Anna Grigorian-Routon, Psy. D.
Associate Professor of Psychology
Co-Director of Clinical Training MSCP Program (Online)
Office Phone: 951-343-3947
E-mail: agrigorian-routon@calbaptist.edu
Office Location: James 367
Office Hours: Monday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm & Tuesday 11 am - 5:00 pm
Degree | Major Emphasis | Institution | Year |
Psy. D. | Clinical Psychology | Pepperdine University | 2021 |
M.S. | Counseling Psychology | California Baptist University | 2008 |
B.A. | Psychology & Anthropology | U.C. Riverside | 2005 |
Professional Practice Seminar I & II;
MFT Counseling: Child & Adolescent
Diversity Issues in Counseling
Human Communication in Group Process
General Psychology;
History and Systems of Psychology;
Lifespan Development;
Cognitive Psychology;
Abnormal Psychology
Bullying Prevention & Social Justice
Clinical Training and Supervision
School-Based Counseling
Guest lectures at U.C. Riverside and Mount San Antonio College
Gharibian, G. & Grigorian-Routon, A. (2022). Armenian mental health: Where we have been and where we are going. Presented at Armenian American Mental Health Association Annual International Conference (via Zoom).
Grigorian-Routon, A. & Cohen, A. (2021, November). Bullying prevention and social justice: Recommendations for Teachers. Poster presented at World Anti Bullying Forum, Sockholm, Sweden.
Grigorian-Routon, A. (2021). Basics of Play Therapy. Presented at Glendale Unified School District, Glendale, CA (via Zoom). In-service training for GUSD Intern Academy on play therapy interventions and adapting them to telehealth, with a focus on Sand-Tray and sand play therapy.
Grigorian-Routon, A. & Chmiel, L. (2020). Making the season bright: Strategies for coping with COVID restrictions. Presented at Glendale Unified School District, Glendale, CA (via Facebook Live). A presentation created for GUSD Mental Health Forum for parents. Presentation focusing on impact of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on children during the winter holidays, providing suggestions for developmentally-based parenting interventions.
Grigorian-Routon, A. (2019). Strategies for Bullying Prevention. Presented at The Help Group’s Summit View School, Sherman Oaks, CA. Elective project targeting teachers and administrators already implementing Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. Presentation summarized survey data regarding student and teacher perceptions of teacher efficacy in addressing bullying on campus. Presentation also provided practical suggestions for application of survey data.
Grigorian-Routon, A. & Boussard, L. (2017). Anxiety: What college women need to know. Presented at UC Riverside, Riverside, CA. Outreach project targeting college-age sorority women. Presentation provided practical information about anxiety and stress management.
Grigorian-Routon, A. & Boussard, L. (2017). Bullying: What Parents Need to Know and How They Can Help. Presented at Lanai Road Elementary School, Encino, CA. Community outreach project targeting parents of local elementary school students. Provides psychoeducation about the definition, prevalence and effects of bullying in schools, suggesting ways for parents to discuss bullying with their children.
Grigorian-Routon, A. (2017). Join the Resistance and Stand Up to Bullying. Presented at Portolla Middle School, Tarzana, CA. Annual community outreach project targeting local middle school students. Provides psychoeducation about the prevalence and effects of bullying in schools, suggesting ways for students to get involved to stop its occurrence.
Grigorian-Routon, A., Cabrera, M., & Zaky, P. (2017). Mindful Parenting Workshop. Presented at Alfred Bernhard Nobel Middle School, Northridge, CA. Community outreach project targeting parents of local middle school students. Provides psychoeducation about the role of mindfulness in parenting.
Grigorian-Routon, A. (2016). Join the Resistance Against Bullying. Presented at Village Glen school (The Help Group), Sherman Oaks, CA. Program developed to target middle school students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, learning disabilities, and cognitive delays.
Grigorian-Routon, A. & Varvaryan, A. (2016). Join the Resistance and Stand Up to Bullying. Presented at Portolla Middle School, Tarzana, CA. Annual community outreach project targeting local middle school students. Provides psychoeducation about the prevalence and effects of bullying in schools, suggesting ways for students to get involved to stop its occurrence.
Perales, P., Missler, D., Grigorian-Routon, A., & Mustafoglu, D. (2015). Stand Up To Bullying: The Anti-Bullying Campaign. Presented at Portola Middle School, Tarzana, CA. Community outreach project targeting local middle school students. Provides psychoeducation about the prevalence and effects of bullying in schools, suggesting ways for students to get involved to stop its occurrence.
Knabb, J., & Grigorian-Routon, A. (2014). The role of experiential avoidance in the relationship between faith
maturity, religious coping, and psychological adjustment among Christian university students. Mental
Health, Religion & Culture, 17 (5), 458-469.
Knabb, J., Pelletier, J., & Grigorian-Routon, A. (2014).Towards a psychological understanding of servanthood: An
empirical investigation of the relationship between orthodox beliefs, experiential avoidance, and selfsacrificial
behaviors among Christians at a religiously-affiliated university. Journal of Psychology and
Theology, 42 (3), 269-283.
St. Leon Cathedral (Western Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church)
President of Armenian American Mental Health Association (AAMHA)
Community Outreach Liaison Pepperdine University Counseling Center- Encino
Reading Coach in the San Bernardino County Library Adult Literacy Program
Advisor for U.C. Riverside chapter of Sigma Kappa Sorority
Opera and Musical Theater;
European history and travel;
Mentoring college women
Married to Ryan W. Routon
If your gift is serving others, serve well. If you are a teacher, teach well.
Romans 12:7
A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn, is hammering on cold iron.
- Horace Mann