Thomas E. Ferko, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry
Associate Dean, Division of Natural and Mathematical Sciences
Office Phone: 951-343-4399
E-mail: tferko@calbaptist.edu
Office Location: James Building, 454
Office Hours: MWF 10:30-am-12:00pm; TR 12:00-1:00 pm
Degree | Major Emphasis | Institution | Year |
Ph.D. | Analytical Chemistry | Purdue University | 2001 |
B.S. | Secondary Education / Chemistry | Juniata College | 1992 |
* Introduction to Forensic Science
* Forensic Chemistry
* Quantitative Chemical Analysis
* Instrumental Analysis
* Senior Research in Chemistry
* Analytical Chemistry
* Forensic Chemistry
* Science Education
* California Baptist University (2001-present)
* East Texas Baptist University (2000-2001)
* Purdue University Chemistry Outreach (1998-2000)
* Juniata College Science Outreach (1992-1994)
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. "Exposure and Fall of the Mocs (L6) Chondrite: A Study of Strewn Field Samples." Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2000: 35, 1215-1227.
Leya, I., et al. "Exposure History of the St.-Robert (H5) Fall." Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2001: 36, 1479-1494.
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. "The Irradiation History of the Ghubara (L5) Regolith Breccia." Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2002: 37, 311-327.
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. "Chemical Studies of H Chondrites 11: Cosmogenic Radionuclides in Falls." Journal of Geophysical Research. 2002: Planets 107(E9), doi: 10.1029/2001JE001527.
Park, W.-P., Koo, B.-J., Chang, A.C., Ferko, T. E., Parker, J.P., Ward, T., Lara, S., and Nuyen, C. “Dissolution of Biosolid-Borne Metals of Soils ” Applied and Environmental Soil Science, Volume 2016, Article IS 9858437.
Ferko, Thomas E., and M.E. Lipschutz. "Cosmogenic-Radionuclide Profile of the Mocs Meteorite Strewnfield;
initial results" 27th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 1996.
Ferko, Thomas E., and M.E. Lipschutz. "Cosmogenic-Radionuclide Profile of the Mocs Meteorite Strewnfield - a
research update" 7th International Conference
on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, May 1996.
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. "Preatmospheric Size of the St. Robert (H5) Chondrite" 60th Meteoritical Society meeting July 1997.
Burnett, D., and Thomas E. Ferko. "Integrating Instrumentation into the Secondary Science Classroom"
Hoosier Association of Science Teachers Inc. 29th
Annual Convention, February 1999.
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. "Cosmogenic Nuclides in a Large Meteoroid - Another Example of a Complex
Exposure?" 30th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 1999.
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. "Linking Learning, the Laboratory, and the Internet" Hoosier Association of Science Teachers Inc. 30th Annual Convention, February 2000.
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. "Cosmic Ray Products in the Ghubara (L5) Regolith Breccia" 31st Lunar and Planetary
Science Conference, March 2000.
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. "Current Cosmochemical Research at Purdue: The AMS Connection" American Chemical Society national meeting, August 2001.
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. "The Complex Irradiation of the Ghubara (L5) Regolith Breccia" 64th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, September 2001.
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. "Hands-On Science for Beginning Teachers" CEC Annual Convention, April 2004.
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. "Science Demonstrations, Beginning Teachers Can Use" CEC Annual Convention, April 2005.
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. “Science Demonstrations Beginning Teachers Can Use” CALState Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Annual Academy, Nov 2005.
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. “Science Activities: Engaging Students in Science” CALState Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Annual Academy, Nov 2005.
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. “Easy Science Demonstrations and Hands on Activities” Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Annual Convention and Expo, April 2006.
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. “Science Demonstrations / Hands On Activities For All” Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA) 44th International Conference, February 2007.
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. “Increasing Scientific Literacy through Demonstrations and Hands-On Activities” Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA) 45th International Conference, March 2008.
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. “Teaching Science to Children with Special Needs through Demonstrations and Hands-On Activities” Ferko, Cal State Fullerton Mild/Moderate Special Education Teacher Intern Program, September 2008.
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. “Doing Science: Science Activities for Teachers, Parents, and Students” Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA) 46th International Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, February 2009.
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. “Living Science – Biology and Life Science Activities for Teachers, Parents, and Students.” Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA) 47th International Conference, Baltimore, MD, February 2010.
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. "Using Science Demonstrations: Including all students in the learning process" Cal State Fullerton Mild/Moderate Special Education Teacher Intern Program, February 2011.
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. “Teaching Science by Linking Inquiry-Based Activities to Current Events” Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA) 48th International Conference, Jacksonville, FL, February 2011.
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. "Applications of Technology: Using Apps in the Science Classroom” Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA) 51st International Conference, Anaheim, CA (February, 2014)
Ferko, Thomas E., et al. “Engaging Science Majors in a Service-based Discipleship Program” Southern California Christians in Science Winter Day Conference, Fuller Theological Seminary (February, 2016).
Ferko, Thomas E. “Science & Worldview: Students Developing Connections within a Christian University Classroom” Southern California Christians in Science Winter Day Conference, California Baptist University (April, 2017).
Ferko, Thomas E. “Manned Space Flight – Is it Worth it?” Southern California Christians in Science Winter Day Conference, Westmont College (January, 2019).
Member of Cornerstone Bible Church (Orange County, CA)
* American Chemical Society (San Gorgonio local section)
* American Scientific Affiliation
* Southern California Christians in Science (local section of the ASA)