Degree Major Emphasis Institution Year
DrPH Public Health & Epidemiology Loma Linda University 2014
MPA Public Policy and Administration California State University Long Beach 2009
MPH Community Health Education California State University Long Beach 2010
BA African Studies California State University Long Beach 2007

Infectious Disease Case Investigator, 2020
Public Sector Employer-Employee Relations & Personnel Management Certificate CSULB, 2007
Postdoctoral Fellowship in HIV Research-American Psychological Association (APA), July 2015-July 2017.
Certified DR Chaplain-SBDR/NAMB, 2017
Certified Mental Health First Aid, 2018

HSC 305: Epidemiology
HSC 540: Principles and Methods of Epidemiology
STA 144: Introduction to Statistics
STA 513: Applied Statistics
STA 544: Biostatistics
MPA 560: Statistical Analysis for Public Administration
HSC 480: Research Methods
HSC 590: Research Methods
KIN 570: Research Methods
KIN 300: Nutrition Science
HSC 320: Public Health Nutrition and Physical Activity
HSC 312: Introduction to Environmental and Occupational Health
HSC 502: Environmental and Occupational Health

Global HIV/Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)
Food Security/Nutrition
Infectious and Emergent Diseases
Maternal and Child Health/Women Health/Health Disparities
Mental/Psychosocial Health
Religion and Health

Saybrook University:
Epidemiology of Health and Disease
Public and Community Health

Trident University International:
Introduction to Health Statistics
Topics in Health Care Policy

Loma Linda University:
Nutrition and Biology, Advanced Data Analysis, Intermediate Statistics, Application to SPSS

Toki, H., McKinney, O., Bonome, J. & Sturz, D. (2024). The Silence Impact of Women’s Experiences of Homelessness. International Journal on Homelessness 4(2), 1-21.
Kinkade, N., McKinney, O., Garrett, L., & Bonome, J. (2023). Assessment of Program Effectiveness of Counseling Services in 911 Telecommunication Centers. Crisis, Stress, and Human Resilience: An International Journal 4(3), 169-104.
McKinney, O., Joubi, V.,Sturz, D., & Bonome, J. (2022). Assessment of Factors Contributing to Californians’ Perceptions of COVID-19 Information Dissemination. Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 14(1), 35-44. https://doi.10.5897/JPHE2021.1374
McKinney, O., Sturz, D., Mukaire, P., Brown, L., Toki, H., & Van Druten, E. (2020). Effectiveness of the medical response teams to the 2014 Ebola outbreak: African immigrants’ perceptions. Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 12(4), 349-356.
McKinney, O., Banta, J., Garrett, L. & Mukaire, P. (2019). Disability & Mental Health Status as Determinants of Food Insecurity among Immigrants in California. Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 9 (2): 15-28. doi:10.18848/2160-1933/CGP/v09i02/15-28.
McKinney, O.,Pearce, D., Banta, J., Mataya, R., Muula, A., Crounse, J., Mukaire, P., & Matipwiri, P. (2017). Evaluation of Pill Counts Adherence with Self-Reported Adherence in Assessing Antiretroviral Therapy Behavior of Women living with HIV at a Faith-based Clinic in Malawi. HIV: Current Research 1:13.
Banta, J. & McKinney, O. (2016). Faith-based hospitals and psychiatric inpatient care in California, 2002-2011. Springer-Journal of Religion and Health 55, 787, doi:10.1007/s10943-015-0175-6.
McKinney, O.Modeste, N., Lee, J., & Gleason, P. (2015). Predicting Malawian Women’s Intention to Adhere to Antiretroviral Therapy. Journalof Public Health Research4:533, 8 pages, doi: 10.4081/jphr.2015.533
Banta, J., Khoie-Mayer, R., Somaiya , C., McKinney, O. & Segovia-Siapco, G. (2015).Mental health and food consumption among California children 5-11 years of age. Journal of Public Health Nutrition 1-17, dOI: 10.1177/0260106015599511.
McKinney, O., Modeste, N., Lee, J., Gleason, P., & Maynard-Tucker, G. (2014). Determinants of antiretroviral therapy adherence among women in southern Malawi: Healthcare providers’ perspectives. AIDS Research and Treatment, vol. 2014, Article ID 489370, 9 pages, doi:10.1155/2014/489370

McKinney, O. (2014). Predicting Antiretroviral Medication Adherence of Malawian Women. Loma Linda University.

Sturz, D. & McKinney, O. (2023). Talking public health: Improving public health professional development through an innovative academic partnership. APHA 2023 Annual Meeting and Expo. Atlanta, GA.
Sturz, D. & McKinney, O. (2023). Talking public health: Improving community health through an innovative community-university collaborative. APHA 2023 Annual Meeting and Expo. Atlanta, GA.
McKinney, O. & Mukaire, P. (2022). Takeaways from Fifteen Month Lessons Learned from Community Food Distribution and Nutrition Teams during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Twelfth International Conference on Food Studies.
Mukaire, P. & McKinney, O. (2022). Food Insecurity and Other Basic Human Needs during the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown in the Jinja District Suburbs, Uganda: Food Insecurity and Basic Human Needs during the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown. Twelfth International Conference on Food Studies.
Haddad, N., McKinney, O., Bonome, J. H., Sturz, D. L., Gnass, S. (2020). Evaluation of Employee Compliance with Isolation Precautions at a County Hospital. APHA 2020 Annual Meeting and Expo, San Francisco, CA.
Haddad, N., McKinney, O., Bonome, J. H., Sturz, D. L., Gnass, S. (2020). Evaluation of Employee Compliance with Isolation Precautions at a County Hospital. Riverside University Health System (RUHS) Research Symposium, Riverside, CA.
Valenzuela, A., Sturz, D. L., Bonome, J. H., McKinney, O. (Student/Author). (2019). Electronic Nicotine Delivery System’s Impact on Minority Youth: Review of the Literature. CBU OPS Fall Faculty Poster Session, CBU OPS, Riverside, CA.
McKinney, O., Mukaire, P., & Teteh, D., (2019). Knowledge of HIV Prevention Methods not Translating to Practice among Reproductive Age Malawian Women. American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference, Philadelphia, PA, United States. November 2, 2019 - November 6, 2019.
McKinney, O. & Mukaire, P. (2019). Anemia and Nutritional Status of Children and Women in Malawi. Ninth International Conference on Food Studies, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Mukaire, P., McKinney, O., & Ananabe, N. (2019). Nutritional Outcomes for Rural Older Adults Participating in Home-delivered Food Ration Program. Ninth International Conference on Food Studies, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
McKinney, O. & Mukaire, P. (2019). Relationship between HIV Prevention Knowledge and Prevention Practice among Reproductive Age Malawian Women. CBU Faculty Symposium.
Van Druten, E., McKinney, O, Sturz, D,& Bonome, J. (2018). Anti-vaccinationism and social media: The role of virtual connectedness in undermining public health efforts. APHA Conference, San Diego, CA.
Mukaire, P., McKinney, O, &Sturz, D. (2018). Identifying and addressing the community health knowledge needs of a Hispanic community in Southern California. APHA Conference, San Diego, CA.
McKinney O., Mukaire, P., & Garrett, L. (2017). Disability and Mental Health Status as Barriers to Food Security among California Residents. Seventh International Conference on Food Studies and Food Studies Research. Rome, Italy.
Mukaire, P. & McKinney O. (2017). Food Availability, Access and Variety among Mothers with Children Under 24 Months in Rural Uganda. Seventh International Conference on Food Studies and Food Studies Research. Rome, Italy.
Mukaire, P. Frais, J., Anyikwa, P., & McKinney O. (2017). Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Ebola Disease among Secondary School Students in Busoga, Uganda. APHA, Atlanta, GA.
McKinney, O. & Sturz, D. (2016). Factors Associated with the Ebola Outbreak in West Africa: African Immigrants’ Perceptions. American Public Health Association. Denver, CO.
McKinney, O. Sturz, D. & Mukaire, P. (2016). Effectiveness of the Medical Response Teams to the Ebola Outbreak in West Africa: African Immigrants’ Perceptions. U.S Conference on African Immigrant and Refuges Health, New York, NY.
McKinney, O. & Sturz, D. (2016). African Immigrants’ Knowledge and Perceptions of the Ebola Outbreak in West Africa. Northwest Regional Conference on African Immigrant Health, Seattle, WA.
McKinney, O. Modeste, N., Lee, J., Pearce, D., & Muula, A. (2015). Antiretroviral Adherence Behavior among Reproductive Age Malawian Women. 143rd APHA Conference, Chicago, IL.
McKinney, O., Modeste, N., Lee, J., Gleason, P., & Maynard-Tucker, G. (2014). Antiretroviral therapy adherence determinants of women in southern Malawi: Healthcare providers’ perspectives.142nd APHA Conference, New Orleans, LA.
McKinney, O.,Modeste, N., Lee, J., Gleason, P., & Maynard-Tucker, G. (2014). Examining the Impact of Food Access and Medication Side Effects on Intentions to Adhere to Antiretroviral Therapy. Southern California Public Health Association (SCPHA) Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
McKinney, O. & Banta, J.(2014).Faith-based hospitals and variation in psychiatric inpatient length of stay in California, 2002-2011.Southern California Public Health Association (SCPHA) Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Long, E., Payton, J., McKinney, O., & Gilchick, R. (2010). Effective Interventions for Promotion of Healthy Weight among African-American Women in Los Angeles County: Using Findings from Formative Research. Public Health Science Summit Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
McKinney, O. (2006). HIV/AIDS and its implications on Healthcare Delivery in Sierra Leone. White Paper. Model United Nations-Georgetown University, Washington DC.
McKinney, O. (2006). Youth in Conflict and HIV/AIDS in Sierra Leone. White Paper. Model United Nations-Georgetown University, Washington D.C.

McKinney, O. (2018). Comparison Analysis of Macedonian Healthcare System to the U.S. Tetovo Hospital, Tetovo, Macedonia.
McKinney, O. (2017). Vaccines Preventable Diseases. Mercy Medical Center, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
McKinney, O. (2017). College preparation, possible health majors and future careers. Mission Middle School, Riverside, CA.
McKinney, O. (2014). Advancement in Treatment of HIV/AIDS. Sherman Indian High School, Riverside, CA
McKinney, O. & Matipwiri, P. (2013). Approach to Wellness from the Spiritual, Social, Environmental, Emotional, and Physical. Dedza SDA Church, Dedza, Malawi.
McKinney, O. (2013). Stigma Associated with HIV/AIDS. Sherman Indian High School, Riverside, CA
McKinney, O. (2013). Impact of HIV/AIDS on Minority Population and the Significance of Testing. Compton Community SDA Church. Compton, CA.

To read my publications, visit this link:

Magnolia Baptist Church:
-Decision Counselor
-VBS Mission Teacher
-Global Ministry Team (GMT) Board Member/Chairperson
-Young Adults (20s-30s) Life Group Teacher/Leader

World Vision
Child Ambassador (June 2017-March 2020)

American Public Health Association (APHA)
Reviewer of abstracts (current)

Loma Linda University Alumni Relations
Career Mentor (2016-present)

Southern California Public Health Association (SCPHA)
Membership/Section Development Director (2014-2016)

Bio Accent Journal
Editorial Board Member (2014-2017)
Reviewed Manuscripts

Consulate of Mexico, San Bernardino, CA
Program Planner/Health Educator (2011-2013)
Ventanilla de Salud in conjunction with Loma Linda University

Congressman Joe Baca's Youth Motivation Campaign
Youth Educator/Motivational Speaker (2012)

U.S Department of Veteran Affairs, Long Beach, CA
Medical Researcher (2004-2006)

Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Long Beach, CA
Emergency Preparedness Volunteer (2009)

“You can kiss your family and friends good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world but a world lives in you.” Frederick Buechner

“To understand your parents’ love, you must raise children yourself.” Chinese proverb

"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." Proverb 31:25

"For by Thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall." Psalm 18:29

"For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more." Luke 12:48

A healthy world begins with one healthy individual at a time, let's advocate for world's health!

If your dreams do not scare you, you are not dreaming big enough!