Troy Hinrichs, J.D.
Professor of Criminal Justice
Fellow, Dr. Paul & Annie Kienel Leadership Institute
Office Phone: 951-343-4692
E-mail: thinrichs@calbaptist.edu
Office Location: The Point, Room 221
Office Hours: varied
Degree | Major Emphasis | Institution | Year |
J.D. | Law | Texas Tech University School of Law | 1993 |
B.A. | Philosophy | Hardin-Simmons University | 1991 |
B.A. | English | Hardin-Simmons University | 1991 |
* Texas Department of Public Safety Prosecutor School, 1996
* Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education Instructor Course, 2000
Criminal Law (undergrad and graduate)
Constitutional Law
Bill of Rights
International Law (graduate and undergraduate)
Law & Literature
Ethics, Wisdom, and Leadership (doctoral)
First Amendment
Evidence (graduate)
Humanities I & II
Legal Research & Reasoning (graduate)
World Geography
Law and Ethics of Disability (graduate)
Legal Aspects of Kinesiology (graduate)
Administrative Law & Bureaucracy
Criminal Investigation
Crime and Delinquency
American Government
U.S. History since 1866
Sports Law
Comparative Criminal Justice
Constitutional Law
Criminal Law
International Law
Law and Culture
Virtue Ethics
Literature, Wisdom, and Leadership
Legal History
** Guest Instructor teaching American Constitutional Law and American Government at The Chinese University of Political Science and Law in Beijing, China: July 2017, 2018, and 2019.
** Lecturer, California State University of San Bernardino (National Security Studies and National Cyber Security Studies Masters programs and undergraduate political science courses), 2006-current
** Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, Amarillo College, 1999 - 2004
** Adjunct Instructor, Wayland Baptist University, 2003
** Part-time Instructor, Panhandle Regional Law Enforcement Academy, Amarillo, Texas, 2000 - 2004
** Part-time Instructor, Amarillo College Law Enforcement In-Service Program, 1999 - 2004
Books (Authored):
Shoup, J.R., Hinrichs, T.W., Gustafson, J.N. (2021). Pursuing wisdom. Rowman & Littlefield.
Shoup, J. R. & Hinrichs, T. W. (2020). Literature and leadership: the role of the narrative in organizational sensemaking. Routledge Focus.
Books (edited):
Shoup. J.R. & Hinrichs T.W. eds. (2023). Architecture and Leadership by Roberson and Crump.
Shoup, J.R. & Hinrichs, T.W. eds. (2022). History and Leadership: The Nature and Role of the Past in Navigating the Future by Blincoe and Shoup. Routledge.Focus.
Shoup, J.R. & Hinrichs, T.W. eds. (2021). Philosophy and Leadership: Three Classical Models and Cases by Cusher and Menaldo. Routledge Focus.
Manuscript review for "Regulator’s Gone Wild" by Richard Trzupek for Encounter Books (pub. June 2011).
Hinrichs, Troy W. (2022) "'Let 'em Play Ref': The Superabundance of Law in the United States." in The Judicial system by LeMay, Michael. ABC-Clio.
Book Review: "Sacred Rights of Conscience" edited by Dreisbach and Hall for Christians in Political Science -- Spring 2010
Presentations/Roundtables, etc.:
"What it Means to Thrive: The Virtues in Classical and Popular Culture." presentation at the ILA Global Conference. Vancouver, Canada, October 15, 2023.
ILA Leadership Perspectives Webinar, "A Primer On How To Understand, Acquire, Practice, And Teach Wisdom" by Shoup, John, Hinrichs, Troy W., Gustafson. January 26, 2022.
Paper presentation, Shoup, J.R., Hinrichs T.W. "Reimagining Wisdom: Becoming Especially Skilled at Living and Leading". ILA Global Conference. Geneva Switzerland. October 22, 2021.
Shoup, J.R., Hinrichs, TW. Symposium: "If Walls Could Talk: Leadership Philosophy and Theology in Art." at the International Leadership Association Global Conference in Geneva, Switzerland. October 21, 2021.
Paper Presentation: "Insights and Principles for Courageous Leadership in Times of War and Peace: Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace." at the International Leadership Global Conference in Ottawa, Canada. October 24, 2019.
Presentation. "Good Leaders are Readers and Storytellers" with John Shoup at the International Leadership Global Conference in Ottawa, Canada. October 23, 2019.
"Remaining Civil in an Uncivil Society." Seminar presented on April 24, 2019, for the City of Moreno Valley, California, for CBU’s Dr. Paul & Annie Kienel Leadership Institute.
Leadership Seminar: Architecture, Art, Literature, and Music: Aesthetical Insights on Leadership, February 4, 2019, at CBU.
"Remaining Civil in an Uncivil Society." The seminar was presented on November 13, 2017, at the Annual Leadership Seminar Series for CBU’s Dr. Paul & Annie Kienel Leadership Institute.
"Leadership in the Best and Worse of Times: Lessons from A Tale of Two Cities". Paper presented at the International Leadership Association’s Global Conference in Brussels, Belgium. October 2017
“Call me Leader!” – Tragic Leadership Lessons from Moby-Dick". Roundtable presentation at the International Leadership Association Global Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. November 2016
"When in Spain – The Context and Adventures of Don Quixote: Implications for Leaders and Followers." Paper presentation at the International Leadership Association's Annual Global Conference. Barcelona, Spain. 10/14-17/2015
"Wisdom from Religious and Philosophical Perspectives." Roundtable at the International Leadership Association Annual Global Conference. Barcelona, Spain. 10/14-17/2015
"Wisdom from a Philosophical Perspective". Paper presentation at CBU College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Colloquium. 04/29/2015
"First Attack: History of the 1st Battalion/227th Aviation Regiment" is a documentary film by Kenn Christenson and Dan McClinton premiered in Burbank, CA, on May 9, 2013. Production credit (IMDB credit).
Panelist for CBU's “Christ and Culture Lecture Series”, February 2012
"Baptists, Religious Freedom, and the Founding: Celebrating 400 years of Baptist History", CBU Faculty Colloquium 11/2009.
"Juror Attributions of Intentionality in Death Penalty Cases and The Insanity Defense: Mock Jury Study". with Dr. Ana Gamez. Poster presentation at California Psychological Association annual meeting at The Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, CA. 04/4-6/2008
The Grove Community Church, Riverside, CA, member;
Lay Minister team
Men's Bible Study Table leader
Small Group Leader
Taught a class on CS Lewis's "The Problem of Pain" in the Fall of 2022.
Taught a class on Athanasius's "On the Incarnation." -- Winter 2022
Taught The Bible Project Sunday School classes: 1,2 Samuel; 1,2 Kings; 1,2 Chronicles, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations and Daniel, Luke, Acts.
Taught Sunday School course: Christ and Culture -- Fall 2019, Fall 2023
Taught Sunday School Class over C.S. Lewis's "The Screwtape Letters -- Spring 2021
Board Member/Judge -- Riverside International Film Festival
Family: Paige (wife), Joshua (age 24), Sabrina (age 21), and Zachary (age 18).
* Travel
* Military History
* Politics
* Sports
* Film
* Travel
* Reading
* Sports
Travel: Germany, Canada, Mexico, Bahamas, Spain, Italy (and Vatican City!), Greece, Holland, Belgium, Israel, France, Switzerland, UK, and China
"The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried."
- G.K. Chesterton