Degree Major Emphasis Institution Year
D.H.Ed Health Education A.T. Still University 2020
M.S. Exercise Science California Baptist University 2011
B.S. Physical Education California Baptist University 2009

CSCS - National Strength and Conditioning Association

KIN115 - Weight Training

KIN212 - First Aid & Safety

KIN264 - Movement Anatomy

KIN274 - Applied Movement Anatomy

KIN302 - Contemporary Health Issues

KIN303 - Foundations of Kinesiology

KIN332 - Lifelong Motor Development

KIN353 - Care and Prevention of Athletic Injury

KIN383 - Exercise Physiology

KIN454 - Behavioral Aspects of Sport

KIN480 - Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription

KIN505 - Ethics and Leadership in Kinesiology

KIN552 - Advanced Study of Sport and Exercise Psychology

KIN557 - Fitness Testing and Exercise Prescription for Special Populations

KIN593 - Applied Knowledge in Kinesiology

Tactical and First Responder Community

Santa Ana Community College - Fire Technology

Riverside Community College - Fire Technology

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:
• McKinney, O., Mukaire, P., Banta, J., & Garrett, L. (2018). Disability and Mental Health Status as Determinants of Food Insecurity among Immigrants in California. Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 9(2), 15-28.
• Kaire, Y., Harveson, A., Garrett, L., & Sturz, D. (2020). Acute effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on vertical jump performance. International Journal of Sports Science, 10(4), 77-81.
• Ceja, J., Harveson, A., Garrett, L., & Garrett, E. (2021). Sweat rates and hydration in CrossFit athletes. International Journal of Sports Science, 11(2), 25-30.
• Kinkade, N., McKinney, O., Garrett, L., & Bonome, J. (2023). Assessment of program effectiveness of counseling services in 911 telecommunication centers. Crisis, Stress, and Human Resilience, 4(3), 169-194.
• Garrett, L., Harveson, A., & Ayars, C. (2024). Shift schedule effects on firefighter health and fitness. WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation.

• McKinney, O., Mukaire, P., Banta, J., & Garrett, L. (October, 2017). Disability and mental health status as barriers of food security among California residents. Poster presented at the International Conference of Food Studies. Rome, Italy.
• Kaire, Y., Harveson, A., Garrett, L., Sturz, D. (June, 2019). Acute effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on vertical jump. Poster presented at the American College of Sports Medicine National Convention. Orlando, FL.
• Coury, K., Harveson, A., Garrett, L., Sturz, D. (June, 2019). High speed treadmill vs. ground-based training for sprint times among collegiate athletes. Poster presented at the American College of Sports Medicine National Convention. Orlando, FL.
• Ceja, J., Harveson, A., Garrett, L., & Garrett, E. (May, 2021). Sweat rates and hydration in CrossFit athletes. Poster presented at the American College of Sports Medicine National Convention.
• Garrett, L., Ayers, C., & Harveson, A. (July, 2021). Effects of firefighter shift schedules on body composition and fitness. Poster presented at the National Strength and Conditioning Association annual meeting.
• McQuilkin, C. & Garrett, L. (August, 2022). Coaching tactical professionals to lift terribly…Well. Hands-On presentation at the National Strength and Conditioning Associations Tactical Annual Training.

Country Oaks Baptist Church

Land management and clearing for fire prevention.

- Construction and building
- Operating heavy equipment
- Coaching youth sports

- Our family enjoys traveling both domestically and internationally. We've been blessed to take multiple cross country trips and travel internationally to places like Canada, Mexico, and South America.

James 1:2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of you faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.