A minor in classics gives students the opportunity of encountering the fascinating world of ancient Greece and Rome. Studying the classics is necessarily interdisciplinary, which means that it is through language, art, philosophy, and history that one learns about the cultures that have laid the foundation for all areas of study in Western civilization.

Western history today is defined by both classical and Christian ideas. When a person studies classics at CBU, she or he does so within an explicit Christian context that provides a more complete understanding of Western identity.

An introduction to Koiné Greek emphasizing basic grammar and vocabulary preparatory for translation of the Greek New Testament.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Vera, Andres D.
09/02/2025 MWF 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM TBA


Complete one of the following courses:

Continuation of GRK 213 with beginning translation from the First Epistle of John.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Wilson, Danny K.
01/13/2025 MWF 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Park Building 104

This course is the first half of an introduction to Latin based upon ancient authors. In this course the student is introduced to basic forms, structures, vocabulary, and etymologies of Latin and its relationship to English and other modern languages.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation

Complete 12 units from the following:

This course explores the intellectual contributions of classical Greek and Roman literature by examining the meaning of these works within the historical, political, and cultural context of ancient Greco-Roman society.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Isaacs, David E.
01/13/2025 MWF 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM The Village at CBU 100

The purpose of this course is to provide students with historical knowledge of the Classical World (Greece and Rome). Special attention is additionally given to the Christian and Greco-Roman origins of Western culture.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation

The purpose of this course is to explore critically the ways in which at least two of the five areas of the Humanities (Philosophy; Literature; Art; Music; History) are impacted and interact with Classical (Greek and Roman) sports and athletics.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation

This course will lead students through a critical evaluation of the ways in which the history and culture of Greece and Rome are portrayed through popular films. Students will read primary historical literature related to the historical content of the films and will compare how these films represent history accordingly.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Brook, Eric C
01/13/2025 TTh 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Yeager Center B258

This course examines the origin of Western political, social, and legal thought in order to understand the present through the great political works of the past. It begins in ancient Greece in early democratic Athens and moves through Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. From there, the course explores classical Rome, focusing on Polybius and Cicero. Since the advent of Christianity shapes the development of medieval political thought, the political thought of St. Augustine, John of Salisbury, St. Thomas Aquinas, Marsilio of Padua, Dante, and Thomas More are discussed.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Porter, Chase Martin
09/02/2025 TTh 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM TBA