CBU sending out international service teams across the globe
Riverside, Calif. (June 4, 2023) – Global Service from the office of Spiritual Life at California Baptist University is sending out teams of volunteers to serve overseas on International Service Projects.
This summer, 145 participants comprising 22 teams will serve in 16 countries. From late April to late July, teams depart from CBU traveling to countries in Asia, Europe and Africa. They will serve in various areas such as conducting English camps, trekking to remote villages, teaching conversational English, providing healthcare and assisting with children’s ministries and university ministries.
ISP provides an opportunity for a CBU student to expand their worldview and see that God can use their gifts and abilities to impact the world, said Lee Stevens, director of global service.
“Many of our teams are going to some of the least reached places in the world. CBU students are taking the gospel to people who have not yet had an opportunity to hear the best news they will ever hear,” Stevens said. “As a university committed to the Great Commission, ISP is our way of helping students step into growth as a global disciple maker.”
Prior to departure, teams gather with family and friends to pray at the Kugel, a large granite globe, in the center of the Yeager Center on CBU’s campus. The base of the Kugel is inscribed with Scripture from Matthew 28:19-20 and serves as a reminder of CBU’s commitment to the Great Commission.
Dr. Stacy Meyer, assistant professor of education, will lead a team to South Asia. At the send-off, she said the experience would push the team members out of their comfort zone. She asked for prayer to persevere and be an encouragement to each other and the workers they would meet.
“It's been on my heart that this three-week experience doesn't end when we come back,” Meyer said. “That the Lord would start working on us right now. What is He teaching us? Why does He have us on this team? What does He have for us when we return?”
Alyssa Burton, a junior marketing major, is going to southern Europe. Her team will connect with the local people and also work as camp counselors, teaching kids English and athletic skills.
“I am excited to have the opportunity to demonstrate the love of Christ to others who have not had the chance to hear the Good News,” Burton said. “I am hoping to learn about other cultures and find ways to care for those who are lost through activities that they are able to relate to, even if they may pull me out of my own comfort zone.”