Counseling Psychology, M.S. (On-Campus) Course Rotations
Fall Start
PSY 501s Professional Practice Seminar I (2)
PSY 505 MFT Counseling Theory (3)
PSY 560 Professional Ethics & Law (3)
PSY 580 Family Therapy I (3)
PSY 502s Professional Practice Seminar II (2)
PSY 511 Couples Counseling & IPV (3)
PSY 535 Advanced Psychopathology (3)
PSY 585 Family Therapy II (3)
PSY 598c Aging and Mental Health (2)*
PSY 534 Pre-Practicum (1)
PSY 590 Christian Perspective on Prof. Counseling (2)
PSY 598a Addictions Counseling (3)*
PSY 510 Human Growth and Development (3)
PSY 540 Psychodiagnostics (3)
PSY 545 MFT Counseling: Child & Adolescent (3)
PSY 555 Practicum I (3)
PSY 500 Diversity Issues in Counseling Psychology (3)
PSY 520 Human Communication in Group Process (3)
PSY 530 Advanced Research Methodology (3)
PSY 570 Practicum II (3)
PSY 515 Human Sexuality (3)
PSY 595 Psychopharmacology (3)*
*Saturday hybrid courses may be taken in any semester offered.
Students may begin the M.S. in Counseling Psychology program at any time; however, the above sequences are recommended to fulfill prerequisite requirements and maintain student’s eligibility for financial aid. Any deviation from the suggested sequence may result in unmet prerequisites and/or the student’s inability to enroll in the minimum number of units required to qualify for financial aid.
PSY 501s Professional Practice Seminar I (2)
PSY 505 MFT Counseling Theory (3)
PSY 560 Professional Ethics & Law (3)
PSY 502s Professional Practice Seminar II (2)
PSY 511 Couples Counseling & IPV (3)
PSY 535 Advanced Psychopathology (3)
PSY 598c Aging and Mental Health (2)*
PSY 598a Addictions Counseling (3)*
PSY 590 Christian Perspective on Prof. Counseling (2)
PSY 540 Psychodiagnostics (3)
PSY 545 MFT Counseling: Child & Adolescent (3)
PSY 580 Family Therapy I (3)
PSY 520 Human Communication in Group Process (3)
PSY 530 Advanced Research Methodology (3)
PSY 585 Family Therapy II (3)
PSY 515 Human Sexuality (3)
PSY 534 Pre-Practicum (1)
PSY 595 Psychopharmacology (3)*
PSY 510 Human Growth and Development (3)
PSY 555 Practicum I (3)
PSY 500 Diversity Issues in Counseling Psychology (3)
PSY 570 Practicum II (3)
*Saturday hybrid courses may be taken in any semester offered.
Students may begin the M.S. in Counseling Psychology program at any time; however, the above sequences are recommended to fulfill prerequisite requirements and maintain student’s eligibility for financial aid. Any deviation from the suggested sequence may result in unmet prerequisites and/or the student’s inability to enroll in the minimum number of units required to qualify for financial aid.
PSY 501s Professional Practice Seminar I (2)
PSY 505 MFT Counseling Theory (3)
PSY 560 Professional Ethics & Law (3)
PSY 502s Professional Practice Seminar II (2)
PSY 511 Couples Counseling & IPV (3)
PSY 598a Addictions Counseling (3)*
PSY 590 Christian Perspective on Prof. Counseling (2)
PSY 510 Human Growth and Development (3)
PSY 580 Family Therapy I (3)
PSY 535 Advanced Psychopathology (3)
PSY 585 Family Therapy II (3)
PSY 540 Psychodiagnostics (3)
PSY 545 MFT Counseling: Child & Adolescent (3)
PSY 520 Human Communication in Group Process (3)
PSY 530 Advanced Research Methodology (3)
PSY 515 Human Sexuality (3)
PSY 534 Pre-Practicum (1)
PSY 595 Psychopharmacology (3)*
PSY 555 Practicum I (3)
PSY 598c Aging and Mental Health (2)*
PSY 500 Diversity Issues in Counseling Psychology (3)
PSY 570 Practicum II (3)
*Saturday hybrid courses may be taken in any semester offered.
Students may begin the M.S. in Counseling Psychology program at any time; however, the above sequences are recommended to fulfill prerequisite requirements and maintain student’s eligibility for financial aid. Any deviation from the suggested sequence may result in unmet prerequisites and/or the student’s inability to enroll in the minimum number of units required to qualify for financial aid.
PSY 501s Professional Practice Seminar I (2)
PSY 505 MFT Counseling Theory (3)
PSY 510 Human Growth and Development (3)
PSY 560 Professional Ethics and Law (3)
PSY 580 Family Therapy I (3)
PSY 502s Professional Practice Seminar II (2)
PSY 511 Couples Counseling & IPV (3)
PSY 535 Advanced Psychopathology (3)
PSY 537 Career Counseling (3)
PSY 585 Family Therapy II (3)
PSY 534 Pre-Practicum (1)
PSY 590 Christian Perspective on Prof. Counseling (2)
PSY 598a Addictions Counseling (3)*
PSY 536 Community Mental Health Counseling (3)
PSY 540 Psychodiagnostics (3)
PSY 545 MFT Counseling: Child & Adolescent (3)
PSY 555 Practicum I (3)
PSY 598c Aging and Mental Health (2)*
PSY 500 Diversity Issues in Counseling Psychology (3)
PSY 520 Human Communication in Group Process (3)
PSY 530 Advanced Research Methodology (3)
PSY 570 Practicum II (3)
PSY 515 Human Sexuality (3)
PSY 595 Psychopharmacology (3)*
*Saturday hybrid courses may be taken in any semester offered.
Students may begin the M.S. in Counseling Psychology program at any time; however, the above sequences are recommended to fulfill prerequisite requirements and maintain student’s eligibility for financial aid. Any deviation from the suggested sequence may result in unmet prerequisites and/or the student’s inability to enroll in the minimum number of units required to qualify for financial aid.
PSY 501s Professional Practice Seminar I (2)
PSY 505 MFT Counseling Theory (3)
PSY 510 Human Growth and Development (3)
PSY 560 Professional Ethics and Law (3)
PSY 502s Professional Practice Seminar II (2)
PSY 511 Couples Counseling & IPV (3)
PSY 535 Advanced Psychopathology (3)
PSY 537 Career Counseling (3)
PSY 590 Christian Perspective on Prof. Counseling (2)
PSY 598a Addictions Counseling (3)*
PSY 540 Psychodiagnostics (3)
PSY 545 MFT Counseling: Child & Adolescent (3)
PSY 580 Family Therapy I (3)
PSY 598c Aging and Mental Health (2)*
PSY 520 Human Communication in Group Process (3)
PSY 530 Advanced Research Methodology (3)
PSY 585 Family Therapy II (3)
PSY 515 Human Sexuality (3)
PSY 534 Pre-Practicum (1)
PSY 595 Psychopharmacology (3)*
PSY 536 Community Mental Health Counseling (3)
PSY 555 Practicum I (3)
PSY 500 Diversity Issues in Counseling Psychology (3)
PSY 570 Practicum II (3)
*Saturday hybrid courses may be taken in any semester offered.
Students may begin the M.S. in Counseling Psychology program at any time; however, the above sequences are recommended to fulfill prerequisite requirements and maintain student’s eligibility for financial aid. Any deviation from the suggested sequence may result in unmet prerequisites and/or the student’s inability to enroll in the minimum number of units required to qualify for financial aid.
PSY 501s Professional Practice Seminar I (2)
PSY 505 MFT Counseling Theory (3)
PSY 560 Professional Ethics & Law (3)
PSY 598c Aging and Mental Health (2)*
PSY 502s Professional Practice Seminar II (2)
PSY 511 Couples Counseling & IPV (3)
PSY 535 Advanced Psychopathology (3)
PSY 590 Christian Perspective on Prof. Counseling (2)
PSY 598a Addictions Counseling (3)*
PSY 536 Community Mental Health Counseling (3)
PSY 580 Family Therapy I (3)
PSY 537 Career Counseling (3)
PSY 585 Family Therapy II (3)
PSY 540 Psychodiagnostics (3)
PSY 545 MFT Counseling: Child & Adolescent (3)
PSY 520 Human Communication in Group Process (3)
PSY 530 Advanced Research Methodology (3)
PSY 515 Human Sexuality (3)
PSY 534 Pre-Practicum (1)
PSY 595 Psychopharmacology (3)*
PSY 510 Human Growth and Development (3)
PSY 555 Practicum I (3)
PSY 500 Diversity Issues in Counseling Psychology (3)
PSY 570 Practicum II (3)
*Saturday hybrid courses may be taken in any semester offered.
Students may begin the M.S. in Counseling Psychology program at any time; however, the above sequences are recommended to fulfill prerequisite requirements and maintain student’s eligibility for financial aid. Any deviation from the suggested sequence may result in unmet prerequisites and/or the student’s inability to enroll in the minimum number of units required to qualify for financial aid.
CBU offers the option of pairing the M.S. in Counseling Psychology with an abbreviated, complementary version of the forensic psychology program as a certificated concentration. This concentration establishes an excellent balance between traditional counseling, theory and skills and a specialized understanding of the legal and judicial system. Students will be prepared to function as effective clinicians in a variety of professional counseling and forensic settings by completing 18 additional units.
Dr. Erica Roth, director of the M.A. in Forensic Psychology, is also available to answer questions about the concentration. Dr. Roth can be reached at 951-552-8146 or via email at
Required courses (12 units):
FPY 530- Advanced Social Psychology- 3 units (Summer)
Survey of theory, method, and research results in areas of social psychology, such
as attitude formation and change, social perception/ cognition, impression formation,
social influence, interpersonal attraction and relationships, aggression and pro-social
behavior, and group dynamics. Application in areas such as criminal behavior, legal
settings, or neurobehavioral psychology will also be included.
FPY 540- Forensic Psychology (Spring)
This course covers relevant laws and ethical issues affecting forensic psychologists
practicing in California. It is designed to instill a broad understanding of the issues/areas
within the field of forensic psychology. This broad understanding will include the
areas of psychology, law, criminal justice, and forensic mental health. Students will
be given the opportunity to gain this basic knowledge and will be expected to critically
analyze theories, policies, research, and practices within the field of forensic psychology.
FPY 595- Special Topics in Forensic Psychology- 3 units (Fall/Spring)
This course is designated to be an in-depth seminar on a selected topic within Forensic
CJS 530- Theories and Perspectives of Criminal Behavior- 3 units (Summer)
A study in the traditional and theoretical schools of criminology. Theories relating
to individual abnormality and theories relating to cultural influences are examined.
Theories of the causes of delinquency and data on delinquent behavior including gangs,
minor and major criminal actions and methods of correction are also covered.
Choose 2 courses from the following (6 units):
CJS 510- Legal Research & Reasoning- 3 units (Fall)
This course provides an introduction to legal research methods, including state and
federal reported cases, digests, annotated codes, state and federal administrative
regulations, and computerized legal research, as well as an introduction to the writing
of case briefs and memoranda. This course is also an advanced examination of aspects
of evidence acquisition, evaluation, and preservation with special consideration of
the legal context including its use in the trial process. This course is designed
to provide additional insights concerning the proper use of evidence and its admissibility.
CJS 520- Advanced Criminal Law- 3 units (Spring)
Graduate level course on the nature of criminal law; philosophical and historical
development; major definitions and concepts; classification of crime; elements of
crimes and penalties using California and federal statutes as illustrations; defenses
to criminal responsibility; criminal responsibility.
CJS 560- Criminal Investigation- 3 units (Summer)
This course will examine elements of criminal investigation, including crime scene
preservation, evidence collection and interviewing. To bring these two topics (investigation
and report writing) together, students will also be exposed to various concepts of
criminal law, search and seizure and police procedures.
FPY 510- Biological Bases of Behavior- 3 units (Fall)
This course examines the biological bases of behavior and learning through the lifespan,
including the fundamentals of neuroanatomy, brain development, neuropsychology, neurophysiology,
neurochemistry, psychopharmacology and temperament.
FPY 520- Criminal Profiling- 3 units (Spring)
This course is meant to teach graduate students the fundamentals of reconstructing
the serial offenders' motives and intent through examination of psychological evidence
left by perpetrators at crime scenes. This course incorporates a multifaceted approach
to psychological profiling utilizing criminal investigative skills, social psychological
principles, and advanced research methodology. Pre-requisites: CJS530, CJS560, FPY540,
and either FPY535 or PSY535.
Spring Start
PSY 511 Couples Counseling & IPV (3)
PSY 520 Human Communication in Group Process (3)
PSY 535 Advanced Psychopathology (3)
PSY 590 Christian Perspective on Prof. Counseling (2)
PSY 598a Addictions Counseling (3)*
PSY 501s Professional Practice Seminar I (2)
PSY 505 MFT Counseling Theory (3)
PSY 560 Professional Ethics & Law (3)
PSY 580 Family Therapy I (3)
PSY 502s Professional Practice Seminar II (2)
PSY 530 Advanced Research Methodology (3)
PSY 585 Family Therapy II (3)
PSY 598c Aging and Mental Health (2)*
PSY 515 Human Sexuality (3)
PSY 534 Pre-Practicum (1)
PSY 595 Psychopharmacology (3)*
PSY 510 Human Growth & Development (3)
PSY 540 Psychodiagnostics (3)
PSY 545 MFT Counseling: Child & Adolescent (3)
PSY 555 Practicum I (3)
PSY 500 Diversity Issues in Counseling Psychology (3)
PSY 570 Practicum II (3)
*Saturday hybrid courses may be taken in any semester offered.
Students may begin the M.S. in Counseling Psychology program at any time; however, the above sequences are recommended to fulfill prerequisite requirements and maintain student’s eligibility for financial aid. Any deviation from the suggested sequence may result in unmet prerequisites and/or the student’s inability to enroll in the minimum number of units required to qualify for financial aid.
PSY 511 Couples Counseling & IPV (3)
PSY 520 Human Communication in Group Process (3)
PSY 535 Advanced Psychopathology (3)
PSY 590 Christian Perspective on Prof. Counseling (2)
PSY 598a Addictions Counseling (3)*
PSY 501s Professional Practice Seminar I (2)
PSY 505 MFT Counseling Theory (3)
PSY 560 Professional Ethics & Law (3)
PSY 580 Family Therapy I (3)
PSY 502s Professional Practice Seminar II (2)
PSY 530 Advanced Research Methodology (3)
PSY 585 Family Therapy II (3)
PSY 515 Human Sexuality (3)
PSY 534 Pre-Practicum (1)
PSY 595 Psychopharmacology (3)*
PSY 510 Human Growth & Development (3)
PSY 540 Psychodiagnostics (3)
PSY 555 Practicum I (3)
PSY 500 Diversity Issues in Counseling Psychology (3)
PSY 570 Practicum II (3)
PSY 545 MFT Counseling: Child & Adolescent (3)
PSY 598c Aging and Mental Health (2)*
*Saturday hybrid courses may be taken in any semester offered.
Students may begin the M.S. in Counseling Psychology program at any time; however, the above sequences are recommended to fulfill prerequisite requirements and maintain student’s eligibility for financial aid. Any deviation from the suggested sequence may result in unmet prerequisites and/or the student’s inability to enroll in the minimum number of units required to qualify for financial aid.
PSY 511 Couples Counseling & IPV (3)
PSY 535 Advanced Psychopathology (3)
PSY 590 Christian Perspective on Prof. Counseling (2)
PSY 598a Addictions Counseling (3)*
PSY 501s Professional Practice Seminar I (2)
PSY 505 MFT Counseling Theory (3)
PSY 560 Professional Ethics & Law (3)
PSY 502s Professional Practice Seminar II (2)
PSY 520 Human Communication in Group Process (3)
PSY 510 Human Growth & Development (3)
PSY 580 Family Therapy I (3)
PSY 530 Advanced Research Methodology (3)
PSY 585 Family Therapy II (3)
PSY 515 Human Sexuality (3)
PSY 534 Pre-Practicum (1)
PSY 595 Psychopharmacology (3)*
PSY 540 Psychodiagnostics (3)
PSY 555 Practicum I (3)
PSY 570 Practicum II (3)
PSY 598c Aging and Mental Health (2)*
PSY 500 Diversity Issues in Counseling Psychology (3)
PSY 545 MFT Counseling: Child & Adolescent (3)
*Saturday hybrid courses may be taken in any semester offered.
Students may begin the M.S. in Counseling Psychology program at any time; however, the above sequences are recommended to fulfill prerequisite requirements and maintain student’s eligibility for financial aid. Any deviation from the suggested sequence may result in unmet prerequisites and/or the student’s inability to enroll in the minimum number of units required to qualify for financial aid.
PSY 511 Couples Counseling & IPV (3)
PSY 520 Human Communication in Group Process (3)
PSY 535 Advanced Psychopathology (3)
PSY 598c Aging and Mental Health (2)*
PSY 590 Christian Perspective on Prof. Counseling (2)
PSY 598a Addictions Counseling (3)*
PSY 501s Professional Practice Seminar I (2)
PSY 505 MFT Counseling Theory (3)
PSY 510 Human Growth & Development (3)
PSY 560 Professional Ethics & Law (3)
PSY 580 Family Therapy I (3)
PSY 502s Professional Practice Seminar II (2)
PSY 530 Advanced Research Methodology (3)
PSY 537 Career Counseling (3)
PSY 585 Family Therapy II (3)
PSY 515 Human Sexuality (3)
PSY 534 Pre-Practicum (1)
PSY 595 Psychopharmacology (3)*
PSY 536 Community Mental Health Counseling (3)
PSY 540 Psychodiagnostics (3)
PSY 545 MFT Counseling: Child & Adolescent (3)
PSY 555 Practicum I (3)
PSY 500 Diversity Issues in Counseling Psychology (3)
PSY 570 Practicum II (3)
*Saturday hybrid courses may be taken in any semester offered.
Students may begin the M.S. in Counseling Psychology program at any time; however, the above sequences are recommended to fulfill prerequisite requirements and maintain student’s eligibility for financial aid. Any deviation from the suggested sequence may result in unmet prerequisites and/or the student’s inability to enroll in the minimum number of units required to qualify for financial aid.
PSY 511 Couples Counseling & IPV (3)
PSY 520 Human Communication in Group Process (3)
PSY 535 Advanced Psychopathology (3)
PSY 590 Christian Perspective on Prof. Counseling (2)
PSY 598a Addictions Counseling (3)*
PSY 501s Professional Practice Seminar I (2)
PSY 505 MFT Counseling Theory (3)
PSY 560 Professional Ethics & Law (3)
PSY 580 Family Therapy I (3)
PSY 502s Professional Practice Seminar II (2)
PSY 530 Advanced Research Methodology (3)
PSY 537 Career Counseling (3)
PSY 585 Family Therapy II (3)
PSY 515 Human Sexuality (3)
PSY 534 Pre-Practicum (1)
PSY 595 Psychopharmacology (3)*
PSY 510 Human Growth & Development (3)
PSY 540 Psychodiagnostics (3)
PSY 555 Practicum I (3)
PSY 598c Aging and Mental Health (2)*
PSY 500 Diversity Issues in Counseling Psychology (3)
PSY 570 Practicum II (3)
PSY 536 Community Mental Health Counseling (3)
PSY 545 MFT Counseling: Child & Adolescent (3)
*Saturday hybrid courses may be taken in any semester offered.
Students may begin the M.S. in Counseling Psychology program at any time; however, the above sequences are recommended to fulfill prerequisite requirements and maintain student’s eligibility for financial aid. Any deviation from the suggested sequence may result in unmet prerequisites and/or the student’s inability to enroll in the minimum number of units required to qualify for financial aid.
PSY 511 Couples Counseling & IPV (3)
PSY 535 Advanced Psychopathology (3)
PSY 598c Aging & Mental Health (2)*
PSY 590 Christian Perspective on Prof. Counseling (2)
PSY 598a Addictions Counseling (3)*
PSY 501s Professional Practice Seminar I (2)
PSY 505 MFT Counseling Theory (3)
PSY 560 Professional Ethics & Law (3)
PSY 500 Diversity Issues in Counseling Psychology (3)
PSY 502s Professional Practice Seminar II (2)
PSY 520 Human Communication in Group Process (3)
PSY 540 Psychodiagnostics (3)
PSY 580 Family Therapy I (3)
PSY 530 Advanced Research Methodology (3)
PSY 585 Family Therapy II (3)
PSY 515 Human Sexuality (3)
PSY 534 Pre-Practicum (1)
PSY 595 Psychopharmacology (3)*
PSY 536 Community Mental Health Counseling (3)
PSY 555 Practicum I (3)
PSY 537 Career Counseling (3)
PSY 570 Practicum II (3)
PSY 510 Human Growth & Development (3)
PSY 545 MFT Counseling: Child & Adolescent (3)
*Saturday hybrid courses may be taken in any semester offered.
Students may begin the M.S. in Counseling Psychology program at any time; however, the above sequences are recommended to fulfill prerequisite requirements and maintain student’s eligibility for financial aid. Any deviation from the suggested sequence may result in unmet prerequisites and/or the student’s inability to enroll in the minimum number of units required to qualify for financial aid.
CBU offers the option of pairing the M.S. in Counseling Psychology with an abbreviated, complementary version of the forensic psychology program as a certificated concentration. This concentration establishes an excellent balance between traditional counseling, theory and skills and a specialized understanding of the legal and judicial system. Students will be prepared to function as effective clinicians in a variety of professional counseling and forensic settings by completing 18 additional units.
Dr. Erica Roth, director of the M.A. in Forensic Psychology, is also available to answer questions about the concentration. Dr. Roth can be reached at 951-552-8146 or via email at
Required courses (12 units):
FPY 530- Advanced Social Psychology- 3 units (Summer)
Survey of theory, method, and research results in areas of social psychology, such
as attitude formation and change, social perception/ cognition, impression formation,
social influence, interpersonal attraction and relationships, aggression and pro-social
behavior, and group dynamics. Application in areas such as criminal behavior, legal
settings, or neurobehavioral psychology will also be included.
FPY 540- Forensic Psychology (Spring)
This course covers relevant laws and ethical issues affecting forensic psychologists
practicing in California. It is designed to instill a broad understanding of the issues/areas
within the field of forensic psychology. This broad understanding will include the
areas of psychology, law, criminal justice, and forensic mental health. Students will
be given the opportunity to gain this basic knowledge and will be expected to critically
analyze theories, policies, research, and practices within the field of forensic psychology.
FPY 595- Special Topics in Forensic Psychology- 3 units (Fall/Spring)
This course is designated to be an in-depth seminar on a selected topic within Forensic
CJS 530- Theories and Perspectives of Criminal Behavior- 3 units (Summer)
A study in the traditional and theoretical schools of criminology. Theories relating
to individual abnormality and theories relating to cultural influences are examined.
Theories of the causes of delinquency and data on delinquent behavior including gangs,
minor and major criminal actions and methods of correction are also covered.
Choose 2 courses from the following (6 units):
CJS 510- Legal Research & Reasoning- 3 units (Fall)
This course provides an introduction to legal research methods, including state and
federal reported cases, digests, annotated codes, state and federal administrative
regulations, and computerized legal research, as well as an introduction to the writing
of case briefs and memoranda. This course is also an advanced examination of aspects
of evidence acquisition, evaluation, and preservation with special consideration of
the legal context including its use in the trial process. This course is designed
to provide additional insights concerning the proper use of evidence and its admissibility.
CJS 520- Advanced Criminal Law- 3 units (Spring)
Graduate level course on the nature of criminal law; philosophical and historical
development; major definitions and concepts; classification of crime; elements of
crimes and penalties using California and federal statutes as illustrations; defenses
to criminal responsibility; criminal responsibility.
CJS 560- Criminal Investigation- 3 units (Summer)
This course will examine elements of criminal investigation, including crime scene
preservation, evidence collection and interviewing. To bring these two topics (investigation
and report writing) together, students will also be exposed to various concepts of
criminal law, search and seizure and police procedures.
FPY 510- Biological Bases of Behavior- 3 units (Fall)
This course examines the biological bases of behavior and learning through the lifespan,
including the fundamentals of neuroanatomy, brain development, neuropsychology, neurophysiology,
neurochemistry, psychopharmacology and temperament.
FPY 520- Criminal Profiling- 3 units (Spring)
This course is meant to teach graduate students the fundamentals of reconstructing
the serial offenders' motives and intent through examination of psychological evidence
left by perpetrators at crime scenes. This course incorporates a multifaceted approach
to psychological profiling utilizing criminal investigative skills, social psychological
principles, and advanced research methodology. Pre-requisites: CJS530, CJS560, FPY540,
and either FPY535 or PSY535.
Summer Start
PSY 590 Christian Perspective on Prof. Counseling (2)
PSY 598a Addictions Counseling (3)*
PSY 501s Professional Practice Seminar I (2)
PSY 505 MFT Counseling Theory (3)
PSY 560 Professional Ethics & Law (3)
PSY 580 Family Therapy I (3)
PSY 502s Professional Practice Seminar II (2)
PSY 511 Couples Counseling & IPV (3)
PSY 535 Advanced Psychopathology (3)
PSY 585 Family Therapy II (3)
PSY 598c Aging and Mental Health (2)*
PSY 515 Human Sexuality (3)
PSY 534 Pre-Practicum (1)
PSY 595 Psychopharmacology (3)*
PSY 510 Human Growth & Development (3)
PSY 540 Psychodiagnostics (3)
PSY 545 MFT Counseling: Child & Adolescent (3)
PSY 555 Practicum I (3)
PSY 500 Diversity Issues in Counseling Psychology (3)
PSY 520 Human Communication in Group Process (3)
PSY 530 Advanced Research Methodology (3)
PSY 570 Practicum II (3)
*Saturday hybrid courses may be taken in any semester offered.
Students may begin the M.S. in Counseling Psychology program at any time; however, the above sequences are recommended to fulfill prerequisite requirements and maintain student’s eligibility for financial aid. Any deviation from the suggested sequence may result in unmet prerequisites and/or the student’s inability to enroll in the minimum number of units required to qualify for financial aid.
PSY 590 Christian Perspective on Prof. Counseling (2)
PSY 598a Addictions Counseling (3)*
PSY 501s Professional Practice Seminar I (2)
PSY 505 MFT Counseling Theory (3)
PSY 560 Professional Ethics & Law (3)
PSY 502s Professional Practice Seminar II (2)
PSY 511 Couples Counseling & IPV (3)
PSY 535 Advanced Psychopathology (3)
PSY 598c Aging and Mental Health (2)*
PSY 540 Psychodiagnostics (3)
PSY 545 MFT Counseling: Child & Adolescent (3)
PSY 580 Family Therapy I (3)
PSY 520 Human Communication in Group Process (3)
PSY 530 Advanced Research Methodology (3)
PSY 585 Family Therapy II (3)
PSY 515 Human Sexuality (3)
PSY 534 Pre-Practicum (1)
PSY 595 Psychopharmacology (3)*
PSY 510 Human Growth & Development (3)
PSY 555 Practicum I (3)
PSY 500 Diversity Issues in Counseling Psychology (3)
PSY 570 Practicum II (3)
*Saturday hybrid courses may be taken in any semester offered.
Students may begin the M.S. in Counseling Psychology program at any time; however, the above sequences are recommended to fulfill prerequisite requirements and maintain student’s eligibility for financial aid. Any deviation from the suggested sequence may result in unmet prerequisites and/or the student’s inability to enroll in the minimum number of units required to qualify for financial aid.
PSY 590 Christian Perspective on Prof. Counseling (2)
PSY 598a Addictions Counseling (3)*
PSY 501s Professional Practice Seminar I (2)
PSY 505 MFT Counseling Theory (3)
PSY 560 Professional Ethics & Law (3)
PSY 502s Professional Practice Seminar II (2)
PSY 511 Couples Counseling & IPV (3)
PSY 510 Human Growth & Development (3)
PSY 580 Family Therapy I (3)
PSY 535 Advanced Psychopathology (3)
PSY 585 Family Therapy II (3)
PSY 540 Psychodiagnostics (3)
PSY 545 MFT Counseling: Child & Adolescent (3)
PSY 520 Human Communication in Group Process (3)
PSY 530 Advanced Research Methodology (3)
PSY 515 Human Sexuality (3)
PSY 534 Pre-Practicum (1)
PSY 595 Psychopharmacology (3)*
PSY 555 Practicum I (3)
PSY 598c Aging and Mental Health (2)*
PSY 500 Diversity Issues in Counseling Psychology (3)
PSY 570 Practicum II (3)
*Saturday hybrid courses may be taken in any semester offered.
Students may begin the M.S. in Counseling Psychology program at any time; however, the above sequences are recommended to fulfill prerequisite requirements and maintain student’s eligibility for financial aid. Any deviation from the suggested sequence may result in unmet prerequisites and/or the student’s inability to enroll in the minimum number of units required to qualify for financial aid.
PSY 590 Christian Perspective on Prof. Counseling (2)
PSY 598a Addictions Counseling (3)*
PSY 501s Professional Practice Seminar I (2)
PSY 505 MFT Counseling Theory (3)
PSY 510 Human Growth & Development (3)
PSY 560 Professional Ethics & Law (3)
PSY 580 Family Therapy I (3)
PSY 502s Professional Practice Seminar II (2)
PSY 511 Couples Counseling & IPV (3)
PSY 535 Advanced Psychopathology (3)
PSY 537 Career Counseling (3)
PSY 585 Family Therapy II (3)
PSY 515 Human Sexuality (3)
PSY 534 Pre-Practicum (1)
PSY 595 Psychopharmacology (3)*
PSY 536 Community Mental Health Counseling (3)
PSY 540 Psychodiagnostics (3)
PSY 545 MFT Counseling: Child & Adolescent (3)
PSY 555 Practicum I (3)
PSY 598c Aging and Mental Health (2)*
PSY 500 Diversity Issues in Counseling Psychology (3)
PSY 520 Human Communication in Group Process (3)
PSY 530 Advanced Research Methodology (3)
PSY 570 Practicum II (3)
*Saturday hybrid courses may be taken in any semester offered.
Students may begin the M.S. in Counseling Psychology program at any time; however, the above sequences are recommended to fulfill prerequisite requirements and maintain student’s eligibility for financial aid. Any deviation from the suggested sequence may result in unmet prerequisites and/or the student’s inability to enroll in the minimum number of units required to qualify for financial aid.
PSY 590 Christian Perspective on Prof. Counseling (2)
PSY 598a Addictions Counseling (3)*
PSY 501s Professional Practice Seminar I (2)
PSY 505 MFT Counseling Theory (3)
PSY 510 Human Growth & Development (3)
PSY 560 Professional Ethics and Law (3)
PSY 502s Professional Practice Seminar II (2)
PSY 511 Couples Counseling & IPV (3)
PSY 535 Advanced Psychopathology (3)
PSY 537 Career Counseling (3)
PSY 540 Psychodiagnostics (3)
PSY 545 MFT Counseling: Child & Adolescent (3)
PSY 580 Family Therapy I (3)
PSY 520 Human Communication in Group Process (3)
PSY 530 Advanced Research Methodology (3)
PSY 585 Family Therapy II (3)
PSY 598c Aging and Mental Health (2)*
PSY 515 Human Sexuality (3)
PSY 534 Pre-Practicum (1)
PSY 595 Psychopharmacology (3)*
PSY 536 Community Mental Health Counseling (3)
PSY 555 Practicum I (3)
PSY 500 Diversity Issues in Counseling Psychology (3)
PSY 570 Practicum II (3)
*Saturday hybrid courses may be taken in any semester offered.
Students may begin the M.S. in Counseling Psychology program at any time; however, the above sequences are recommended to fulfill prerequisite requirements and maintain student’s eligibility for financial aid. Any deviation from the suggested sequence may result in unmet prerequisites and/or the student’s inability to enroll in the minimum number of units required to qualify for financial aid.
PSY 590 Christian Perspective on Prof. Counseling (2)
PSY 598a Addictions Counseling (3)*
PSY 501s Professional Practice Seminar I (2)
PSY 505 MFT Counseling Theory (3)
PSY 510 Human Growth & Development (3)
PSY 560 Professional Ethics and Law (3)
PSY 502s Professional Practice Seminar II (2)
PSY 511 Couples Counseling & IPV (3)
PSY 535 Advanced Psychopathology (3)
PSY 536 Community Mental Health Counseling (3)
PSY 580 Family Therapy I (3)
PSY537 Career Counseling (3)
PSY 585 Family Therapy II (3)
PSY 540 Psychodiagnostics (3)
PSY 545 MFT Counseling: Child & Adolescent (3)
PSY 520 Human Communication in Group Process (3)
PSY 530 Advanced Research Methodology (3)
PSY 515 Human Sexuality (3)
PSY 534 Pre-Practicum (1)
PSY 595 Psychopharmacology (3)*
PSY 555 Practicum I (3)
PSY 598c Aging and Mental Health (2)*
PSY 500 Diversity Issues in Counseling Psychology (3)
PSY 570 Practicum II (3)
*Saturday hybrid courses may be taken in any semester offered.
Students may begin the M.S. in Counseling Psychology program at any time; however, the above sequences are recommended to fulfill prerequisite requirements and maintain student’s eligibility for financial aid. Any deviation from the suggested sequence may result in unmet prerequisites and/or the student’s inability to enroll in the minimum number of units required to qualify for financial aid.
CBU offers the option of pairing the M.S. in Counseling Psychology with an abbreviated, complementary version of the forensic psychology program as a certificated concentration. This concentration establishes an excellent balance between traditional counseling, theory and skills and a specialized understanding of the legal and judicial system. Students will be prepared to function as effective clinicians in a variety of professional counseling and forensic settings by completing 18 additional units.
Dr. Erica Roth, director of the M.A. in Forensic Psychology, is also available to answer questions about the concentration. Dr. Roth can be reached at 951-552-8146 or via email at
Required courses (12 units):
FPY 530- Advanced Social Psychology- 3 units (Summer)
Survey of theory, method, and research results in areas of social psychology, such
as attitude formation and change, social perception/ cognition, impression formation,
social influence, interpersonal attraction and relationships, aggression and pro-social
behavior, and group dynamics. Application in areas such as criminal behavior, legal
settings, or neurobehavioral psychology will also be included.
FPY 540- Forensic Psychology (Spring)
This course covers relevant laws and ethical issues affecting forensic psychologists
practicing in California. It is designed to instill a broad understanding of the issues/areas
within the field of forensic psychology. This broad understanding will include the
areas of psychology, law, criminal justice, and forensic mental health. Students will
be given the opportunity to gain this basic knowledge and will be expected to critically
analyze theories, policies, research, and practices within the field of forensic psychology.
FPY 595- Special Topics in Forensic Psychology- 3 units (Fall/Spring)
This course is designated to be an in-depth seminar on a selected topic within Forensic
CJS 530- Theories and Perspectives of Criminal Behavior- 3 units (Summer)
A study in the traditional and theoretical schools of criminology. Theories relating
to individual abnormality and theories relating to cultural influences are examined.
Theories of the causes of delinquency and data on delinquent behavior including gangs,
minor and major criminal actions and methods of correction are also covered.
Choose 2 courses from the following (6 units):
CJS 510- Legal Research & Reasoning- 3 units (Fall)
This course provides an introduction to legal research methods, including state and
federal reported cases, digests, annotated codes, state and federal administrative
regulations, and computerized legal research, as well as an introduction to the writing
of case briefs and memoranda. This course is also an advanced examination of aspects
of evidence acquisition, evaluation, and preservation with special consideration of
the legal context including its use in the trial process. This course is designed
to provide additional insights concerning the proper use of evidence and its admissibility.
CJS 520- Advanced Criminal Law- 3 units (Spring)
Graduate level course on the nature of criminal law; philosophical and historical
development; major definitions and concepts; classification of crime; elements of
crimes and penalties using California and federal statutes as illustrations; defenses
to criminal responsibility; criminal responsibility.
CJS 560- Criminal Investigation- 3 units (Summer)
This course will examine elements of criminal investigation, including crime scene
preservation, evidence collection and interviewing. To bring these two topics (investigation
and report writing) together, students will also be exposed to various concepts of
criminal law, search and seizure and police procedures.
FPY 510- Biological Bases of Behavior- 3 units (Fall)
This course examines the biological bases of behavior and learning through the lifespan,
including the fundamentals of neuroanatomy, brain development, neuropsychology, neurophysiology,
neurochemistry, psychopharmacology and temperament.
FPY 520- Criminal Profiling- 3 units (Spring)
This course is meant to teach graduate students the fundamentals of reconstructing
the serial offenders' motives and intent through examination of psychological evidence
left by perpetrators at crime scenes. This course incorporates a multifaceted approach
to psychological profiling utilizing criminal investigative skills, social psychological
principles, and advanced research methodology. Pre-requisites: CJS530, CJS560, FPY540,
and either FPY535 or PSY535.