CBU celebrates 2022 graduates at spring commencement ceremonies

Riverside, Calif. (May 2, 2022) – Dr. Ronald L. Ellis, president of California Baptist University, congratulated hundreds of graduating students during two commencement ceremonies held May 2.

“Each of these graduating students has arrived at this point because of a shared commitment to the challenging yet rewarding endeavor of higher education,” Ellis said. “Each one has overcome obstacles to achieve this goal. Graduates, you have faced many difficulties and yet you persevered. We congratulate each one of you.”

CBU celebrates 2022 graduates at spring commencement ceremoniesFrom May 3-4, CBU will hold three additional ceremonies to honor the 2022 graduates.

Combined applications for graduation for spring 2022 commencement ceremonies consisted of nine candidates for doctoral degrees, 661 for master’s degrees and 1,217 for undergraduate degrees for a total of 1,887 applicants.

Commencement is the time to celebrate their academic achievements, Ellis said.

“Today, all the demanding work and sacrifice poured into your college years finally pays off. The goal you have been pursuing at last is at hand. You have successfully navigated the various requirements, deadlines and assessments necessary to receive your diploma,” Ellis said.

Ellis reminded the students that CBU believes each person is created for a purpose.

“Graduates of this institution are challenged to become individuals whose skills, principles and sense of purpose glorify God and distinguish them in the workplace and in the world,” Ellis said. “You have met that challenge by continuing to develop your knowledge and skills with integrity. Because of that, you are truly distinguished and prepared to make the most of your CBU experience.”

He offered encouragement to the graduates as they prepared to leave CBU.

“May you move forward with the same resolve that has guided you to this joyful day of celebration. May your CBU experience and your CBU degree serve as solid building blocks in a sturdy foundation for all your ambitions and dreams,” Ellis said. “You are ready to move on to what lies ahead in life, no doubt better prepared than you might imagine for whatever that may be.”

Stacy Johnson, CBU Board of Trustees member, concluded the ceremony with a prayer for the graduates.

Father, we pray that our graduates are filled with your courage and strength,” Johnson said. “That they may be a light to their family, friends, neighbors, churches and employers in this unpredictable time. Send them into the world to serve you, to glorify you and to enjoy you forever, we pray.” 

Contact CBU Marketing and Communication

Vice President for Marketing and Communication:
Angela Meluski
Email: ameluski@calbaptist.edu

8432 Magnolia Avenue
Riverside, CA 92504