CBU Nursing excellence affirmed with accreditation

Riverside, Calif. (July 17, 2023) — The College of Nursing at California Baptist University received in May a 10-year accreditation from the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education for its Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program.

“The program is incredibly effective at preparing nurses to excel in their careers,” said Dr. Lisa Bursch, associate dean for CBU’s division of graduate nursing. “It is an education guided by a theoretical perspective grounded in a Biblical worldview to students committed to compassionate service, lifelong learning and professional development.”

The accreditation comes after five months of work on a self-study report and preparing for the accreditation site visit (https://www.ccneaccreditation.org).

The DNP prepares graduates with a global perspective of healthcare needs and employs innovative, inter-professional leadership that improves health in local, national and international populations.

At the start of the program, students are paired with a DNP faculty advisor, and they develop a project proposal aimed at improving practice and/or patient outcomes. Throughout their time in the program, students complete the proposal, implement and defend it. Projects have included creating a nurse managed heart failure clinic, developing an app with resources for nurses and leaders to address compassion fatigue, and collaborating with a health agency to empower public health nurses to be prepared as first responders.

The DNP attracts students who already work in the field and want to further their education. In 2022, both the DNP completion and retention rate were 100%.

“The DNP program continues to grow, meeting the needs of our community partners,” said Dr. Karen Bradley, dean of the College of Nursing. “Because healthcare and patient care are becoming increasingly complex, nurses must be educated to the highest level to impact health outcomes and become innovative leaders of change.”

Professors in the program have years in their field of expertise. Their diversity of nursing experience adds to the quality of the program as professors share work-related case scenarios and examples in their courses.

“Maintaining accreditation demonstrates the College of Nursing’s commitment to a rigorous, quality-based program,” said Bursch.

More information about the College of Nursing is available at calbaptist.edu/college-of-nursing.

Contact CBU Marketing and Communication

Vice President for Marketing and Communication:
Angela Meluski
Email: ameluski@calbaptist.edu

8432 Magnolia Avenue
Riverside, CA 92504