Greg Laurie urges students to “choose life”
Greg Laurie urges students to “choose life”
Riverside, Calif. (Sept. 18, 2018) — “Put God first in all areas of your life and God will bless you,” Greg Laurie told a chapel audience at California Baptist University on Sept. 18.
Laurie is the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside. He is also the founder of the Harvest Crusades and an author of more than 70 books.
Reflecting on Joshua 24:15, Laurie said God gives people daily choices, such as the choice of life and death.
“You must choose life each day,” Laurie said.
It can be easy to fall into anxious thoughts about the future and worry about your studies, career and who are you going to marry, Laurie added.
“Jesus wants us to give our burdens to God…because he cares for us,” Laurie said, expounding on I Peter 5:7.
God knows our needs; we are valuable to him, and He thinks good thoughts about us constantly, Laurie told the students.
“It is OK to plan for the future, but constant worrying can be a sign that we are not trusting God,” Laurie said.
Laurie offered a multi-step approach to dealing with anxiety: humble yourself before God by seeking Him in prayer and His Word, ask for help if needed, and stay in fellowship with believers.
“God’s plans for our lives are way better than our own plan,” Laurie said. “You can commit your unknown future into the hands of a known God.”