Philosophy, BA
CBU's philosophy bachelor's program challenges students to think deeply about their faith so that they can know what they believe and why they believe it. They’ll learn to recognize, analyze and engage the central issues of human existence through the context of history.
Program Intro
In CBU's philosophy program, students cover such topics as ethics, metaphysics, comparative religions and logic. They will also study apologetics which enables them to “make a defense to anyone who asks you for the reason for the hope that is in you” as instructed in 1 Peter 3:15.
Why Study Philosophy at CBU?
Caring faculty guide you through the discipline
Faculty in the philosophy program work closely with students and are always accessible. They facilitate dialogue in the classroom to model the practical outworking of philosophical engagement. In assigned texts, students are introduced to contemporary philosophical thinking against a backdrop of the entire history of Western philosophical thinking. These are discussed in light of the biblical worldview, the heart of our program.
What you learn can be applied anywhere
CBU emphasizes clear writing, critical thinking and careful reading, and these skills will enhance any career path. In that sense, a philosophy degree is one of the most practical degrees, considering how often people, on average, change jobs. The philosophy major is also the very best preparation for law school. We have alumni working in law firms, for Congress, for national publications, in business, in ministry, and other places.
What You'll Learn
- Philosophy majors should be able to demonstrate through writing, presentations, and dialogical engagement a coherent grasp of the meaning and significance of the history of philosophy, of the basic metaphysical questions, of the issues of epistemology, of the significant metaethical theories, and of the theological and philosophical importance of the philosophy of religion.
- Philosophy majors should be able to demonstrate in writing and discussion an integrated understanding of the parameters of the Christian worldview including its biblical roots, theological shape, and its impact upon the philosophical discourse.
- Philosophy majors should be able to logically analyze assumptions, identify issues, identify various methods of argumentation, critique the validity of conclusions, and understand the impact of ideas both philosophically and historically.
- Philosophy majors should demonstrate critical writing skills that exhibit growing mastery of the critical analysis of issues arising within philosophical discourse, the creative and critical construction of arguments, careful and clear writing, and reflective engagement with central implications inherent in worldview presuppositions.
- Philosophy majors should demonstrate, in the capstone reflection paper, a growing awareness of the intersection of faith and reason, of the missional character of "thinking Christianly," of individual calling and global purpose, and of the nature of service to others.
Program Details
PHI 300: Logic
A systematized study of the canons and criteria of validity in thought and its rational expression.
WLD 181: Goodness, Truth and Beauty
This class explores the concept and reality of truth, goodness, and beauty in the world as it relates to culture, the Bible, worldviews, and human flourishing.
PHI 363: Reality
This course is a study of the basic questions regarding reality as they have developed within Western philosophy.

Matt Leonard, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Office Phone: 951-552-8991
E-mail: mleonard@calbaptist.edu
Office Location: Business Building, 245

Tim Mosteller, Ph.D.
Professor of Philosophy
Office Phone: 951-343-4770
E-mail: tmostell@calbaptist.edu
Office Location: BUSB 243

Sam Welbaum, PhD
Associate Professor of Christian Ministries
Director of the Honors Program
Office Phone: 951-552-8410
E-mail: swelbaum@calbaptist.edu
Office Location: YGR 210
Career Possibilities
Graduates of CBU's philosophy program will learn skills that can be transferred to a variety of careers. Some careers listed below may require further education.
- Lawyer
- Politician
- Writer
- University Professor
- Teacher
- Journalist
- Researcher
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Next Steps
Join our community. At CBU, you’ll be challenged to become an individual whose skills, integrity, and sense of purpose glorify God and distinguish you in the world.