Fall and Spring Starts

Fall - Odd Years
MAT 503 Functional Analysis with Apps
MAT 513 Ordinary Differential Equations*

*Pre- or Co-Requisite: MAT 503

Fall - Even Years
MAT 553 Numerical Analysis
MAT 563 Stochastic Processes

Spring - Even Years
MAT 514 Partial Differential Equations
MAT 516 Math Biology
STA 513 Applied Statistics

Spring - Odd Years
Mat 576 Scientific Computing
Elective-MAT 525 Applied Topology**

**This is the only elective currently offered other than alternatively doing three additional research units to those already required. In addition, this will henceforth be offered in spring odd years. (The catalog will be updated.)

In addition to these courses, students must complete 3 units of MAT 590 (any fall), followed by 1 unit of MAT 598 (subsequent spring). Both MAT 590 and MAT 598 must be completed under the supervision of a faculty advisor, as approved by the department. STA 544 is not recommended.