Norene Hokett Scholarship
Beloved CBU speech and communications professor, Norene Hokett, went to be with the Lord in 2018. She served on the faculty at CBU for nearly 40 years before retiring in 2004 and was responsible for starting the Speech and Debate Team program (not just here at CBU, but throughout our region as well). In honor and memory of Professor Hokett, her daughter, Dewi Hokett, has made a very generous gift to establish the Norene P. Hokett Endowed Scholarship that will award annual scholarships to Speech Team members.
If you were impacted – directly or indirectly – by Norene Hokett’s life and legacy, prayerfully consider making a gift to this special scholarship fund.
You can make your gift in two easy ways:
1. To make a gift online, please visit calbaptist.edu/give and select "Other" under designation and
simply type: “Norene Hokett Endowed Scholarship”, then click "Add Donation."
2. If you would prefer to make a gift via check, simply make out your check as follows:
To: California Baptist University
Memo: The Norene Hokett Endowed Scholarship
Mail to:
California Baptist University
ATTN: University Advancement
8432 Magnolia Ave.
Riverside, CA 92504
Thank you for considering giving to this special fund in honor of one of our most revered faculty members.
May God bless you as you continue to live your purpose.
Curt Jarboe, CFP
Director of Development
University Advancement
951.343.8026 | cjarboe@calbaptist.edu