News • February 28, 2017

Recognize Bible as authority for living, Mohler urges

Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr

Riverside, Calif. (Feb. 27, 2017) – The Bible is God’s revelation of who He is and what He requires of us, Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr told a California Baptist University chapel audience on Feb. 27.

Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, said that even though God has revealed Himself, people would rather live by their own rules than recognize the Bible as the authority for how they should live.

“We live in the day of the cult of the individual, where people believe that ‘I am the most important unit on the planet,’” Mohler said. “But the problem is, it doesn’t work. It doesn’t work in the dorm, it doesn’t work in a dating relationship, it doesn’t work in life.”

Mohler acknowledged that before submitting to the authority of the Bible, one must ask whether God exists and whether God speaks.

“It’s not just the universe outside of us that cries out the existence of God, it’s the universe inside of us,” Mohler said. “If we really do know in our hearts, in our minds that God exists, then we have to recognize the most important question in the world … what does that God then expect of us?”

If God does exist, but He does not speak, then people are doomed, Mohler said. However, He does reveal Himself. The Bible, Mohler said, is the Creator’s “user manual.”

“What we have is the Creator loving us enough, not only to create us made in His image, but to speak to us so we know we’re not alone in the cosmos and we know we’re not accidents,” Mohler said.

The Bible tells people who God is, who they are and how they can be rescued from sin, Mohler said.

“The Bible makes demands on us because it the communication of our Creator,” Mohler said. “He makes demands of us because He created us for His glory and He knows that which is good for us.”

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