CBU honors graduates at fall 2022 commencement ceremonies
Riverside, Calif. (Dec. 15, 2022) – Cheers and excitement filled the Events Center during the two fall commencement ceremonies on Dec. 14.
Family and friends celebrated as each name was called and the graduates walked across the stage. A total of 919 students were eligible to participate. Combined applications for graduation included 24 candidates for doctoral degrees, 285 for master’s degrees and 610 candidates for undergraduate degrees.
CBU administration offered congratulations to the graduates, for persevering and overcoming obstacles to achieve their goal of earning their degree. After many late nights completing homework and projects, practicing presentations and studying for tests, the students reached their target.
“Commencement is the occasion when we celebrate academic achievements,” said Dr. John Montgomery, associate vice president of student services, during the commencement address.
“Today, all the demanding work and sacrifice poured into your college years finally pays off. The goal you have been pursuing at last is at hand. You have successfully navigated the various requirements, deadlines and assessments necessary to receive your diploma.”
During their time at CBU, students are encouraged to find their purpose, Montgomery said.
“Graduates of this institution are challenged to become individuals whose skills, principles and sense of purpose glorify God and distinguish them in the workplace and in the world,” Montgomery said. “You have met that challenge by continuing to develop your knowledge and skills with integrity. Because of that, you are truly distinguished and prepared to make the most of your CBU experience.”
During the ceremony, Dr. Walter Price, chair of the California Baptist University Board of Trustees, prayed for the graduates.
“We pray that they will take with them what they learned at this Great Commission university, and that they will go out into the world wherever You may lead them and make disciples of all nations,” Price said.
Montgomery offered encouragement to the graduates as they move into the next chapter of their lives.
“May you also take with you a continuing passion for learning, the friendships made and the life lessons gained during your college years. My earnest hope and prayer is that each of you will embrace this new beginning with Lancer enthusiasm,” he said. “You are ready to move on to what lies ahead in life, no doubt better prepared than you might imagine for whatever that may be.”