Valuing Diversity and Equal Access

Our Mission

CBU Disability Services is dedicated to creating an accessible learning environment such that undergraduate and graduate students with specific disabilities are afforded equal access to university programs, educational opportunities, and spiritual development. In accordance with state and federal mandates and upon documented verification of the disability, academic accommodations are individualized based on the learning needs of each student. We strive to develop an environment of awareness and mutual respect by providing education and support to the university community.

Disability Services is committed to serving California Baptist University students with documented learning, physical, and psychiatric disabilities. If you are currently receiving our services, or are in the process of applying for said services, this is the starting place for you.


In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, California Baptist University provides reasonable accommodations and academic adjustments to eligible students.

Some examples of academic accommodations include:

  • extended testing time
  • private and minimal testing environments
  • alternative text formats
  • readers and scribes for exams

Academic accommodations are individualized based on the learning needs of each student.

Disability Services is dedicated to creating an accessible learning environment for all students with documented disabilities by offering academic accommodations and adjustments that will help students be successful in the classroom. These could include providing extended testing time for exams in private or reduced distraction testing environments, alternative text formats, permissions to record lectures, and other reasonable accommodations that will be agreed upon between the student and the Director of Disability Services and justified by the supporting documentation. To request academic accommodations or adjustments, please follow the instructions below.

  • Complete and submit a Request for Accommodations form to Disability Services. Allow up to four weeks for review and/or processing of your information/documentation. First-year and new students are strongly encouraged to request accommodations from Disability Services (DS) as early as possible before attending CBU. Current students may request accommodations at any time but are encouraged to request them as soon as they become aware of a need.
  • Submit appropriate documentation in support of the disability and requested accommodations. The documentation needs to come from a professional such as a Medical Doctor, a School Psychologist, or any other professional that may have diagnosed or is treating the student. IEPs and 504 plans can be used a supplemental documentation but are usually insufficient. Please use the CBU Medical Disability Verification form.
  • For more information about what types of documentation are accepted, please see General Documentation Guidelines.

Once complete, please submit your documents to

Accommodated exams are taken in the Disability Services Center (Lancer Arms #38, downstairs, next to the Events Center). Students who receive testing accommodations through the Disability Services Center may submit Test Contracts through the link below.


  1. Student submits "Student Section" of Test Contract
  2. Faculty submits "Faculty Section" of Test Contract
  3. Student receives an email notifying them that the request has been approved, and they may schedule their exam. Exams must be scheduled a minimum of 2 weeks in advance.

You may schedule an appointment after providing the test contract to your professor. Be sure to communicate with your professor because these exams do expire. To schedule an appointment, please call 951-552-8814.

Peer mentors are assigned to students on the Autism Spectrum. Please call 951-552-8814 or email to find out more about this opportunity.

Academic Support Mentoring services are a crucial component in enabling students to excel and succeed in their courses. The services are designed for students who, based on their documented disability, are identified for additional academic support. Services could include assistance in:

  • Creating and managing their academic calendars
  • Creating effective study guides for exam preparation
  • Developing study skills
  • Support with faculty/course expectations

Disability Services students can call 951-552-8814 or email to book an appointment with an Academic Support Mentor. After receiving a confirmation email, your mentor will send a separate email with further instructions before your scheduled appointment.

Our Goals

  • To provide a safe and caring environment in which students are empowered to cultivate their strengths and minimize weaknesses
  • To provide services which are delivered with grace, respect, and sensitivity to ensure that every student is viewed as a whole person with unique needs
  • To facilitate personal growth, self-initiative skills, and sense of campus community
  • To embrace and celebrate diversity, leadership, and creativity in our students and the CBU community at large
  • To encourage lifelong learning by making contributions to the field of disability services and by participating in professional growth and development activities
  • To provide one on one support and guidance as our students encounter challenges managing their disabilities and navigating their academic success

Contact Disability Services

Phone: (951) 552-8814

Lancer Arms 38
8432 Magnolia Avenue
Riverside, CA 92504