Health Science, AS
An associate's degree in health science will equip students with a knowledge of the overarching U.S. healthcare system, including its structures, incentives and ethics.
Program Intro
Students are taught the prerequisite natural science, behavioral science and communication courses necessary to apply to professional healthcare-related degree programs. Graduates are prepared for entry into many licensure-focused healthcare degree programs or for entry-level positions in the healthcare industry.
Why Study Health Science at CBU?
Gain a competitive edge
Professional schools (like medical schools or physician assistant programs) are becoming highly competitive. By having a degree in health science, students will stand out. Not only will they complete the prerequisite requirements needed but they will also have the background in health care, behavioral science and communication to be a better clinician and impact patients' lives.
A flexible degree
Whether students are interested in pursuing dental hygiene, nursing, occupational therapy assistant, physical therapy assistant, radiology technician or many other allied health professions, this degree is flexibly designed so they can achieve the required academic preparation in order to pursue their goals.
What You'll Learn
Upon completion of the AS in Health Science program, graduates will:
- Demonstrate effective communication skills, orally and in writing.
- Describe and compare the professional pathways within the health professions.
- Demonstrate the breadth of knowledge across the quantitative and scientific environments necessary to pursue further education in health programs requiring licensure.
- Demonstrate a breadth of knowledge of the social and cultural environments at the local, regional and global levels.
- Understand the impact life choices have on overall human health and apply this knowledge to maintain healthful living appropriate to the situation.
- Discover how health care provides the opportunity for workers to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus in serving the community.
Program Details
HSC 100: Introduction to the Health Science Professions
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic skills necessary for academic success in the health science majors, to review the numerous career options in the health, exercise, and allied health professions, and to explore the student’s calling and vocation.
HSC 210: Ethics in Health Care
This course provides grounding in ethical theories and principles as they relate to and impact current healthcare issues and policies. Students are introduced to a variety of frameworks for ethical decision-making and policy analysis.
BIO 173: Medical Terminology
The analysis of the Greek and Latin components of medical and biological terms with the objective of developing skills in word recognition and word building.

Robert LaChausse, Ph.D.
2023 Trustee's Distinguished Scholar Award
Office Phone: 951-552-8484
E-mail: rlachausse@calbaptist.edu
Office Location: Health Science Campus H144

Melissa Wigginton, DrPH, CHES
Professor of Health Science
Office Phone: 951-552-8537
E-mail: mwigginton@calbaptist.edu
Office Location: Health Science Campus H-138
Career Possibilities
The associate's degree in health science is your entry into the health sciences industry. Many medical assistant and technician jobs require only an associate's degree, making them great gateway paths to a career in the health care industry.
- Pre-dental
- Pre-medicine
- Pre-pharmacy
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Next Steps
Join our community. At CBU, you’ll be challenged to become an individual whose skills, integrity, and sense of purpose glorify God and distinguish you in the world.