Virgo Handojo, PhD
Professor of Psychology
Office Phone: 951-343-4465
E-mail: vhandojo@calbaptist.edu
Office Location: W.E. James Building, Room 370
Office Hours: Office hours are posted outside office at the beginning of each semester.
Degree | Major Emphasis | Institution | Year |
PhD | Marriage & Family Studies | School of Psychology, Fuller Seminary | 2000 |
M.A. | Intercultural Studies | School of Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary | 1990 |
M.A. | Theology (General) | School of Theology Fuller Theological Seminary | 1996 |
M.A. | Christian Leadership, Integrative Studies | School of Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary | 1995 |
B.A. English Literature, Diponegoro University 1987
Four Years Technical Highschool, Electrical Engineering, STM Pembangunan, Semarang, 1976
*PSY1110 Intro to Psychology, regular and fully online
* PSY213 General Psychology
* PSY301 History and Systems of Psychology
* PSY305 Psyc Development: Child
* PSY315 Development Psychology Adolescence and Adult
* PSY323 Marriage and Family
* PSY322 Theories of Personality
* PSY320 Lifespan Development
* PSY328 Cognitive Psychology
* PSY345 Abnormal Psychology
* PSY422 Theories of Counseling
* PSY423 Models of Christian Counseling
* PSY459 Dynamics of Religious Experience
* PSY458 Motivation and Emotion
* PSY422 Theories of Counseling
* PSYU578 Ethical and Professional Issues
* PSYU581 Assessment and Treatment of Sexual Disorders
* PSYU570 Advanced Psychopathology And Diagnosis
* SOC113 Intro to Sociology
* SOC338 Group Dynamics and Social Behavior
* SOC345 Sociology of Diversity
* ANT225 Cultural Anthropology
* ANT350 Language and Culture
* ANT430 Culture and Personality
* ANT460 Culture and Religion
* Attachment, Intercultural Relations
* Acculturation, stress, cultural adjustment
* Parenting, Romantic Relationship, Spirituality, Separation, Intimate Partner Violence, and Happiness/Well-being,
American Psychological Association
National Council on Family Relations, Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE)
* Adjunct Faculty, Chapman University, CA
* Adjunct Faculty, Hope International University, Fullerton, CA
Selected Publication
Handojo, V., Yuspendi, & Sisemore, T.A. (2021). Attachment style, religiosity, and well-being among Indonesian Christians, Journal for Prevention and Intervention in the Community, doi.org/10.1080/10852352.2021.1924597.
Yuspendi, Handojo, V., Athota, V.S., Sihotang, M.Y.M., & Aryani, P.N.A.D. (2018). Adult Attachment Stability–Instability Before and After Marriage Between Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Non-IPV Women Separated from Partners During Military Duty in Indonesia, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy 39, 103–116 doi: 10.1002/anzf.1281
Selected Presentation and Participation
November 21, 2020 presented webinar on Knowing and Managing Personality Disorders sponsored by My Family, Community & Counseling Center, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Nov 18, 2020 Presented Love, Spirituality, and Well-being in Christian Community in Indonesia and Implications for Dealing with COVID-19 Live Webinar Sponsored by Global Anabaptist Health Network, USA
July 23, 2020 presented a live webinar entitled Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Stress and Anxiety during Covid-19. The webinar was sponsored by Maranatha Christian University, Bandung, Indonesia approved for Continuing Education by the Indonesian Psychological Association.
July 20, 2020 has participated in COVID-19: Child and Adolescent Mental Healthcare -Disruption or Evolution? Webinar for 24th World Congress of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP) 2020, Singapore.
June 17, 2020 has participated in Webex Conferencing on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Depression and Anxiety During Covid-19, sponsored by LA Care and Awarded 1 CE credits by California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists.
May 22, 2020 Participated in the training on “A Multicultural Approach to Clinical Supervision,” by Shelly P. Harrell, Ph.D Counseling and Psychological Services, California State Fullerton and approved award 6 CPE by California Psychological Association (CPA).
February 22, 2020 Presented workshop entitled “Love, Violence, and Separation: Implication for Social Work,” at the 2020 State North American Association of Christians in Social Work - CA Convention at the California Baptist University, Riverside, CA.
December 14, 2019 has participated in Transgender Health Conference in Alhambra, CA and awarded 5 CME credits by California Medical Association.
October 16, 2019 has participated in Continuing Medical Education titled HIV Diagnosis and Treatments in Glendale, CA and awarded 2 CME credits by California Medical Association.
October 10, 2019 has participated in Culture and Justice Series on titled “Children and the Law” presented by Jessica Munoz, Esq., MFS Executive Director, Voices for Children, Riverside at California Baptist University.
September 28, 2019 has participated in Maternal Health Conference, Alhambra, CA and Awarded 6 CME credits by California Medical Association.
August 21, 2019 has participated in the live activity titled Link between Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes in Glendale, CA and awarded 2 CME by California Medical Association.
August 2-3, 2019 Presented Research study as a Keynote Speaker on the Love, Spirituality, and Well-being, at the Indonesian Christian Psychology Conference, at the Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, Indonesia.
July 30, 2019 Presented seminar on, "Barriers and Strategies for Effective Communication with Our Kids," at the National Leader School, Malang, Indonesia.
July, 13-16, 2019 Presented as a Keynote Speaker on, "Family, School, and Character Development," at the Churches, and Schools Conference, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia.
July 11-12, 2019 Presented as a Keynote Speaker on, "Theory of Positive Behavior Modification: Evidence-Based Practices for Schools," at the Christian School Teachers, Counselors, and Administrators Conference, sponsored by Tunas Bangsa Schools, Jakarta, Indonesia.
July 8-10, 2019 Presented training on, "Faith and Practical Psychology," for pastors and seminary students at the Kingdom Higher School of Theology, Jakarta, Indonesia.
July 6, 2019 Presented as Keynote Speaker on, “Creative Teaching and Learning Strategies for Generation Alpha and Future Learners," for the Christian School Teachers Conference, at the Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia.
July 5, 2019 Presented seminar on, “Self-Love Assessment for Teaching Enhancement," at the School of Education, Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia.
July 5, 2019 Presented workshop for school teachers titled, "Teachers for Alpha Generation," Pelangi Kristus School, Surabaya, Indonesia.
July 1-3, 2019 Presented as Keynote Speaker on, "Behavior Modification for School Teachers," School Teachers and Administrators Conference, sponsored by Tunas Bangsa School, Bali.
July 1-3, 2019 Presented seminars titled, "Moral Character Development: An Overview," Christian School Teachers and Administrators Conference, Denpasar Bali
May 20, 2019 has participated in the 2nd Annual Symposium on Infant and Toddler Mental Health and Adverse Childhood Experiences, Riverside, CA.
May 4, 2019, has participated in the conference titled, "Behavioral Health Integration and Substance Use Disorder Conference," hosted by LA Care Health Plan and LA County Department of Health Services at the Marriott Torrance Hotel, Torrance and earned 6 CME/CE credits.
April 24, 2019, has participated in the life activity titled, "Cannabis Use Disorder and Clinical Effects," at Glendale, CA with Dr. Larissa Mooney, Director of the UCLA Medicine Clinic and earn 2 CME/CE credits.
March 30, 2019, Presented Two Session Seminars, "Faith and Science: Love, Spirituality and Happiness," 15th Anniversary of St. Paul Evangelical Community Church, La Mirada, CA
March 27, 2019, has participated in the Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics: Autistic Syndrome Disorder and ADHD with Dr. Douglas Vanderbilt from Children's Hospital Los Angeles and earn 2 CME/CE credits.
February 23, 2019, has participated in the Children's Health Conference hosted by L.A. Care Health Plan, Torrance Marriot Redondo Beach Hotel, Torrance, CA.
February 21, 2019, has participated in the culture and Justice Lecture Series “Changing the Future, One Connection at a Time” by Daniel Hallak., California Baptist University, CA
February 13, 2019, has participated in the Earnest C. Watson Lecture Series "Plant Growth: How Stem Cells Make Stems" by Elliot Meyerowitz, the George W. Beadle Professor of Biology at California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
May 26, 2018, Invited plenary speaker for The National Symposium on Positive Marital Therapy, Bandung, Indonesia
March 24th, 2018, Participated in the “Opioid Epidemic: Trends, Updates, and Where We Stand Now Conference” in Torrance, CA.
February 28, 2018, Participated in the live activity titled SBIRT Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment for Alcohol and Opioid Use in Glendale, CA and awarded 2 CME credits approved by Institute for Medical Quality/California Medical Association.
August 22-24, 2017 Co-author Paper on The Role of Intentional activities and Coping on Flourishing, presented by Yuspendi and Vida Handayani at The Tenth Scientific Meeting of Developmental Psychology - Indonesian Psychological Association (Himpsi - Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia), Semarang, Indonesia.
May 25-26, 2017, Primary Speaker and Presenter for Two Days Training and Seminar on Moral and Character Development for School Teachers and Administrators in Bali, sponsored by Christian School teachers Network, Denpasar, Bali Indonesia
May 19-20, 2017 Plenary Speaker, Preparing Young Generation to Face the 21st Century Challenges: Moral and Character Development at the National Conference for Christian School Teachers and Administrators, Jakarta, Indonesia
April 29, 2017, Participated in the conference on The Opioid Epidemic: Helping Health Care Providers "Turn the Tide" sponsored by LA Care Health Plan, Alhambra, CA
March 4, 2017, Presented workshop on Structural Therapy of Salvador Minuchin at the National Symposium on Research and Intervention to Family Therapy, Maranatha Christian University, Bandung, Indonesia.
March 3, 2017, Presented workshop on Imago Therapy at the National Symposium on Research and Intervention to Family Therapy, Maranatha Christian University, Bandung, Indonesia.
March 2, 2017, Presented as a plenary speaker on "Theory and Application Behind Family Therapy." at the National Symposium on Research and Intervention to Family Therapy, Maranatha Christian University, Bandung, Indonesia.
Jan 28, 2017, Participated in the conference on Providing Care for Advances Illnesses, sponsored by LA Care and Anthem Blue Cross. Focused on California End of Life Option Act, palliative, and spiritual care needs for the safety net and culturally diverse population with its bioethical challenges.
Nov 25-27, 2016 Presented a workshop on "Building Positive Relationship with your Significant Others" at Joint Retreat and Conference of Indonesian churches at Murrieta Hot Springs Conference Center, Murrieta, CA.
October 2016, Contributed to the article "Faith and Election Day: Some Mennonite Perspectives." In The Mennonite, October 2016, published by The Mennonite Inc., USA.
May 8, 2016, Invited Lecture Speaker on "Attachment Theory: A Cybernetic Approach to Marital Therapy" at University Christian Maranatha, Bandung, Indonesia.
Feb 27, 2016, Participated in a conference on Behavioral Health treatments in the Primary Care Setting, sponsored by LA Care Health Plan insurance program, Alhambra, CA.
July 21-26, 2015 Presented a seminar on "A Biblical Model of Multicultural Relationships" at the Pennsylvania 2015 Mennonite World Conference, a global assembly conducted every six years, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
July 14, 2015, Presented a seminar on "Building Student's Character for God's Mission" at the Annual Meeting of teachers and staff, Tunas Bangsa Schools, Jakarta, Indonesia.
July 7-10, 2015 Presented research results on "Relationship among Indonesian Immigrants: Close Relationship Style, Acculturation Strategies, and Well Being," at the 19th International Symposium of the International Consortium for Social Development, SIM University, Singapore
June 24-26, 2015 Presented as Invited Plenary Speaker on "Paul's Strategy of Church Planting: Socio-cultural and Theological Perspectives" at the Mission Conference: “Catch the Vision -- Do the Mission” organized by the Jaffrey Higher School of Theology, Makasar, Indonesia
May 13, 2015, Presented a seminar on "Managing Your Class Effectively" at the Annual Teachers Retreat, Terang Bangsa Schools, Salatiga, Indonesia.
July 15 - July 19, 2014, Presented research study on “Attachment Style as a Prediction of Personality, Intercultural Adjustment, and Well Being,” at the 17th European Conference on Personality, Laussane, Switzerland
June 10-15, 2014 Participated in International Behavioral Neuroscience Society 23rd Annual Meeting, Red Rock Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada
August 22 – 24, 2013 Session chair and presented a research paper on “Adult Attachment Style, Acculturative Stress and Satisfaction with Life,” at the 5th Asian Congress of Health Psychology, DCC, Daejeon, Korea
May 19, 2013, Invited Speaker on “The Connection Between Psychology and Spirituality,” for Technology Entertainment and Design (TEDx) Glen Wilson High: Explore, Hacienda Heights, CA
July 5 - 7, 2012 Presented research paper on "Using Attachment Theory to Predict Psychological Wellbeing and Sociocultural Adjustment Among Indonesian Immigrants in the United States," at the Fourth Asian Psychological Association Conference: Mindfulness, Wellbeing, and Positive Psychology, Jakarta, Indonesia.
June 27 - 30, 2012 Discussed and responded papers at "The fourth International Consortium for Social Development-Asia Pacific,” sponsored by the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Indonesian Social Work Consortium for developing new social development strategies in line with post-2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
February 15-17, 2012 Participated in the symposium on " SCHIZOPHRENIA AND HUMAN FLOURISHING: Science, Service, Community, and Church," with Nobel Laureate, Dr. John Nash, and others, sponsored by The Lee Edward Travis Research Institute and Fuller's School of Psychology, Pasadena, CA.
February 15, 2012, participated in the seminar on "What Parents Want: Evidence From Child Adoption," with Leeat Yariv, Professor of Economics at Caltech, presented by California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA.
Grace Indonesian Christian Fellowship
191 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.
Sierra Madre, CA 91024
Previous Involvements
Faculty Senate
Faculty Development Committee
Student (Academic) Appeals
Committee on Racial Ethnic Council, Mennonite Church, USA
Board of Directors, US Mennonite Central Committee, USA - http://www.mcc.org/
Hesston College Board, Hesston, Kansas
Board of Director, Mennonite Board of Mission
* Computer
* Reading books
* Travels
"And He said to him, " 'YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.' This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.'"
-Matthew 22:37-39, NASB
"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
-Matthew 28:19-20, NASB