Jeffrey Gage, Ph.D.
Professor of Nursing
Office Phone: 951-552-8658
E-mail: jgage@calbaptist.edu
Office Location: Nursing Annex 286
Degree | Major Emphasis | Institution | Year |
Ph.D. | Nursing | Sinclair School of Nursing, University of Missouri | 2005 |
M.P.H. | Public Health | University of Otago, Christchurch School of Medicine & Health Science, New Zealand | 2000 |
R.N. | Nursing | Nursing & Human Services, Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology, Christchurch, New Zealand | 1991 |
Certificate in Adult Teaching, Nursing & Human Services, Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2009.
Certificate in Men's Health, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, 1996.
Certificate in Health Education (Distinction), Wellington School of Medicine & Department of Health, New Zealand, 1992.
NUR420: Community Health Nursing
NUR525: Research and Scholarship for the ADN
NUR559: Nursing Research I
NUR570: Nursing Research II
NUR559: Advanced Nursing Research/Research & Scholarship
NUR561: Population Health and Applied Biostatistics
NUR563: Population Health and Health Promotion
NUR598: Directed Project
NUR700: Nursing Science & Translational Research
NUR710: Population Health & Epidemiology
NUR720: Systems, Evaluation & Scholarship
NUR790: Translational Research Residency I
NUR791: Translational Research Residency II
NUR792: Translational Research Final Project
Male Health: Experiences of Cancer/Smoking Cessation during pregnancy
Fatherhood and Family Health
Qualitative Research, particularly Grounded Theory Methodology
Senior Lecturer, School of Health Sciences, Canterbury University, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2008-2015: Male Health, Health Promotion.
Lecturer, Nursing & Human Services, Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2005-2008: Family & Community Health, Nursing Research
Gage, J. (2023). Faith integration and spiritual care in nursing. A pragmatic utility analysis. Journal of Faith in the Academic Profession, 1 (1). https://cbuopenpublishing.org/index.php/jfap
Crosby, R. G., Smith, E.I., Gage, J.D., Blanchette, L. (2021). Trauma-informed children’s ministry: A qualitative descriptive study. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40653-020-00334-w
Thompson, B., Gage, J.D., Kirk, R. (2019). Living well with chronic pain: A classical grounded theory. Disability and Rehabilitation: https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/xvd3PcxxazsDSFEvvQ2R/full
Donaldson, K., Friesen, M.D., Gage, J.D. (2018). The psychological salience of religiosity and spirituality among young people in New Zealand: A mixed-methods study. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality (March).
Farmer, A., Gage, J.D., Kirk, R., Edgar.,T. (2018) “I Want to Walk with My Moko.” The Application of Social Cognitive Theory in the creation of a Diabetes Prevention Documentary with New Zealand Māori. Journal of Health Communication, 23(3).
Veerasamy, A., Gage, J., Kirk, R. (2017, November). Head teachers’ views of oral health education in schools in Tamil Nadu, India. Health Education Journal.
Farmer, A., Gage, J.D., Kirk, R., Edgar, T. (2016). Applying community based participatory research to create a diabetes prevention documentary with New Zealand Māori. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 10(3), 383-390. John’s Hopkins University Press.
Veerasamy, A., Kirk, R., Gage, J. (2016). A cross-sectional study examining the association between dental caries and oral health literacy among adolescents in Tamil Nadu, India. Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences, 3(4), 104-111.
Veerasamy, A., Kirk, R., Gage, J. (2016). Oral health literacy of adolescents of Tamil Nadu, India. Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences, 3(4), 112-120.
Veerasamy, A., Kirk, R., Gage, J. (2016). Epidemiology of dental caries among adolescents in Tamil Nadu, India. International Dental Journal. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/idj.12216/abstract;jsessionid=476B511C0F797A8A9A5DE009CC4DE8F2.f04t01
Gage, J., Taylor., Hodgson, S. (2015). Men’s Experiences of Cancer: An Exploration of Coping, Adapting and Living Well. Research report for the Cancer Society of New Zealand (Canterbury-West Coast Division).
Gage, J. (2015). Man up! Examining men’s health. KaiTiaki Nursing New Zealand, 21(6).
Grueber, A, Gage, J, Barnett, P (2014): Service Users’ Experiences with a Physical Activity Programme in a Community Mental Health Setting. In: Kellehear, K, Lane, A, Cassaniti, M, Tooth, B, Chapman, C, Robertson, S, Peters, J, Prowse, L, Farhall, J, Piscitelli, A, Brophy, L, Astbury, R (Ed.) What we share makes us strong, Contemporary TheMHS in Mental Health Services, Perth Conference Proceedings 2014, TheMHS Conference, Perth, Western Australia.
Zhang, Q., Gage, J.D., & Barnett, P. (2013). Health provider perspectives on mental health service provision for Chinese people living in Christchurch, New Zealand. Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry, 25(6), 375-383.
Bowl, M., Tobias, R., Leahy, J., Ferguson, G. and Gage, J. (Eds.) (2012) Gender, Masculinities and Lifelong Learning. London: Routledge.
Gage, J. (2012). Learning about fatherhood for men in 'at-risk' families. In M. Bowl, R. Tobias, J. Leahy, G. Ferguson and J. Gage (Eds.), Gender, Masculinities and Lifelong Learning: 111-121. London: Routledge.
Gage, J.D. (2012). “It's a male thing": A phenomenological study of men's positive reactions to cancer diagnosis through participation in the Tranz-Alpine Scooter Safari. New Zealand Cancer Society, 37pp.
Raffensperger, M. K., Morton, M., Gage, J., Caldwell, F., Penfold-Green, C., Raffensperger, R., and Fülöp, K. (2012). From our perspective: Exploring the strength and resilience of families that include a parent with a disability. Wellington, New Zealand: Families Commission. Report Number 7/12.
Gage, J.D., Everett, K.D. & Bullock, L. (2011). A theoretical explanation of male partner participation in smoking cessation during the transition to fatherhood. Journal of Smoking Cessation, 6 (2), 89-96.
Richardson, A., & Gage, J.D. (2010). What influences practice nurses to participate in post-registration education? Journal of Primary Health Care, 2(2), 142-149.
Pahud, M., Kirk, R., Gage, J. D. & Hornblow, A. (2009). The coping processes of adult refugees resettling in New Zealand. New Issues in Refugee Research, Research Paper 179. Geneva, Switzerland: United Nations Refugee Agency Policy Development and Evaluation Service (UNHCR), 22pp.
Gage, J.D., Kirk, R. & Hornblow, A. (2009) Heart and head: Explanation of the meaning of fatherhood. New Zealand Families Commission Blue Skies Report No 31/0. Wellington, New Zealand.
Everett, K., Bullock, L., Longo, D. R., Gage, J.D. & Madsen, R. M. (2007). Men’s tobacco and alcohol use during and after pregnancy. American Journal of Men’s Health, 1(4), 317-325.
Gage, J.D., Everett, K.D. & Bullock, L. (2007). A review of research literature addressing male partners and smoking during pregnancy. Journal of Obstetric, Gynaecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 36(6), 574-580.
Gage, J.D. & Hornblow, A.R. (2007). Development of the New Zealand nursing workforce: historical themes and current challenges. Nursing Inquiry, 14(4), 330-334.
Everett, K.D., Bullock, L., Gage, J.D., Longo, D.R., Geden, E. & Madsen, R. (2006). Health risk behavior of rural low-income expectant fathers. Public Health Nursing, 23(4), 297-306.
Gage, J.D., Everett, K.D. & Bullock, L. (2006). Integrative review of parenting in nursing research. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 38(1), 56-62.
Everett, K., Gage, J.D., Bullock, L., Longo, D., Geden, E. & Madsen, R.W. (2005). A pilot study of smoking and associated behaviors of low-income expectant fathers. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 7(2), 269-276.
Gage, J.D. (2003). Embracing the art and science of nursing. KaiTiaki Nursing New Zealand, 34, 5-33.
Gage, J.D. & Kirk, R. (2002). First-time fathers: Perceptions of preparedness for fatherhood. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 34(4), 15-24.
2017- 2019 - Primary Researcher
Fathers’ Experiences of Early Ultrasound and Influence on Pregnancy Decision-making.
Research collaboration with Riverside Life Services
2014 – 2017 Primary Researcher:
Men’s Experiences of Cancer: An Exploration of Coping, Adapting and Living Well. Primary researcher: Dr. Jeffrey Gage. Co-researchers: Kathryn Taylor and Suzanne Hodgson. The purpose of this study was to describe how men cope, adapt and live well after completion of curative treatment for cancer. Funded by St George’s Cancer Care Center, NZ $21,298.
2012 Primary Researcher:
“It’s a Male Thing”: A Phenomenological Study of Men’s Positive Reactions to Cancer Diagnosis through Participation in the Tranz Alpine Scooter Safari.
Funded by NZ Cancer Society and Movember Organization, NZ $18,750.
2012 Co-Researcher:
Through the Eyes of Parents, Children and Friends: Exploring the Resilience and Success Factors of Disabled Parents.
Funded by New Zealand Families Commission Blue Skies Fund, NZ $74,985.
2009 Primary Researcher:
Head and Heart: Explanation of the Meaning of Fatherhood.
Funded by New Zealand Families Commission, NZ $13,352.
2005 Primary Researcher: PhD Thesis
Male Partner Participation in Smoking Cessation of Women during Pregnancy: Fatherhood as Motivator for Smoking Behavior Change.
Funded by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, US $50,000.
1999 Primary Researcher: Master’s Dissertation: First-time Fathers: Perceptions for Preparedness for Parenting.
Conference Presentations and Dissemination
Gage, J. (2018) National Care Net Conference: Each one reach one, Uniting Evangelism and Discipleship. Atlanta Georgia, Sept 4-7. Workshop: Fathers’ experiences of early ultrasound and implications for care.
Gage, J. (2018) National Webinar, Heartbeat Organization: Fathers’ experiences of early ultrasound. May 9.
Reid, K., Gage. J., Taylor., Hodgson, S. (2017). Men’s experiences of cancer: An exploration of coping, adapting, and living well. Cancer Nursing NZ, Christchurch New Zealand, May 11-13.
Farmer, A., Gage, J., Kirk, R., and Edgar, T. (2015). Application of community based participatory research to the creation of a diabetes prevention documentary with New Zealand Maori. Round Table presentation, 143rd American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, Chicago U.S.A, Oct 31- Nov 4.
Farmer, A., Gage, J., Kirk, R., and Edgar, T. (2015). I want to walk with my moko: Prevention of Type 2 diabetes. Global Public Health Film Festival, 143rd American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, Chicago U.S.A, Oct 31- Nov 4.
Thompson, B., Gage, J., and Kirk, R. (2015). Achieving self-coherence through re-occupying self: A classical grounded theory. 6th Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress, Rotorua, New Zealand, 14-17 Sept.
Ritchie, D., Hocking, C., and Gage, J. (2015). Men’s self-perceptions of masculinity after acquired illness or injury and subsequent changes in occupational roles. Rotorua, New Zealand, 14-17 Sept.
Thompson, B., Gage, J., and Kirk, R. (2015). Living well with chronic pain: Classical grounded theory. Pain Science in Motion. International and Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Research Methods in Pain Science. Brussels, Belgium, 26-27 March.
Grueber, A., Gage, J.D. and Barnett, P. (2015) Service users' experiences of a physical activity program in a community mental health setting. 6th National Nutrition and Physical Activity Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 6-7 May.
Farmer, A., Gage, J., Kirk, R., and Edgar, T. (2015). Application of community based participatory research to the creation of a diabetes prevention documentary with New Zealand Maori. Australasian Society for Behavioural Health & Medicine (ASBHM), Perth, Australia. Feb 11-13.
Grueber, A., Gage, J.D. and Barnett, P. (2014) Service users' experiences of a physical activity program in a community mental health setting. TheMHS: Learning Network for Improving Mental Health Services in Australia and New Zealand, Perth, Australia, 26-29 Aug.
Farmer, A., Gage, J., Kirk, R., and Edgar, T. (2014). I want to walk with my moko: Applying community-based participatory research principles in the development of a diabetes prevention documentary with Christchurch Maori. Australasian Society for Behavioural Health & Medicine (ASBHM), Auckland, New Zealand, 12-14 Feb.
Liberty, K., Macfarlane, S., Basu, A., Gage, J. and Allan, M. (2013) PTSD symptoms and coping in children beginning school: Preliminary findings. Researching the Health Implications of Seismic Events (RHISE) Symposium, Christchurch, New Zealand, 22 Nov.
Meisner, K., Gage, J., and Friesen, M. (2013). Men’s informal help-seeking for mental health concerns. 10th National Men’s Health Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 22-25 October.
Gage, J. (2012) "It's a male thing": A phenomenological study of men's positive reactions to cancer diagnosis through participation in the Tranz-Alpine Scooter Safari. Sigma Theta Tau International 23rd International Nursing Research Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 30 Jul-3 Aug.
Raffensperger, M.K., Morton, M., Gage, J., Caldwell, F., Penfold-Green, C., Raffensperger, R. and Fulop, K. (2012) Fostering family resilience. New Zealand Association of Counselors' Research Conference, Napier, New Zealand, 3-4 Dec.
Gage, J. (2011) Male support networks and action-oriented initiatives to honour mates with cancer. Australian National Men's Health Gathering, Perth, Australia, 20-22 Sept.
Gage, J., Kirk, R. and Hornblow, A. (2010) Heart and head: A theoretical explanation of the meaning and construction of fatherhood for 'at risk' men in New Zealand. 5th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Cambridge, UK, 2-5 Aug.
Gage, J., Kirk, R. and Hornblow, A. (2009) An exploration of the contribution of fathering to family health: Building meaningful relationships through fathering. Families Commission Research Seminar, Wellington, New Zealand, 16 Jun.
Hornblow, A., Pahud, M., Gage, J. and Kirk, R. (2009) Coping processes of adult refugees resettled in New Zealand. Second World Congress of Cultural Psychiatry, Norcia, Italy, 27-30 Sept.
Gage, J. (2008) Fatherhood as motivator for smoking behaviour change. General Practice & Primary Health Care Research Conference, Hobart, Australia, 4-6 Jun.
Gage, J.D. (2007) "Talk to me": Adapting the interview process to meet the needs of low-income men in Mid-Missouri. Third International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign, IL, USA, 2-5 May.
Gage, J.D. (2007) Fatherhood as motivator for smoking behaviour change. Oceania Tobacco Control Conference 2007, Auckland, New Zealand, 4-7 Sept.
Gage, J.D. (2005) Male partner participation in smoking cessation of women during pregnancy. Rising Stars of Nursing Scholarship & Research 38th Biennial Convention, Chicago, IL, USA, 14 Nov.
Sandals Church Palm Avenue
Volunteer: Riverside Life Services. Facilitator of parenting classes, and Father Engagement Project: Dads4Life.
Sandal's Church Palm Avenue: Parenting Education
My wife and I have four young-adult children. In my leisure time I enjoy running, hiking, mountain-biking and fly-fishing.
2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Psalm 90:17 May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us – yes, establish the work of our hands.