CBU Counseling Center boosting awareness on eating disorders
Riverside, Calif. (Feb. 8, 2018) – With the National Eating Disorders Awareness Week occurring later this month (Feb. 26 – March 4), the Counseling Center at California Baptist University took time this week to raise awareness.
Staff from the Counseling Center at CBU greeted students at an information table set up at Stamps Courtyard on Feb. 7-8.
Getting help for an eating disorder starts with learning how to recognize the symptoms, said Dr. Natalie Rios, assistant director at the Counseling Center.
At the information table, students learned about symptoms of eating disorders in addition to other relevant information. Students also were encouraged to engage in a mindful eating exercise. Students wrote down their negative thoughts on paper and then threw them away—practicing a purposeful way to handle stress.
The goal for the event was to raise awareness about eating disorders and how the CBU Counseling Center helps students address this issue, Rios said.
“Eating disorders and body image concerns are prevalent among college students and continue to be on the rise,” Rios said. “The earlier a student can recognize and get help for an eating disorder, the greater the chance of recovery.”
Rios said the Counseling Center offers a safe place to address a student’s concerns.
“We want to offer ourselves as another resource, among many other incredible departments on campus, where students can share about their struggles and receive support as they strive toward healthier and purposeful lives,” Rios said.
There are times when a student knows they struggle with an eating disorder and they reach out for help, Rios said. Often though, students who have an eating disorder wonder if they even have one and if they do, they wonder if they can overcome it on their own, she added.
“The Counseling Center is a place where students can be listened to, supported, and helped as they seek out answers to these questions and more,” Rios said.
For more information on the Counseling Center click here.