Student Forms and Links
Academic Overload Request
Students may appeal to take more than 18 units in a given semester by submitting an Academic Overload Form to their Student Success Coach.
Students will be considered for overload if they have:
- A 3.0 cumulative GPA
- A minimum 3.0 session GPA in the preceding semester
- No outstanding incomplete course work
- Their status is sophomore, junior or senior and they are in good academic standing
Permission for overload is granted on a semester-by-semester basis. A desire to graduate early is, in itself, not sufficient reason to receive approval for academic overload. Students will pay current per unit rate for every unit above 18 units.
Alternative Chapel
The Alternative Chapel Program Application is an online application. If you have a Class Schedule Conflict, Work Schedule Conflict, Commuting Requirement, or Personal/Family Obligation, you might be eligible for the online program.
Apply for Graduation
Make sure that you check InsideCBU for Graduation Application Deadlines.
- Students should review their InsideCBU degree guide on a regular basis to evaluate progress toward graduation.
- Students should submit an application for graduation if they will complete all degree requirements by the degree posting date.
- Graduation Applications must be submitted by the application deadline. Students who do not submit their application by the deadline may not be eligible to participate in the Commencement ceremony.
- Applications received after the degree posting date will be required to apply for the next eligible degree date.
- An official graduation evaluation will be sent to your LancerMail account when your graduation application has been reviewed. If you have questions about the status of your graduation application please contact the Office of the University Registrar.
Change Major, Minor, Concentration, Catalog Year
Use this form is you want to change your major, minor, or concentration. You will also use this form if you want to keep your existing major but change your catalog year.
Credit/No Credit Request
A student may take up to twelve (12) units of coursework on a “credit/no credit” basis
in lieu of a letter grade. ENG 113, 113E, 123, and 123E (English Composition) may
not be taken on a “credit/no credit” basis, and not more than two (2) courses in general
education may be taken on a “credit/no credit” basis.
Only one course may be taken per semester on a “credit/no credit” basis. All courses
in the student’s major or minor field must be taken for a letter grade.
Students must choose this grading option during the Add/Drop Period. In order to receive
credit for work completed on a “credit/no credit” basis, the work must be equivalent
to a C- grade or better. The grade of “credit” does not affect the GPA calculations;
a grade of “no credit” has the same effect on the GPA calculation as a failing grade.
Directed/Independent Study
Directed Study is limited to those courses listed in the catalog and are part of the University’s regular curriculum. Independent Study is limited to original coursework not included in the University’s regular curriculum, and must include a course syllabus authored by the professor.
In addition to regular tuition, a per unit Directed/Independent Study fee is assessed to approved requests. Students petitioning for Directed/Independent Study must meet the following guidelines and not exceed limitations:
- Only juniors and seniors are eligible for directed/independent study.
- Only students who have a 3.0 or better grade point average are eligible for directed/independent study.
- No student may take more than a total of four units of independent study or directed study in any given semester.
- A form for directed/independent study may be obtained from Academic Advising. It must be completed with endorsement by the sponsoring faculty member and submitted to the Department Chair and University Registrar for approval.
- A maximum of nine (9) units of directed study or independent study may be applied towards degree requirements.
Post-Baccalaureate Credit Request
For anyone interested in getting a headstart on their CBU master's degree, there's a process available for seniors who agree to certain terms and who have met certain criteria.
Variance Form
This form is to be used when requesting substitution of one required class for another, or when requesting that a class meet or partially meet, a General Education area or program elective requirement.