Mark Kling, D.P.A.
Professor of Criminal Justice
Program Coordinator, B.S. in Criminal Justice (Online)
Office Phone: 951-343-3936
E-mail: mkling@calbaptist.edu
Office Hours: By Appointment
Degree | Major Emphasis | Institution | Year |
D.P.A. | Public Administration | University of La Verne | 2004 |
M.P.A. | Public Administration | University of La Verne | 1999 |
B.A. | Business Management | University of Phoenix | 1996 |
Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy - University of Virginia, Quantico, VA 2003
CJS 113 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CJS 304 Ethics in Law Enforcement
CJS 341 Minorities in the Criminal Justice System
CJS 350 Emergency Management
CJS 355 Information Management
CJS 360 Historical Perspectives of Criminal Justice
CJS 401 Crime and Delinquency
CJS 472 Terrorism and Homeland Security
CJS 497 Comparative Criminal Justice
MPA 510 History & Theory Public Administration
MPA 520 Leadership and Management
MPA 525 Leadership and Social Responsibility
MPA 530 Public Finance and Budgeting
MPA 550 Information Technology
MPA 580 Legal and Ethical Issues
MPA 590 Organizational Theory
MPA 593 Professional Presentation
MPA 594 Comprehensive Exam
Criminal Justice
Public Administration
Political Science
Public Policy
Executive Leadership
Culture and Gender Issues
University of La Verne (1999 – 2012)
PADM 332 Introduction to Public Administration
PADM 436 Public Policy Making Process
PADM 470 Administrative Processes
PADM 673 Strategic Management and Decision Making
University of Phoenix (2005)
CJA 360 Interpersonal Communication
Kling, Mark, P., Presented, "Working with the Media in Times of Internal Organizational Crisis." San Gabriel Valley Police Officers Association, West Covina, CA. February 2014
Kling, Mark, P., Presented, “Working with the Media in Times of Crisis: Preparing for Adversity.” County of San Bernardino, San Bernardino, CA. September 2013
Kling, Mark P., Presented at the 36th Annual Teaching Public Administration Conference (TPAC), in San Francisco, CA., Hosted by the University of San Francisco. The presentation titled, “Stocking the Ethical Toolbox for Personal and Professional Development,” presented to a national audience of professors and educators. June 2013
Kling, Mark P., Keynote Speaker, "Character and Ethics, The Importance to Practice and Develop Both in our Daily Lives." Rialto Police Department Youth PRIDE Platoon Graduation, Rialto, CA. October 2012
Kling, Mark P., Co-presented, with Dr. Elaine Ahumada, at the 35th Annual Teaching Public Administration Conference (TPAC), in South Padre Island, Texas. Hosted by the University of Texas at Brownsville. The presentation titled, “MPA 2.0: The Integration of Professional Development Skills and Competencies for a Diverse Workforce,” presented to a national audience of professors and educators. May 2012
Kling, Mark, P., Presented, "Dealing with the Media during times of Officer Misconduct: The Spearmint Rhino Experience." San Bernardino County Police Chiefs and Sheriff's Retreat, Palm Desert, CA. September 2010.
Kling, Mark, P., Keynote Speaker, "What Police Agencies Can Expect: Managing the Tragic Death of a Police Officer Killed in the Line-of-Duty." San Bernardino County Footprinters Association, San Bernardino, CA. October 2009
Kling, Mark, P., Presented, "Developing Management Systems in Dysfunctional Organizations." Seminar for Future Managers and Supervisors. CSULB, Norwalk, CA. March 2008
Kling, Mark, P., Presented, "Working with the Media in Times of Crisis: How to Survive as a Public Executive." Seminar for the Development of Future Leaders. CSULB, Glendora, CA. November 2007.
Kling, Mark, P., Presented, "Leading Through Tough and Challenging Times." Seminar in Developing Public Employees. CSULB. Ontario, CA. February 2006.
Kling, Mark, P., Keynote Speaker, "Bonds of Trust: How to Build Cooperation within the Public Agency Arena." International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC). Whistler, BC, Canada. May 2004
Member of NewLife Community Church
Ethical studies in the public sector, examining public officials and public employee behavior
Alaska fishing
After completing 30+ years of a challenging law enforcement career, my wife and I are beginning to travel, experiencing the world.
Personal Quote / Scripture:
The Lord’s bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged, 2 Timothy 2:24 NASB
“The strongest oak tree of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It is the one that stands in open where it is compelled to struggle for its existence against the winds and the rains and the scorching sun.” -Napoleon Hill
Philosophy of Education:
My life purpose has advanced into sharing a 30+ year career in public service to improve the next generation of public servant professionals at all levels of municipal government, while combining God’s teachings into strengthening individual development.