Degree Major Emphasis Institution Year
DrPH Health Education Loma Linda University 6/2014
MPH Community Health and Disease Prevention California State University, Fullerton 6/2005
B.S. Health Science California State University, Fullerton 6/2001

Master Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES)

HSC 101: Introduction to Public Health
HSC 104: Survey of U.S. Healthcare Delivery
HSC 210: Ethics in Healthcare
KIN 212: First Aid & Safety
HSC 301: Principles of Health Education
KIN 302: Contemporary Health Issues
HSC 306: Pathophysiology for Public Health
HSC 522: Social and Behavioral Sciences Applied to Health
HSC 523: Current Issues in Public Health
HSC 538: Strategic Management for Public Health Services
HSC 552: Health Law and Ethics
HSC 554: Public Policy and Healthcare Advocacy
HSC 557: Global Health
HSC 596: Applied Knowledge in Public Health
HSC 710: Orientation to the Doctor of Public Health Program
HSC 715: Social and Behavioral Sciences

Gerontology and Health
Spirituality/Religiosity and Health
Mental Health
Infectious Disease
Online Education

California State University, Fullerton:
HESC 450/GERO 450: Applied Health Promotion in Aging Populations
HESC 440 Determinants of Health Behavior
HESC 342/KNES 342: Stress Management
Student Learning and Teaching Excellence Academy (SLATE): Instructional Design and Teaching Presence Strand
Student Learning and Teaching Excellence Academy (SLATE): Cognitive Presence Strand
Student Learning and Teaching Excellence Academy (SLATE): Social Presence Strand
Gerontology Program Council
Gerontology Student Thesis/Project Committee Member
Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program Scholar

Loma Linda University:
HPRO 536: Program Planning and Evaluation

Sturz, D. " Recruitment of diverse population into public health research." Chapter 12, Research Handbook on Health Education, Health Promotion, and Diversity, Raffy R. Luquis, & Miguel A. Perez. San Francisco, CA: Edward Elger Publishing Ltd.

Toki, H., McKinney, O., Bonome, J., & Sturz, D. (2024) Women Experiencing Homelessness and Trauma". Accepted with Revisions by International Journal on Homelessness

Simnjanovski, R. (2023). In K. W. Minesinger, S. E. Dunbar, K. B. George, D. L. Sturz, & R. J. Ardito (Eds.), High Horology: How Watchmaking Helps Me Understand Bitcoin. Nashville, TN: BTC Media.

Simnjanovski, R. (2023). In K. W. Minesinger, S. E. Dunbar, K. B. George, D. L. Sturz, & R. J. Ardito (Eds.), High Horology: How Watchmaking Helps Me Understand Bitcoin. New York, NY:

McKinney, O., Joubi, V., Sturz, D. & Bonome, J. Assessment of Factors Contributing to Californians’ Perceptions of COVID-19 Information Dissemination. Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology. doi.10.5897/JPHE2021.1374

McKinney, O., Sturz, D., & Mukaire, P. Effectiveness of the medical response teams to the 2014 Ebola outbreak: African immigrants’ perceptions. Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, 2141-2316. doi: JPHE/14.11.20/1295

Kaire, Y., Harveson, A., Sturz, D., & Garrett, L. Acute effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on vertical jump performance. International Journal of Sports Science, 10(4), 77-81. doi:10.5923/j.sports.20201004.02

Simnjanovski R., Sturz, D., Ardito, R., Dunbar, S., Keneaster, J., & Snowden, D. Personalized weekly overviews: A comparison of text and video announcements measuring student engagement, achievement and misunderstanding in an online classroom. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, Q1, 2020.

Edwards, Q., Trudgen, R., Sturz, D., McKinney, O., & Bonome, J. (2017). Readmission rates, risk zones and demographic factors of healthy term breastfed newborns with hyperbilirubinemia: A retrospective chart review. Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 3(3).

Sturz, D. (2016). "The Role of Spirituality in Healing." Chapter 6, Principles of Complementary & Alternative Medicine: A Multicultural Perspective, Helda Pinzon-Perez, Miguel A. Perez. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.

Sturz, D. (2016). El control de azúcar en la sangre. Guía de Salúd: Inland Empire

Sturz, D. L., & Zografos, K. N. (2014). Religious Coping and Working Past Retirement Age: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging, 26(2-3), 231-244. doi: 10.1080/15528030.2013.855967

Charlemagne-Badal, S., Lee, J., Butler, T., Fraser, G., (2014). Conceptual domains included in wellbeing and life satisfaction instruments: A systematic review of validation studies. Quality of Life Research (involved as a contributor to scale development through instrument domain categorization)

Sturz, D., & McMahan, S. (2006). The aging workforce: Implications for Kinesiotherapists. Clinical Kinesiology, 60(3)

McMahan, S., & Sturz, D. (2006). Implications for an aging workforce. Journal of Education for Business, 82(1), 50-55. doi: 10.3200/joeb.82.1.50-55

Sturz, D., Kleiner, B., & Fernandez, A. (2005). Effective management of cultural diversity in a classroom setting. Equal Opportunities International, 24(5/6) doi:10.1108/02610150510788169

Sturz, D. “Improving community health through an innovative professional development series focused on overcoming social and ethical challenges,” American Public Health Association. Atlanta, GA., November, 2023

Sturz, D. “Round Table: Improving mental health through a faith-based university/local health affiliate collaboration focused on overcoming social and ethical challenges via web-based health education,” American Public Health Association. Atlanta, GA., November, 2023

Sturz, D., McKinney, O., & Bonome, J., “Talking public health: Improving community health through an innovative community-university collaborative,” American Public Health Association. Atlanta, GA., November, 2023

Sturz, D., McKinney, O., & Bonome, J., “Talking public health: Improving public health professional development through an innovative academic partnership,” American Public Health Association. Atlanta, GA., November, 2023

Sturz, D., McElhenie, M., & Bonome, J., “Fatigue risk management in privately contracted ambulance services: A countermeasures approach,” American Public Health Association. Atlanta, GA., November, 2023

Sturz, D. “Opening Speaker SCPHA Annual Conference- Creating the Healthiest Nation: Overcoming Social and Ethical Challenges,” Southern California Public Health Association. Los Angeles, CA., October, 2023.

Sturz, D. “Health Disparities among Latino Communities," All of Us Festival, San Diego, CA., October, 2023

Scott, B., Valenzuela, A., Tucker, S., & Sturz, D., “Advocacy in Public Health,” Co-moderator for the SCPHA state-wide webinar, Los Angeles, CA., August, 2023

Sturz, D., & All of Us Research. “The All of Us Research Program and Public Health in California,” Co-moderator for the SCPHA state-wide webinar while All of Us Research Program was the topic author and presenter, Los Angeles, CA., June, 2023

Sturz, D. “California School Meals for All," Vernon Middle School, Montclair, CA., May, 2022

Sturz, D. “Senior Nutrition,” Senior Health and Resource Fair, San Bernardino, CA., October, 2022

Sturz, D., & Reyna, Z. “How to Get Hired in Public Health,” Moderator for the SCPHA state-wide webinar while Reyna, Z. was the topic author, Los Angeles, CA., November, 2022.

Sturz, D. “COVID-19 Pandemic Fatigue,” National Roundtable for the American Public Health Association. Denver, CO., October, 2021

Sturz, D., & Carlson, L., “Social Justice: The Intersection of Covid-19, Mental Health & Nature,” Co-moderator for the SCPHA national webinar while Carlson, L. was the topic author, Los Angeles, CA., September, 2021

Sturz, D. “Firearm Policies: Whose Rights Deserve Protection?” American Public Health Association. San Francisco (Virtual), CA., October, 2020

Haddad, N., McKinney, O., Bonome, J., & Sturz, D. “Compliance with Transmission-based Precautions Among Employees in an Acute Care Hospital,” American Public Health Association. San Francisco (Virtual), CA., October, 2020

Haddad, N., McKinney, O., Bonome, J., & Sturz, D. “Evaluation of Employee Compliance with Isolation Precautions at a County Hospital,” Riverside University Health System Research Symposium. Riverside, CA., April, 2020. Accepted and postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Sturz, D. “How Job Stress and Social Support Influence Retirement Among Seventh Day Adventists,” Oxford Symposium on Religious Studies. Oxford, U.K., March, 2020. Accepted and postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Valenzuela, A., Sturz, D., Bonome, J., & McKinney, O. “Electronic Nicotine Delivery System’s Impact on Minority Youth: Review of the Literature,” CBU Online and Professional Studies Faculty and Student Research Symposium, Riverside, CA., November, 2019

Sturz, D. “Opening Address: Health Equity Through Servant Leadership,” Southern California Public Health Association. Los Angeles, CA., October, 2019.

Sturz, D. “Health Equity,” Binational Health Fair. San Bernardino, CA., October, 2019

Valenzuela, A., Sturz, D., Bonome, J., & McKinney, O. “Electronic Nicotine Delivery System’s Impact on Minority Youth,” CBU Online and Professional Studies Faculty and Student Research Symposium. Riverside, CA., October, 2019

Kaire, Y., Harveson, A., Sturz, D., & Garrett, L. “Acute Effects of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on Vertical Jump,” American College of Sports Medicine. Orlando, FL., May, 2019.

Sturz, D. “Online Education,” Consulate Educational Advisory. San Bernardino, CA., February, 2019

Sturz, D., Simnjanovski, R., Dunbar, S., Ardito, R., Harveson, A., & McKinney, O. “Effects of Quiz Time Limitations in Non-Traditional Learning Environments,” CLUTE International Conference on Education. Maui, HI., January, 2019

Sturz, D. “Spiritual Meanings’ Influence on Future Job Satisfaction,” Oxford Symposium on Religious Studies. Oxford, U.K., December, 2018.

Sturz, D. “Opening General Session Remarks- Creating the Healthiest Nation: Health Equity Now” American Public Health Association. San Diego, CA., November, 2018.

Chea, P., Herring, P., Banta, J., Beeson, L., & Sturz, D. “Depression and Risky Health Behaviors among Asian Subgroups in California,” American Public Health Association. San Diego, CA., November, 2018.

Mukaire, P., Sturz, D., & McKinney, O. “Identifying and Addressing the Community Health Knowledge Needs of a Hispanic Community in Southern California,” American Public Health Association. San Diego, CA., November, 2018.

Sanchez, M., Sturz, D., Bonome, J., & Mckinney, O. “Empowering Health Professionals to Provide Child Passenger Safety Education,” American Public Health Association. San Diego, CA., November, 2018.

Van Druten, E., Sturz, D., Bonome, J., & Mckinney, O. “Anti-Vaccinationism and Social Media: The Role Virtual Connectedness in Undermining Public Health Efforts,” American Public Health Association. San Diego, CA., November, 2018.

Sanchez, M., Sturz, D., Bonome, J., & Mckinney, O. “Empowering Health Professionals to Provide Child Passenger Safety Education,” CBU Online and Professional Studies Faculty and Student Research Symposium. Riverside. CA., September, 2018.

Van Druten, E., Sturz, D., Bonome, J., & Mckinney, O. “Anti-Vaccinationism and Social Media: The Role Virtual Connectedness in Undermining Public Health Efforts,” CBU Online and Professional Studies Faculty and Student Research Symposium. Riverside, CA., September, 2018.

Sturz, D. “How Job Stress and Social Supports Influence Retirement,” Academy of Business Research. Boston, MA., August, 2018.

Sturz, D., & Charleswell, C. “Talking Public Health: From Climate Change to Human Trafficking, An Innovative Professional Development Series for the Public Health Workforce,” American Public Health Association. Denver, CO., November, 2017.

Sturz, D. “Mental Health for All,” Binational Health Fair. San Bernardino, CA., October, 2017

Sturz, D., Simnjanovski, R., Dunbar, S., & Ardito, R. “Personalized Weekly Overviews: A Comparison of Text and Video Notifications Measuring Student Engagement, Achievement and Misunderstanding in an Online Classroom,” CLUTE International Conference on Education. Maui, HI., January, 2017.

Sturz, D. & McKinney, O. “Factors Associated with the Ebola Outbreak in West Africa: African Immigrants’ Perceptions,” American Public Health Association. Denver, CO., November, 2016.

McKinney, O., Sturz, D., & Mukaire, P. “Effectiveness of the Medical Response Teams to the Ebola Outbreak in West Africa: African Immigrants’ Perceptions,” United States Conference on African Immigrant and Refuges Health, New York, NY., September, 2016.

Sturz, D. "National School Lunch and Breakfast Reforms," Vina Danks College Preparatory Academy, Ontario, CA., April, 2016

McKinney, O., & Sturz, D. “African Immigrants’ Knowledge and Perceptions of the Ebola Outbreak in West Africa,” Northwest Regional Conference on African Immigrant Health, Seattle, WA., March, 2016.

Sturz, D. "Mental Health Services for the Uninsured," Choose Health Inc., Los Angeles, CA., March, 2015

Sturz, D. "Emergency and Disaster Preparedness," Vina Danks College Preparatory Academy, Ontario, CA., April, 2015

Sturz, D. "Adolescent Obesity: A Growing Problem in U.S. Schools," Vina Danks College Preparatory Academy, Ontario, CA., April, 2014

Sturz, D. "Health Services for the Homeless," Choose Health Inc., Los Angeles, CA., March, 2014

Loma Linda University Doctoral Dissertation Defense, 2014: Retirement: Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, Social Support and Spiritual Meaning, are they Factors?

San Bernardino County Directors Meeting, 2013: Preparing Counties for an Aging Population

Consulate of Mexico, 2013: Aging Successfully

American Public Health Association, 2012: Importance of Spiritual Wellness among a sample of College Students

Bi-National Health Fair (US/Mexico), 2012: Mental Health as we Age

California Department of Mental Health: State Hospital Recovery-Based Mental Health Treatment

California Association of Local Mental Health Boards and Commissions: Disparities in Mental Health Treatments

California Mental Health Directors Association: Disparities in Mental Illness

California County Medical Directors Association: Disparities in Mental Illness

California Department of Public Health: Implications of Recovery-Based Mental Health Treatments

Medi-Cal: The Need for Continuity of Care with Mental Health Treatments

National Alliance for the Mentally Ill: Strategies to Enhance Mental Health and Wellness

American Society of Safety Engineers: Safety Assessment for an Aging Workforce

Curricula Development:
Chewing Tobacco Educational Program, targeting males aged 16-22, to reduce incidence of oral cancers in high-risk populations

ROPE, Realizing Opportunities for Physical Education, physical activity program targeting youth grades 6-9, to reduce the prevalence of childhood obesity and associated disorders

Crossroads, Corona

American Public Health Association:
Affiliate Representative to the Governing Council
Region IX Representative for the Council of Affiliates
Reviewer of Abstracts (2013–Present)

Southern California Public Health Association:
Past President and current ARGC

Consulate of Mexico, San Bernardino:
Health Educator and Executive Planning Committee Member (2011–Present)
Ventanilla de Salud in conjunction with Loma Linda University

Choose Health Inc.:
Director, Educational Program Development (2008–Present)
Development of community needs assessments and educational programs that meet those needs
Community education on various health disparities and strategies for improving health outcomes
Specialized expertise in aging populations, health care systems/administration, and in mental health

Congressman Joe Baca’s Youth Motivation Campaign:
Youth Educator and Motivational Speaker (2012)

I love Angels baseball (ticket plan holder), SF 49ers football, Lakers basketball, and USC college football.

I travel every chance I get and have been blessed to have visited over 50 amazing countries (and counting).

I surf, snowboard, camp, mountain bike, and generally enjoy most outdoor activities.

I am passionate about SCUBA diving and have dedicated a great deal of time both to diving and teaching others how to dive. I actually teach people how to teach people how to dive. Below is a list of my dive and dive-medicine-related instructor qualifications.

PADI Course Director:
PADI 5 Star IDC Learning Center SCUBA Instructor Trainer (2007–Present)
Sport Chalet geographies have included the Inland Empire and Orange County

Emergency First Response Instructor Trainer:
Primary Care (CPR), Secondary Care (First Aid), Automatic External Defibrillator (AED), Care for Children

PADI Specialty Instructor Trainer:
Enriched Air, Underwater Navigator, Deep Diver, Night Diver, Search and Recovery Diver, Dry Suit Diver, Wreck Diver, Digital Underwater Photographer, Diver Propulsion Vehicle, AWARE Fish Identification

PADI Specialty/Distinctive Specialty Instructor:
Enriched Air, Underwater Navigator, Deep Diver, Night Diver, Search and Recovery Diver, Dry Suit Diver, Wreck Diver, Drift Diver, AWARE Fish Identification, Digital Underwater Photographer, Diver Propulsion Vehicle, Altitude Diver, Underwater Naturalist, Boat Diver, Multilevel Diver, Oxygen First Aid, Peak Performance Buoyancy, Project AWARE, AWARE Coral Reef Conservation, Emergency Oxygen Provider, Marine Life Injuries, AED for Divers, Whale Shark Conservation, Sea Turtle Awareness

DAN Instructor Trainer:
Oxygen First Aid for SCUBA Diving Injuries, Advanced Oxygen First Aid for SCUBA Diving Injuries, Oxygen First Aid for Aquatic Emergencies, AED for SCUBA Diving, AED for Aquatic Emergencies, First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries, On-Site Neurological Assessment for Divers, Basic Life Support and First Aid, Dive Emergency Management Provider, Diving Emergency Specialist

Proverbs 3:5-6

"Trust in Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."