Veola Vazquez, PhD
Professor of Psychology
Diversity Coordinator, PsyD Program
Office Phone: 951-552-8627
E-mail: vvazquez@calbaptist.edu
Office Location: James 125A
Degree | Major Emphasis | Institution | Year |
PhD | Clinical Psychology | Rosemead School of Psychology-Biola University | 1998 |
M.A. | Clinical Psychology | Rosemead School of Psychology-Biola University | 1995 |
B.A. | Psychology-Spanish | California Baptist College | 1993 |
Cultural Diversity (PsyD)
Personality Testing (PsyD)
Intelligence Testing (PsyD)
Psychiatric Diagnosis (PsyD)
Research Team (PsyD)
Human Growth & Development (PsyD)
Introduction to Psychology
Psychology and Christian Thought
Lifespan Development
Child Development
Adolescent Development
Psychological Testing/Tests & Measurements
Theories of Counseling
Practicum Supervision
Advanced Psychopathology
Treatment Concerns of Interethnic & Interfaith Families
Race Relations
Interracial Relationships
Religious coping
Cultural humility
Spiritual disciplines
Trauma and resilience
Contemplative Prayer
Biola University (1998-2003)
Vazquez, V., Knabb, J. J., Lee-Johnson, C., & Hays, K. (2023). Healing conversations on race: Four key practices from scripture and psychology. IVP Academic.
Vazquez, V. (2018). The quarter question: A coin chronicles novel. Double Letter Press, Riverside, CA.
Vazquez, V. (2017). Convinced. Double Letter Press, Riverside, CA.
Vazquez, V. (2016). The penny predicament: A coin chronicles novel. Double Letter Press, Riverside, CA.
Vazquez, V. (2015). The nickel nuisance: A coin chronicles novel. Double Letter Press, Riverside, CA.
Vazquez, V. E., Knabb, J. J., Lima, A., Manhas, A., Soto Santana, D., Senger, S., & Sweet, K. (2024). Lectio divina for race-based traumatic stress among Black Christians. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 43(2), 170-188.
Senger, S., & Vazquez, V. E. (2024). Religious experiences, expectations of discrimination, and distress among Biracial Christians. Journal of Psychology and Theology,0(0), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1177/00916471241231914
Gregorius, S. G., Vazquez, V. E., & Park, J. (2024). The relationship between microaggressions, race-based traumatic stress, and posttraumatic growth: Assessing the moderating role of Christian gratitude for African American Christians. Journal of Psychology and Theology,0(0), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1177/00916471241246020
Knabb, J. J., & Vazquez, V. E. (2023). Decentering mindfulness: Toward greater meditative diversity in global public health. Mindfulness. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-023-02203-7
Vazquez, V. E., & Knabb, J. J. (2023). Special issue introduction: “One in Christ Jesus”: Racial disunity and the need for integrative programs to improve racial unity among Christian populations. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 42(2), 72-78.
Vazquez, V. E., Knabb, J. J., Lee-Johnson, C., & Kays, K. (2023). Healing conversations on race: The HEAL model. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 42(2), 79-96.
Vazquez, V. E., Arnett, J., Jimenez, F. Jr., Ponce, W., Tenorio, J., Vazquez, A. (2023). Multiracial discrimination, religious struggles, and race-based stress among biracial Black-White and Asian-White Christians in the early 2020s: A mediation model. Mental Health, Religion and Culture. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/13674676.2022.2162029
Vazquez, V. E., Pate, R. A., MacCallum, J., Matta, M., Zivanovic, S., Chamberlin, S., Baker, T., & Newman, S. (2022). Deliberate rumination and posttraumatic growth: The mediating role of Christian gratitude and attachment to God. Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 25(8), 755-773. https://doi.org/10.1080/13674676.2022.2102160
Knabb, J. J., Wang, K. T., Lewis Hall, M. E., & Vazquez, V. E. (2022). The Christian Worldview Scale: An emic measure for assessing a comprehensive view of life within the Christian tradition. Spirituality in Clinical Practice. Advance online publication. https://dx.doi.org/10.1037/scp0000306
Knabb, J., Vazquez, V., Pate, R., Wang, K., Lowell, J., De Leeuw, T., Dominguez, A., Duvall, K., Esperante, J., Gonzalez, Y., Nagel, G., Novasel, C., Pelaez, A., Strickland, S., & Park, J. (2022). Lectio divina for trauma symptoms: A two-part study. Spirituality in Clinical Practice. 9(4), 232–252. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/scp0000303
Knabb, J. J., Vazquez, V. E., Pate, R. A., Garzon, F. L., Wang, K. T., Edison-Riley, D., Slick, A. R., Smith, R. R., & Weber, S. E. (2021). Christian meditation for trauma-based rumination: A two-part study examining the effects of an internet-based 4-week program. Spirituality in Clinical Practice. Advance online publication. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/scp0000255
Knabb, J., Vazquez, V., & Wang, K. (2020). The Christian Contentment Scale: An emic measure for assessing inner satisfaction within the Christian tradition. Journal of Psychology and Theology. Advance online publication.
Knabb, J. J., Vazquez, V. E., Garzon, F. L., Ford, K. M., Wang, K. T., Conner, K. W., Warren, S. E., & Weston, D. M. (2020). Christian Meditation for Repetitive Negative Thinking: A Multisite Randomized Trial Examining the Effects of a 4-Week Preventative Program. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 7(1), 34–50. https://doi.org/10.1037/scp0000206
Knabb, J. J., Vazquez, V. E., & Pate, R. A. (2019). 'Set Your Minds on Things Above': Shifting from trauma-based ruminations to ruminating on God. Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 22(4), 384-399.
Vazquez, V. E., & Bergin, A. (2019). Effectiveness of a specialized inpatient treatment program for substance and alcohol abusing pregnant women. Journal of Drug Issues, 49(3), 436-449.
Vazquez, V. E., & Jensen, G. R. (2020). Practicing the Jesus Prayer: Implications for psychological and spiritual well-being. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 39(1), pp. 65-74.
Vazquez, V. E., Otero, I., & Goodlow, J. (2019). Relationship stigma and Black-White interracial marital satisfaction: The mediating role of religious/spiritual well-being. Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 22(3), 305-318.
Vazquez, V. E., Stutz-Johnson, J., & Sorbel, R. (2021). Black–White Biracial Christians, Discrimination, and Mental Health: A Moderated Mediation Model of Church Support and Religious Coping. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. Advance online publication. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/rel0000415
Vazquez, V. E., Brana, G., Machado, D., Nooner, R., Strickland, S. (2024, August). Black Christians and Discrimination-Related Stress: The role of church support and a Christian worldview. [Paper Presentation]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Seattle, WA.
Vazquez, V. E., Catalan, A., Duhon, C., Fulbright, E., Griffin, A., & Machado, D. (2024, March). Race-based traumatic stress and resilience: The role of spirituality among Black Christians. [Paper Presentation]. Christian Association for Psychological Studies Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Vazquez, V. E., Knabb, J. J., Lee-Johnson, C., & Hays, K. (2023, September). Healing Conversations on Race: Biblical and Secular Psychological Foundations. [Paper Presentation]. American Association of Christian Counselors World Conference. Nashville, TN.
Knabb, J. J., Cooper, N., Regueiro, V., & Vazquez, V. E. (April, 2023). Spiritual beliefs and values as a moderator in the relationship between mental well-being and depressive symptoms among religious adults. [Poster Presentation]. Western Psychological Association Annual Convention.
Vazquez, V. E., Knabb, J. J., Garzon, F., Zuniga, S., Hook, J. N., Pak, J., & Seegobin, W. (2023, March).
“One in Christ Jesus”: The development of integrative programs to improve racial unity among Christian populations. [Paper Presentation]. Christian Association for Psychological Studies Conference, Louisville, KY.
Vazquez, V. E., Knabb, J. J., Lee-Johnson, C., & Hays, K. (2023, March). Healing Conversations on Race: Practical Applications from Scripture and Psychology. [Workshop]. Christian Association for Psychological Studies Conference, Louisville, KY.
Vazquez, V. E., Knabb, J. J., Lima, A., Manhas, M., Senger, S., Soto, D., & Sweet, K. (2023, March). Lectio divina for race-based traumatic stress among Black Christians. [Poster Presentation]. Christian Association for Psychological Studies Conference, Louisville, KY.
Vazquez, V., Arnett, J., Jimenez, F., Ponce, W., Tenorio, J., & Vazquez, A. (2022, March). Multiracial discrimination, religious/spiritual struggles, and race-based stress among biracial Black-White and Asian-White Christians. Paper presented at the Christian Association for Psychological Studies Conference (Virtual).
Knabb, J., Vazquez, V., Hall, M., & Wang, K. (2021, August). The Christian Worldview Scale: An emic measure for assessing a comprehensive view of life within the Christian tradition. In E. Johnson (Chair), Taking worldview (and culture) into account in psychological science [Symposium presentation]. American Psychological Association (APA) 2021 Convention (Virtual).
MacCallum, J. G., Matta, M. H., Chamberlin, S. M., Newman, S. R., & Vazquez, V. (2021, August). Deliberate rumination, trauma symptoms, and posttraumatic growth: The mediating role of Christian gratitude. [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association (APA) 2021 Convention (Virtual).
Knabb, J. J., Vazquez, V., Pate, R., & Wang, K. (2021, March). An emic approach to gratitude to God: Toward a Christian understanding of thankfulness in all seasons. Paper presented at the Christian Association for Psychological Studies Conference (Virtual).
Vazquez, V., Stutz-Johnson, J. & Sorbel, R. (2021, March). Black-White biracial Christians, discrimination, and mental health. Paper presented at the Christian Association for Psychological Studies Conference (Virtual).
Hess, L., Soto, M., Vazquez, V.E. (2021, March). Embracing your diversity. Presentation/Workshop at the Association for Applied Sport Psychology Regional Conference (Virtual).
Knabb, J. J., Vazquez, V., Pate, R., Edison-Riley, D., Slick, A., Smith, R., Weber, S., Wang, K. (2020, March). Christian meditation for trauma-based rumination: A four-week program. Paper presented at the Christian Association for Psychological Studies Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Siddal, B., Vazquez, V. E.., Knabb, J. J., Lee-Johnson, C., Hays, K. (2023). Healing conversations on race. God’s Story Podcast. https://open.spotify.com/episode/4PXNItgKQheAQj5fbfv4lv?si=uGliiY5JQpGQrrf_q7z3EQ&nd=1
Peters-Tanksley, C., & Vazquez, V. E. (2023). Talking about race. Dr. Carol Ministries. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqnkr1OAxaE&t=5s
Vazquez, V. E. (2020). Religious/spiritual well-being, stigma, and the Black-White interracial marriage. Christian Counseling Connection: A publication of the American Association of Christian Counselors, 23(2), 14-17. https://www.dropbox.com/s/iez419yfpyew9qy/AACC%20Christian%20Counseling%20Connection%20Newsletter%20Fall%202020.pdf?dl=0
Grace, A. & Vazquez, V. (2019, April 10). Is technology running your home? Biola University Center for Marriage and Relationships. http://cmr.biola.edu/blog/2019/apr/10/technology-running-your-home/
Grace, A. & Vazquez, V. (2019, January 30). Inspire him to lead. Biola University Center for Marriage and Relationships. http://cmr.biola.edu/blog/2019/jan/30/inspire-him-lead/
Vazquez, V. (2019, August 14). What can cross-cultural relationships teach you? Biola University Center for Marriage and Relationships. http://cmr.biola.edu/blog/2019/aug/14/what-can-cross-cultural-relationships-teach-you/
Vazquez, V. (2018, November 14). They're an adult: Time to act like one. Biola Center for Marriage and Relationships [Vlog post]. Retrieved from http://cmr.biola.edu/blog/2018/nov/14/theyre-adult-time-act-one/
Vazquez, V. (2018, October 3). Help! My friendships are shallow! [Vlog post]. Biola Center for Marriage and Relationships. Retrieved from http://cmr.biola.edu/blog/author/veola-vasquez/
Vazquez, V. (2018, September 24). APA Convention highlights: Summer 2018. Center for the Study of Human Behavior. [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://blogs.calbaptist.edu/cshb/2018/09/24/apa-convention-highlights-summer-2018/
Vazquez, V. (2018, September 17). What do I do with my kid's crazy emotions? Part 2. Southland Christian Church. [Podcast]. Retrieved from http://sccparents.libsyn.com/s3-e2-my-kids-crazy-emotions-pt-2
Vazquez, V. (2018, September 10). What do I do with my kid's crazy emotions? Part 1. Southland Christian Church [Podcast]. Retrieved from http://sccparents.libsyn.com/my-kids-crazy-emotions-part-1
Vazquez, V. (2018, July 27). Five tips for dealing with unsupportive family and friends: The inspired home educator, a Biola Youth Academics blog [Blog post]. Retrieved from http://youth.biola.edu/blog/unsupportive-family-and-friends/
Vazquez, V. (2018, June 12). Dating after divorced: What do I do? Biola Center for Marriage and Relationships [Blog post]. Retrieved from http://cmr.biola.edu/blog/2018/jun/12/dating-after-divorced-what-do-i-do/
Vazquez, V. (2018, February 6). What to think about abuse in relationships: Biola Center for Marriage and Relationships [Blog post]. Retrieved from http://cmr.biola.edu/blog/2018/feb/06/what-think-about-abuse-relationships/
Harvest Christian Fellowship
Speaking engagements & trainings
Hobbies: Writing fiction, sewing, camping
Family: Married with two children
“Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.” Psalm 9:10