mt rushmore

History, BA

History shows us the paths of the greats, the triumphs and tragedies of humanity and the workings of God throughout the human timeline. 

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Program Intro

Understanding the past intelligently and biblically helps us engage the future. In CBU's bachelor degree in history, students learn from historians who are authentic Christians and excellent teachers and will develop critical thinking, strong communication and problem-solving skills to prepare them to be exceptional employees or graduate students. CBU's history bachelor's program excels in the area of faith integration and strong student mentoring.

46 Units

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3 Emphases
16 Required Major Courses

Why Study History at CBU?

Receive personalized attention

CBU's history faculty know students by name and work closely with them in the crafting of their skill as writers and researchers in the field of history from freshman year through the graduate school application process. History majors develop critical thinking, strong communication and problem-solving skills to prepare them to be exceptional employees or graduate students.

Travel to historical sites locally and abroad

CBU's history program has a strong study abroad program. Under the leadership of Professor Eric Brook, students have traveled to the United Kingdom, Greece and Italy on study tours as an enhancement of humanities and classics minors. Locally, the Clio Society (the campus History Club) has traveled to a variety of historical sites around Southern California to enhance historical learning.

What You'll Learn

Program Details

HIS 311: Minorities in America

The role of minorities in the development of America, focusing on immigration and the immigrant experience.

HIS 430: Cross and the Crescent

This course traces the history of Christian-Muslim relations over the last fourteen centuries.

HIS 490: Historiography

This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge about the history of historical writing and research.

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Mark Blincoe, Ph.D.

Professor of History

Office Phone: 951-343-4953
Office Location: The Point 125

Eric C. Brook, Ph.D.

Professor of History and Humanities

Office Phone: 951-343-4308
Office Location: The Point 124

Kenya Davis-Hayes, Ph.D.

Professor of History

Office Phone: 951-343-4370
Office Location: The Point 121

Anastasia Aguas

I hope to pursue a career of public service and run for public office. Eventually, I intend to run for the United States' Presidency. I would never attempt such a feat without a comprehensive and in depth understanding of America's history. I want to be a leader, and the best leaders learn from the past to make the best of the present and work towards an even better future.

Anastasia Aguas '18

Danae Erber

History is learning about humanity, and I find that the most useful and fascinating area to study. I like that we do more than write papers and take tests, because we also discuss and analyze historical events and motives of the people who came before us. My professors are wonderful! They are so knowledgeable and relatable, they connect history to current events and let us share what we’re thinking.

Danae Erber '21

Jakob Hartt

I love learning about the history of our country, and the influences other nations have had on how it works. The professors at CBU are easy to work with and the classes are always entertaining. In the future, I want to teach high school history classes.

Jakob Hartt '20

Career Possibilities

History majors can apply their field of study to a variety of careers. Some careers listed below may require further education.

  • Educator
  • College Professor
  • Museum Archivist
  • Company Archivist
  • Public Historian
  • Librarian
  • Legislative Analyst
  • Writer
  • Author
  • Journalist

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Join our community. At CBU, you’ll be challenged to become an individual whose skills, integrity, and sense of purpose glorify God and distinguish you in the world.