V. (2016. Child Abuse Mandated Reporting Responsibilities. Guest lecturer at Griggs Hall, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California, child and Family Life class, Spring, 2016.
Bliss, W., & Cortez, V., Lindsey, V. (2014). The Social Work Profession: Education and Careers. Presented at Wong Kerlee Conference Center, Loma Linda University, Community Academic Partners in Service (CAPS) Gateway program, July 17, 2014.
Jackson, V. &, Lindsey, V. (2012). Careers in Health and Social Work Practices. Presented at Sherman Indian High School, Riverside, California, October 31, 2012.
Lindsey, V. (2012). Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Research on How Child Welfare Social Workers and Law Enforcement Collaborate to Investigate Child Abuse. Presented at The 29th Annual Conference of the National Organization of Forensic Social Work (NOFSW). Presented at Baltimore, Maryland, April 16, 2012.
Jackson, V. & Lindsey, V. (2013) Interdisciplinary Relationship between Pharmacy and Social Work. Presented at Loma Linda University, School of Pharmacy, April 13, 2012, and April 2013.
Lindsey, V. & Miller, F. (2012). An Overview of Loma Linda University (LLUs) MSW Program Admission, Academics, and Field Practicum Requirements. Presented at Orange County Social Services Agency, Orange, California, October, 2010; October, 2011, October, 2012, October 2013 (Annual Recurrence).
Lindsey, V. (2012). Child and Adolescent Trauma Class. Issues in Child Welfare: How child abuse referrals proceed through the Child Welfare System. Presented at Loma Linda University, Department of Social Work and Social Ecology, Spring 2010.
Lindsey, V. (2012). An Overview of Loma Linda University (LLUs) MSW Program Admission, Academics, and Field Practicum Requirements. Presented at Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), Pasadena, California, October 23, 2012.
Lindsey, V. & Forrester, T. (2009). Child Welfare Curriculum Competencies, Standards and Values. Presented at Loma Linda University, Department of Social Work and Social Ecology, to Community Field Instructors, October 28, 2009.
Buckles, B. & Lindsey, V. (2017). History of American Social Work: Pioneers and Challenges. Presented at Loma Linda University, Department of Social Work and Social Ecology, to visiting Japanese students from Osaka, Japan, October 20, 2009; October, 2010; October, 2011; October, 2012 – Recurring.
Forrester, T. & Lindsey, V. (2009). Issues and Dynamics in Supervising Student Interns. Workshop presented at Riverside County Staff Development, Moreno Valley, California, March 16, 2009.
Lindsey, V. (2009). Social Policy I, Guest lecturer given to MSW students at Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California, March 10, 2009.
Lindsey, V. (2009).Elder Abuse: Changing Faces of the Aged. Workshop presented at John F Kennedy memorial Hospital, Indio, California, February 18, 2009.
Lindsey, V. (2009) Moments in Black History. Presentation presented at Park Avenue Missionary Baptist Church, February 22, 2009.
Lindsey, V. (2006). Cultural Competence in Social Work Practice. Guest lecture given to MSW students, Loma Linda University, November 16, 2006.
Lindsey, V. (2006). Spirituality and Religion in Social Work Practice. Guest lecture given to MSW students, Loma Linda University, November 16, 2006.
Lindsey, V. (2007). Child Abuse Reporting Laws: What Mandated Reporters Need to Know. Guest lecturer provided to MFAM students, Loma Linda University, November 3, 2004, November 10, 2005, and November 16, 2006, November 8, 2007
Jackson, V. & Lindsey, V. (2006). Dancing through Mind Fields: Cultural Competencies Issues for Elementary and Middle School Clinicians. Workshop presented to elementary and middle school clinicians at Youth Service Center, Riverside, California, and November 15, 2006.
Lindsey, V. (2006). IV-E Curriculum Competencies/Standards and Values for Child Welfare. Workshop presented to MSW field supervisors, Loma Linda University, September 14, 2004, September 20, 2006.
Lindsey, V. (2006). Making the Most out of Supervision. Workshop presented to MSW student interns, Loma Linda University, September 16, 2004, September 20, 2005, and September 13, 2006.
Lindsey, V. (2006). Stress Management. Workshop presented to MSW student interns, Loma Linda University, September 16, 2004, September 20, 2005, September13, 2006.
Lindsey, V. (2006). Dealing with Problem Students. Workshop presented to MSW field supervisors, Loma Linda University, September 14, 2004, and September20, 2006.
Lindsey, V. (2005). What on Earth am I Here For: The Role of Spiritual Women in the Church. Workshop presented to Baptist Missionary Women Retreat, Ontario, California, and June 24, 2005.
Lindsey, V. (2004). Interpersonal Violence: Dominance, Learned Behavior or Both. Workshop sponsored by Child Welfare Training Academy and presented to community partners at Riverside County Staff Development, Riverside, California, and May 13, 2004.
Lindsey, V. (1999). Emergency Response (ER) Protocol for Riverside County Child Protective Services. Workshop presented to Parkview Community Hospital, Social Work staff, Riverside, California, 1999.
Brown, L. & Lindsey, V. (1999). Emergency Response (ER) Protocol for Riverside County Child Protective Services. Workshop presented to Corona Unified School District staff, Corona, California, 1999
Lindsey, V. (1996). Blueprint for Volunteer Diversity Leadership: Benefits of Training for Community Involvement. Workshop presented at the Annual Family Services Association Conference, 1996.
Park Avenue Missionary Baptist Church ( prior Sunday School teacher; Prior Assistant secretary; Prior Choir member)
Riverside County Children and Families Advisory Committee, First District
Academic Committees:
New Admissions Interviews
Provided mentoring for first and second year MSW graduate students;
assist in developing psychosocial skills; identifying topics of interest to enhance knowledge base; understanding sense of self and worldview
Professional Development
Guiding students through transition from student learner to learning/adapting to professional work work; managing organizational culture
Committee Membership: College of Behavioral and Social Sciences; Social Work Department
Social Work Recognition Month (March)
Child Abuse Awareness Month (April)
Domestic Violence Awareness Month (October)
National Grandparents Day ( September); Celebrated in April at CBU
Learning to speak Spanish
As a social work professional/teacher, I have the responsibility of
transferring knowledge in ways that support developing students so that they are not only confident participants (ensuring inclusiveness) in the classroom, but can appropriately display that confidence in real world environments;
preparing students to be agents of change.