Our Mission
In This Section
At the Collinsworth School, we have structured our programs, culture, and philosophy on a specific set of convictions:

Our Mission: That which constitutes the “win” of our organization

Our Vision: A living picture toward which we are growing

Our Values: Key principles we corporately hold significant that inform and dictate culture

Our Character: Habitually-practiced attitudes and behaviors that we teach, require, exemplify, and celebrate
The MISSION we embrace ...
... to inspire students to the highest standards of craft and character, preparing them to impact the world through careers in the performing arts.
The VISION we live ...
… a spiritually-vibrant community where top-tier academic and artistic preparation converges with intentional personal and professional development.
The VALUES we hold ...
- Craft ... expressed with artistry and excellence
- Character ... lived with distinction in culture
- Connection ... to God through worship, others through relationship, and the diversity of the human experience as expressed in the arts
The CHARACTER we teach ...
Diligence vs. Laziness
Applying my full heart, energy, and effort to my life's work
Delivery vs. Self-Excusal
Overcoming ALL obstacles to finishing ANY task with which I'm entrusted, no matter the challenge or lack of resources
Perseverance vs. Quitting
Faithfully investing in what's most important, especially prior to witnessing results
Extra-Mile Effort vs. Adequacy
Distinguishing myself by consistently going beyond what is required of me
Preparation vs. “Winging It”
Investing the necessary research and rehearsal to successfully execute in life’s performances
Responsibility vs. Abdication
Owning the duties and accountability associated with the people, tasks, and possessions placed in my care
Dependability vs. Unreliability
Earning the confidence of those around me by consistently meeting their expectations
Initiative vs. Procrastination
Taking the first step toward seizing an opportunity or meeting a need without prompting or provocation
Problem-Solving vs. Unproductivity
Utilizing my energies to offer well-researched, creative solutions to inevitable daily challenges (rather than creating drama through regurgitations of already apparent problems)
Excellence vs. Mediocrity
Executing an endeavor with superior quality
Professionalism vs. Amateurism
The consistent execution of excellence in a chosen discipline
Intentionality vs. Impulsiveness
Using pre-determined vision and long-game objectives instead of instinctual impulses to govern my daily decisions
Leadership vs. Passivity
Influencing those around me by exemplifying and championing successful behavior
Discretion vs. Foolishness
Considering my words and actions prior to their execution so as to not incur unintended consequences
Inspiration vs. Domination
Harnessing the power of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, instead of fear and guilt, to challenge people to greatness
Organization vs. Chaos
Constructing my time, activities, possessions, and responsibilities in a systematic fashion as to maximize productivity
Enthusiasm vs. Apathy
Establishing my personal commitment to an idea, cause, or endeavor with the passionate energy I give to its expression and/or execution
Clarity vs. Ambiguity
Avoiding conflict, confusion, and unproductivity by ensuring that all information and expectations are clearly understood
Teachability vs. Self-Sufficiency
Knowing that there is something I can learn from everyone I encounter and demonstrating an eagerness to do so
Self-Discipline vs. Self-Indulgence
Exercising restraint and/or effort today so I don’t have to experience regret and consequences tomorrow
Courage vs. Cowardice
Boldly embracing the frightening or unnatural for the purpose of personal growth and professional effectiveness
Creativity vs. Monotony
Employing the power of the 'new' to reflect the inspiration and glory of God
Attentiveness vs. Disinterest
Affirming the value of an individual by giving exclusive attention to their words, emotions, and personal needs
Encouragement vs. Criticism
Looking for, recognizing, and celebrating the growth and successes of those around me
Kindness vs. Rudeness
Extending attitudes of gentleness and warmth, especially in moments of interpersonal tension
Deference vs. Entitlement
Limiting my freedom as not to offend the convictions, conscience, or preferences of others
Respect vs. Disregard
Understanding the value and position of those in my life and giving honor, significance, and submission accordingly
Patience vs. Agitation
Peacefully enduring the irritations and imperfections of others
Loyalty vs. Betrayal
Supporting and protecting the vision, values, and reputation of those I love and serve
Gratitude vs. Privilege
Expressing, through attitudes and gestures, sincere thanks to those who have invested in my life
Positivity vs. Negativity
Viewing all my circumstances as opportunities for growth and exhibiting an optimistic attitude in the midst of challenge
Conviction vs. Ambivalence
Establishing personal beliefs that cannot be compromised no matter the consequences
Flexibility vs. Rigidity
A willingness to embrace unanticipated opportunities or directives even when they conflict with my preferences or plans
Integrity vs. Corruption
Guarding God’s mission for my life by living above reproach in the eyes of my community and culture
Honesty vs. Deception
Preserving the trust of others by speaking and living the truth without trickery, manipulation, or spin
Humility vs. Arrogance
Living with the understanding that my accomplishments and my potential are ultimately due to God’s gifts and others’ investments in me
Servanthood vs. Self-Serving
Consistently giving of my time, energies, and resources to meet the needs of those around me
Wisdom vs. Myopia
Understanding the optics of life through the lens of the divine
Grace vs. Accusation
Gifting to others (moment by moment) the same mercy, forgiveness, and acceptance with which Christ has gifted me
Joy vs. Hopelessness
Understanding that, through all my circumstances, God is working for my good and for His glory
Faith vs. Disbelief
Living in the reality of what God has promised even prior to witnessing its fulfillment
Love vs. Selfishness
Choosing the glory of God and the good of others over self-gratification, self-interest, and self-glory