Physician Assistant Studies, M.S. (On-Campus) Course Rotations
Fall Start
Term 1 – Fall
PAS 501 Anatomy and Physiology I (Lec & Lab)
PAS 507 Clinical Laboratory Science
PAS 510 History & Physical Examination I (Lec & Lab)
PAS 513 Pathophysiology of Disease I
PAS 506 Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease
PAS 520 Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics I
PAS 530 Clinical Medicine I
PAS 535 Global Health Engagement 1
IPE 510 Inter Professional Education I - Exposure
Term 2 – Spring
PAS 502 Anatomy and Physiology II (Lec & Lab)
PAS 511 History & Physical Examination II (Lec & Lab)
PAS 514 Pathophysiology of Disease II
PAS 521 Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics II
PAS 525 Clinical Skills and Procedures I (Lec & Lab)
PAS 515 Research Methodology
PAS 516 Professional Practice & Policy
PAS 531 Clinical Medicine II
IPE 520 Interprofessional Education II – Immersion
Term 3 – Summer
PAS 505 Health Care Ethics
PAS 512 History & Physical Examination III
PAS 522 Medical Genetics
PAS 523 Health Promotion, Disease Prevention, and Epidemiology
PAS 524 Behavioral Medicine
PAS 534 Woman's Health
PAS 526 Clinical Skills and Procedures II (Lec & Lab)
PAS 532 Clinical Medicine III
PAS 533 Adolescent and Pediatric Medicine
Term 4 - Fall
Clinical Clerkship I
Clinical Clerkship II
Clinical Clerkship III
Term 5 - Spring
Clinical Clerkship IV
Clinical Clerkship V
Clinical Clerkship VI
IPE 530 Interprofessional Education III – Competence
Term 6 - Summer
Clinical Clerkship VII
Clinical Clerkship VIII
Clinical Clerkship IX